Office of International Affairs (OIA)
Mailing Address
Berchmans Woojung Hall Room #201
35 Baekbeom-Ro, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 04107, Korea
Fax: +82-2-705-8118
Contact Information
Inbound Exchange Program (All regions)
Mr. Dowon KIM
Tel. +82-2-705-8316 /
Outbound Exchange Program & Agreements/Partnerships
Ms. Yunjung CHOI (Latin America)
Tel. +82-2-705-7855/[email protected]
Ms. Minnie LEE (Asia, Africa, Oceania)
Tel. +82-2-705-8041/
Mr. Jason KIM (North America)
Tel. +82-2-705-7804/
Mr. Kyu Hyun LEE (Europe)
Tel. +82-2-705-8045/
General Information
Fall Semester (Semester 2 in Korea) Spring Semester (Semester 1 in Korea)
Calendar Link
Semester Dates
Early September end of December Early March end of June
Arrival Date On-campus Housing check-in: Usually 3-4 days before the start of the semester
Usually 1-2 days before the start of the semester
* Depending on the level of social distancing implemented by the local government,
the on-campus Orientation can be cancelled and switch to online format.
Academic Calendar
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Nomination Deadline May 15 November 15
Application Deadline
May 30 November 30
Nomination & Application Deadline (post COVID-19)
Sogang University only accepts nomination/application through online system. Partner institutions and
applicants (students) are not required to submit any original copies of application materials through post.
GPA Requirement
There is no minimum GPA requirement to participate in the exchange program.
However, students must meet the standards set by their home institution to study
Courses taught in English
Students are not required to submit proof of English Language Proficiency. However,
students from non-English speaking countries are highly recommended to have
English proficiency scores equivalent to or higher than TOEFL iBT 79 or IELTS 6.5.
Courses taught in Korean
Students are not required to submit proof of Korean Language proficiency. However,
it is highly recommended that students have Korean Proficiency equivalent to or
higher than TOPIK level 4 in order to take courses conducted in Korean.
Students must officially be nominated by their home institutions in order to be eligible to
apply. Each institution will be given a user ID and password for Sogang’s online nomination
Students will receive application instructions to the e-mail address registered by their home
institution upon nomination. Please make sure to register the correct e-
mail address that the
students actually use. Nominations sent by e-mail messages are not accepted. Please
formally nominate the students online.
When officially nominated by their home institutions, students will be given access to
Sogang’s application system. (Automated e-mail containing log-in information will be sent to
the student’s e-mail address registered by their home institution.)
Students can access Sogang’s application system with the user ID and password provided
in the e-mail message they receive.
Application page: (same as the nomination
Students should complete the online application form and upload the required
supplementary documents within given deadline.
Required documents:
Copy of Passport (valid until at least 6 months after the end of exchange term)
Most recent Official Academic Transcript in English
ID Photo (JPG/JPEG format, color photo taken within the last 6 months, full face without
hat, front view against white or off-white background)
On-Campus Housing Application Form (optional)
Health Report Form with official hospital stamp (this is only required for students
applying for Gonzaga Hall on-campus housing)
Health Insurance Certificate (must cover all medical costs and possible accidents during
student’s study period at Sogang. Insurance Certificate must state coverage period and
destination/territorial scope)
Students should also submit the following forms through the online application system if
they wish to apply for them.
Sogang Global Scholarship Form (Housing scholarship)
Buddy Request Form
Recommendation Letter for KAP200 (Intensive Korean program) applicants
Acceptance packages will be sent by e-mail. Students coming for the Fall semester will
receive acceptance packages around early June and for the Spring semester around early
December. Acceptance package will include the following documents that students will need
for visa application.
Certificate of Admission
Copy of Certificate of Business Registration of Sogang University
Letter of Acceptance
Nomination & Application Process
Level of Study
Both undergraduate and graduate levels, depending on student exchange agreement
Course Load per
Undergraduate: 9-15 credits (minimum-maximum)
Graduate: 3-15 credits (minimum-maximum)
In general, courses at Sogang are three-credit courses. 1 Credit hour indicates 15
classroom hours per semester.
In general, a 3-credit course is converted to 6 ECTS.
If students need to take additional credits, they can do so with a formal request
from their home university coordinator. Such requests for business students may
not be accepted.
Courses taught in
Around 20-30% of the course are taught in English.
Students can take courses across all majors with an exception to courses that are
specifically restricted to exchange students. (detailed information next page)
Undergraduate students are not allowed to take graduate courses. However,
graduate students are allowed to take both undergraduate and graduate courses.
Course Catalog
(course list)
semester: Spring semester, 2
semester: Fall semester (Korean AY system)
Please check the box next to “Courses for Exchange Students” and click “Search”.
Please note that not all courses offered in English are open to exchange students.
If a student is proficient in Korean, he may take courses conducted in Korean
language. For these courses, do not check the box “Courses for Exchange Students”.
Finalized course lists for each semester will be available about a month prior to the
beginning of the semester. If students need to sign their Learning Agreements
before the semester begins, please refer to the course lists from the past.
Course Registration
Course registration is done online, on a first-come, first-served basis. Specific dates for
course registration will be announced to students by email.
Fall semester: mid/end of July
Spring semester: mid/end of January
Transcripts will be issued about a month and a half after the end of the semester.
Digital version of academic transcript will be sent to the student’s home university.
Fall semester: early February
Spring semester: early August
Grading System
Sogang adopts a 4.3 point grading system.
Academic Information
Study Areas Offered to Exchange Students (Undergraduate Programs)
School of Humanities
and International Cultures
• Korean Language and Literature
• History
• Philosophy
• Religious Studies
• English Literature and Linguistics
• American Culture
• European Languages and Cultures
• Chinese Culture
School of Social Sciences
• Sociology
• Political Science
• Psychology
School of Economics • Economics
Sogang Business School (AACSB) • Business Administration
School of Media, Arts, and Science
• Journalism and Strategic Communication
• Media & Entertainment
Art & Technology
• Global Korean Studies
School of Natural Sciences
• Mathematics
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Life Sciences
School of Engineering
• Electronic Engineering
• Computer Science and Engineering
• Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
Interdisciplinary Programs
• Educational Culture
• Public Leadership
• Gender Studies
• PEP (Political Science, Economics and Philosophy)
• Sports Media
• Integrated Biotechnology
• Convergence Software
• Humanities Contents Convergence Software
• Sogang Startup Academy
• Development of Korea and International Cooperation Development
• East Asian Studies
• Japanese Culture
Academic Information
There is high demand in certain areas of courses, especially in the following departments: Business Administration,
Journalism, Media and Entertainment, Global Korean Studies, and Art & Technology.
Registration for these departments could be very competitive. Students must be aware that they are not guaranteed
to secure their requested courses. So it is highly advised that students be flexible with their course selections.
According to the Student Exchange Agreements, students from City University of Hong Kong and Lesley University
have priority in course selection in the Department of Art & Technology. Students from other universities may register
for these courses when there are extra spots during the online course registration.
Study Areas Offered to Exchange Students (Graduate Programs)
Graduate School (general programs)
• Korean Language and Literature
• English Language and Literature
• German Language and Literature
• French Language and Literature
• Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
• History
• Philosophy
• Religious Studies
• Sociology
• Psychology
• Mass Communications
• Political Science
• Law
• Economics
• Business Administration
• Mathematics
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Life Sciences
• Electronic Engineering
• Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
• Computer Science and Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
• Art & Technology
• Science Communication
• Gender Studies
• Southeast Asian Studies
• Biomedical Engineering
• Management of Technologies
• Global Korean Studies
Professional Graduate Schools
• Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS)
• Sogang Business School (AACSB accreditation)
• Graduate School of Media - Restricted
• Graduate School of Theology - Restricted
• Sogang Law School - Restricted
• Graduate School of MOT - Restricted
Special Graduate Schools
• Graduate School of Public Policy - Restricted
• Graduate School of Education - Restricted
• Graduate School of Economics - Restricted
• Graduate School of Mass Communication - Restricted
• Graduate School of Information and Technology - Restricted
Academic Information
Some programs in the graduate school level (marked in red) are restricted to exchange students.
Courses from the Sogang Business School (graduate level) and GSIS have a different registration system.
* Students get approval to join the courses from the lecturers in the 1
week of a semester.
The OIA offers scholarships to exchange students who wish to take Korean language
course at Sogang’s Korean Language Education Center (KLEC). The scholarship covers the
tuition fee for the Korean language course and the amount of scholarship differs
depending on the program that students choose to take.
Intensive Course (KAP200): Full scholarship is offered to exchange students.
Tuition fee is waived but
Recommendation Letter required.
* The letter must be uploaded on the application portal.
Evening Course (KGP60): No scholarship is being offered for KGP60 applicants.
Intensive Korean
Language Course
Korean Language for Academic Purposes (KAP200)
Only the students majoring or minoring in Korean Language/Korean Studies/East
Asian Studies will be allowed to register for the intensive program (KAP200).
Transcripts that students submit upon application will be used to determine the
student’s academic major/minor.
Applicants for KAP200 must submit a Recommendation Letter written by a professor
from their academic department.
Students with other academic majors may take KAP200, but they are not subject to
the scholarship offered by Sogang OIA and thus will have to pay full tuition.
Students who take KAP200 must register for at least one regular course (3 credits)
from the university to maintain their visa status as an exchange student.
Evening Korean
Language Course
Korean Language for General Purposes (KGP60)
Students are required to apply for this program directly through KLEC.
Students must register for the KAP200 course through Sogang’s online application
system when submitting their application for exchange. Students taking the KGP60
should apply directly through KLEC website.
KLEC Website
Korean Language Course
Schedule Mon-Fri (5 times a week) * 10 weeks , 200 hours
Class Size Around 12-16 students
Levels 1-6 (1 is the lowest level; beginner)
Fee Tuition waived. Textbook KRW 50,000 KRW 65,000
Credits 12 credits
Schedule Mon, Tue, Thu (3 times a week)* 10 weeks, 60 hours
Class Size Around 12-16 students
Levels 1-3 (1 is the lowest level)
Fee Tuition: KRW 760,000, textbook: KRW 50,000 KRW 65,000
Credits 3 credits
Gonzaga Hall (On-campus dormitory)
Students who wish to live on-campus must apply for housing during the online application
period. Students who apply for on-campus housing are required to submit a Health Report
Form, officially signed or stamped by a doctor. Housing is not guaranteed for all inbound
exchange students.
Room Rate
Meal Plan
There is no private kitchen in Gonzaga Hall. Instead, there are two types of meal plans that
students can choose from. Plan A offers 60% of the total number of meals and Plan B offers
85% of the total number of meals. Only breakfast and dinner are served at Gonzaga. Students
can also purchase meal vouchers time to time.
Room Type
Double room (2 students in 1 room)
Room Facilities
Single bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, bathroom with a shower, air conditioner, wireless internet
access, 220 volt outlets (bring adapter for appliances).
Students must bring their own beddings (duvets, pillows and sheets).
Office of International Affairs is working with variety of housing agents in order to offer safe
and affordable off-campus housing options. Students can refer to some of the links provided
below to search for places to stay off-campus.
1. RoomKor Sharehouse (quarantine housing also available):
2. City Campus in HBC : (more rooms available in Spring)
16 weeks (Semester only) 25 weeks (Semester + vacation)
Room 1,543,000 2,329,000
Plan A Plan B No meals Plan A Plan B No meals
512,000 651,600 - 776,000 990,000 -
Total 2,055,000 2,194,600 1,543,000 3,105,000 3,319,000 2,329,000
Prices in Korean Won (KRW)
Prices are based on the rates from 2019 Fall semester and are subject to change.
Below is an estimate of the cost of living in Korea. The actual cost can differ depending on the student’s life
style. Please note that all costs below are subject to change without prior notice.
14-day Quarantine KRW 1,400,000 to 1,700,000 depending on room type and meal choice
Housing KRW 400,000 to KRW 1,500,000 per month
Meals KRW 500,000 per month
Transportation KRW 70,000 per month
Books & Supplies KRW 150,000 in the beginning of semester
Miscellaneous KRW 150,000 per month
Estimated Cost of Living
Due to COVID-19 the dormitory generally has less tenants; the cafeteria services can pause.
Visa to Korea
Exchange students have to apply for a visa (D-2-6) prior to
their arrival in Korea. Students
need to take the documents included in their acceptance package to the local Korean
Embassy or Consulate and apply for visa.
Required documents for visa application
Certificate of Admission
Letter of Acceptance
Certificate of Business Registration of Sogang University
Additional documents may be required depending on the student’s place of residence.
Please contact the local Korean Embassy or Consulate and check the documents required
for visa application.
It is strongly recommended that students plan ahead and apply for their visa as soon as
they receive their acceptance packages. Without a valid visa, students may have to
cancel their exchange semester at Sogang University.
Alien Registration
Upon arrival, all exchange students must apply for Alien Registration. All foreigners
intending to stay in Korea for more than 90 days are subject to Alien Registration. Sogang
OIA will assist students with Alien Registration when the semester begins.
All exchange students are required to submit a copy of insurance certificate that covers
all medical costs, emergencies, and accidents during the period of their study at Sogang.
Without a valid insurance certificate, student’s enrollment at Sogang can be cancelled.
It is important that students are covered by their insurance from their arrival date to
departure date. From 2020, students staying for a year (2 semesters) will be
automatically subscribed to Korea’s national healthcare system from the 6
month of
Buddy Program
Sogang has a very active student organization called Hands Up for Gathering (HUG).
Buddies from HUG are Sogang students who help international students adjust smoothly
into the life and culture of Korea. HUG organizes different field trips, parties, Korean
language tutoring, and many cultural activities. Students can apply for the buddy
program when submitting their online application for exchange.
Additional Information
Information Regarding COVID-19
Changes in Visa
Please make sure to visit the website of your local Korean Consulate General and check
the list of required documents for student visa (D-2-
6) application. These are some of the
recent changes that have been made with some of the Korean Consulate Generals
around the World. Some Consulates may ask you to fill out the Consent Form for 14-day
Quarantine. Some will require a COVID-19 test result from designated test site.
From April 2020 onward, all international passengers (including Koreans returning from
abroad) are obliged to go through 14-day quarantine, starting from the day of arrival.
Going through self-quarantine in the on-campus dormitory is not allowed. Sogang
University is working with RoomKor” in order to provide temporary quarantine housing
for all of the inbound exchange students. Around USD 100 per night (meals included).
Testing within
3 days of entry
It is also necessary that all inbound passengers must get tested for COVID-19 within 3
days of entry. Quarantine Officer at the airport will designate the Health Center to be
visited for the COVID-19 test.