Domain Specific Semantic Validation of Annotations
Umutcan S¸im¸sek , Elias arle, Omar Holzknecht, and Dieter Fensel
STI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 21a 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
{umutcan.simsek, elias.kaerle, omar.holzknecht, dieter.fensel},
Abstract. Since its unveiling in 2011, has become the de
facto standard for publishing semantically described structured data on
the web, typically in the form of web page annotations. The increas-
ing adoption of facilitates the growth of the web of data, as
well as the development of automated agents that operate on this data. is a large heterogeneous vocabulary that covers many do-
mains. This is obviously not a bug, but a feature, since aims
to describe almost everything on the web, and the web is huge. How-
ever, the heterogeneity of may cause a side effect, which is
the challenge of picking the right classes and properties for an annota-
tion in a certain domain, as well as keeping the annotation semantically
consistent. In this work, we introduce our rule based approach and an
implementation of it for validating annotations from two as-
pects: (a) the completeness of the annotations in terms of a specified
domain, (b) the semantic consistency of the values based on pre-defined
rules. We demonstrate our approach in the tourism domain.
Keywords: rule-based systems, semantic validation,
1 Introduction
To publish structured data on the web there are a lot of collections of vocabular-
ies and ontologies that all serve a different or overlapping purpose and appear,
grow and vanish in an unpredictable manner. However, there is one initiative to
provide structured data on the web which stands out by means of community
adoption and distribution and became a de facto standard, which is
. was developed in 2011 by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and Yandex and
has been supported since by a broad community and found application on mil-
lions of websites[2]. can be included into the website’s source code
with common technologies like Microdata, RDFa or JSON-LD. The vocabulary
covers local businesses, products, events, recipes, people and much more and is
adapted and supported by the big search engine providers. This naturally makes
the vocabulary quite heterogeneous. The vocabulary is also semantically imper-
fect [9]. For instance classes may inherit properties improperly (e.g. a waterfall
arXiv:1706.06384v2 [cs.IR] 15 Sep 2017
can have a telephone number) and not formally strict, but this is rather a de-
sign decision to facilitate rapid and decentralized evolution of the vocabulary.
The side effect of this feature is that picking the right classes and properties
for a domain can be quite challenging and low quality annotations in terms of
conforming to the rules of a field (e.g. tourism) may occur.
The World Wide Web was originally designed as an internet-based hypertext
system. It contains blocks of information, the websites, which are connected via
hyperlinks to other blocks of information. Due to that simple design and the
open-to-all approach it rapidly evolved to be the biggest information network
that ever existed. The headless web
is a layer which grows on top of the Web we
know. Within this layer goods are not sold by individual producers or small retail
websites, but by a few large retail platforms like Alibaba or Amazon. Rooms are
not sold by hotels or destination marketing organizations (DMOs) but by a
hand full of huge online travel agencies (OTAs) like or Expedia.
In a not too distant future information will no longer be found on individual
websites, but gathered by the search engines and presented to the searching user
directly on the search engine website. So the web is, in the true sense of the
word, losing its head: its graphical representation. The data will be extracted
from websites and presented to the user not only by the search engines but also
by personal assistant software like Cortana, Siri, or Google Now. With this new
layer we can observe a trend towards going-out-of-use of graphical representation
and the rising necessity of structured, high quality, data. The data for services
like Cortana or Siri is going to be collected and gathered by crawlers and only
structured, machine read- and understandable data will be part of the game
at that point. In the headless web there will be no room for unstructured but
beautifully designed content. The challenge for small and medium enterprises
(SME) is to bring their data into this new layer by precise, correct and complete
semantic annotations on their websites. is the vocabulary of choice
to do that and hence SMEs need a way to produce annotations in a
correct way and a tool to validate those annotations.
This paper describes such a method to define domain specific subsets of the vocabulary with enriched semantics and also introduces the tool we
provide in order to validate the semantics of domain specific structured data
annotated with on websites. Depending on the domain, a subset
of classes and properties will be selected and a set of rules will be
defined by a domain expert - which is the foundation of the validation process.
From there on users can validate their own annotations and websites based on
the domain specific subset and the validation rules defined by the domain expert.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 compares the
described approach with related work. Section 3 describes our method which
includes a domain definition and validation approach and a tool that implements
it. Section 4 shows the approach in action and section 5 gives an outlook to future
work and concludes the paper.
2 Related Work and Motivation
While the adoption of has been increasing[8], the conformance of the annotations to the vocabulary specification is still questionable. A
large scale study on the usage of in the tourism domain [3] shows
that the vocabulary is mostly used incorrectly or missing funda-
mental properties (e.g. many hotels do not have address information in their
annotations). The issue of completeness for the annotations occurs
due to the size of the vocabulary and the lack of guidance for adopters to decide
which classes and properties to use. In addition to this issue, there is also the
semantic consistency issue (e.g. consistency between the country and the coun-
try code of a phone number) for annotations that is not possible to capture with
the prominent validation tools like the Google Structured Data Testing Tool
Given the developments about the new layer on top of the web, providing well
formed and semantically consistent structured data on the web is more important
than ever. Therefore, we propose an approach, that allows us to obtain a specific
subset of the vocabulary containing important classes and properties
for a domain and to validate the annotations based on pre-defined rules to ensure
the completeness and the semantic correctness of the data.
The related work to our approach comes mostly from the RDF validation do-
main. An approach described in [1] applies SPIN Rules for domain independent
detection of certain data quality problems namely, inconsistency (i.e. inconsis-
tent representation of the data, functional dependency and referential integrity),
comprehensibility (i.e. ambiguity of the data), heterogeneity and redundancy. An
approach [11] presented in the RDF Validation Workshop [7] proposes a simple
mechanism for declaring the properties to be used for a class and a SPARQL
based extension for defining more complex constraints. Parallel to the RDF Vali-
dation Workshop results, there have been an increased development of new RDF
validation methods. Shape Expressions (ShEx) [10] is a domain specific language
for validating and transforming RDF Data. Similar to ShEx, RDF Data Shapes
Working Group has been developing the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL)
[6] for describing and validating RDF graphs. SHACL allows us to define con-
straints targeting specific nodes in a data graph based on their type, identifier,
or a filtering SPARQL query. It is currently investigated that at what level
SHEx can be represented in SHACL, based on the identified similarities and
. The rule-based validation of RDF data is an emerging field, mostly
focused around the re-use of prominent standards like SPARQL. All of the afore-
mentioned validation approaches are somewhat compatible with SPARQL. Our
approach shows similarities with aforementioned approaches in terms of using
rules for checking consistency of the data and defining constraints over classes.
The works in [10] and [6] allow us to define ”shapes” that constraint types and
instances in terms of subset of properties and expected types for those properties
as well as nested shapes.
3 structured-data/testing-tool
We introduce the notion of ”domain” and a simple specification of it for, which adopts a similar nested definition of constraints that restricts
classes and properties in relation to other classes of which they are expected
types. The concept of selecting a subset of appears in [5], but to
the best of our knowledge, the domain selection of the editor described there is
limited to the selection of classes. We propose a different domain specification
approach including selecting a subset of properties and restricting the range of
those properties to a subset of subclasses of the range defined by
The importance of this restriction is described in Section 3.1 in more detail.
Additionally, our validator brings domain definition and semantic consistency
rules together in one holistic tool.
In order to show a concrete example of our motivation for domain specific
validation, we can consider annotation of an event. The Event class of
vocabulary contains 38 properties including the ones inherited from the Thing
class. Even though this number seems not too high, the properties whose range
is a complex type makes the annotation size unmanageable. Let us take only one
property of the Event class into account: organizer. This property can have values
in the Organization class. If a user starts to annotate an event and its organizer,
she will soon realize that the Organization class itself offers 50 properties. The
amount of properties and classes the user needs to deal with explodes as we
continue. When we define a domain, we can select a subset of properties of the
Organization class as the value of the organizer property, for instance, to only
name and url. This restriction of classes when they are the value of a certain
property will give a clear idea to the user who creates annotations.
3 Method
In this section, we explain our approach in detail and demonstrate the web based
that implements it.
Our approach consists of two main parts. First, the definition of a domain
by selecting a subset of classes and properties (Section 3.1) as well as a set of
semantic validation rules (Section 3.2). Second, the creation and validation of a annotation in terms of its completeness regarding the defined domain
and semantic consistency based on the validation rules (Section 3.3).
3.1 Domain Definition
A domain expert, who has an extensive knowledge in a certain field (e.g. tourism),
defines a domain by selecting a subset of the vocabulary, the classes
and properties, which is relevant to a certain domain. Moreover, it can be spec-
ified whether a property is required for a concept or allowed to have multiple
values. The domain definition process consists of the following steps: First, the
domain expert selects a subset of classes. Second, she specifies the
allowed properties for the selected classes, as well as whether they are optional
or allowed to have multiple values. In step three, for every property added into
the domain, she selects the expected types of the property. She continues the do-
main specification by recursively following the aforementioned steps for complex
types (e.g. If the address property of a Hotel is included to the domain and its
expected value type is PostalAddress, the same process should be applied also
for the PostalAdress class) until the domain is complete.
In order to facilitate the domain definition, we developed the Domain Defi-
nition Interface (Figure 1) as a part of our tool. The aforementioned steps can
be applied via the interface to create a domain. After the domain expert com-
pletes the domain, the tool generates a JSON file which contains the domain
Fig. 1. A screenshot from the domain definition interface. Here, a domain expert can
select a subset of properties and define restrictions on them and their expected types
A domain specification consists of classes, that contains properties whose
expected values can be in unrestricted classes (i.e. and re-
stricted classes (e.g. a class with only a subset of its properties). Every re-
stricted class is based on a The expected types of a prop-
erty can also be restricted to a certain subset of their subclasses. Being able
to restrict expected types to a subset of subclasses would be especially use-
ful for properties like, since its range is the Action
class which is the most generic action. However, for a specific domain, a certain
class may be required to have more specific actions as its potential action (e.g.
The of the class may be re-
stricted to A concrete example of a domain can be
found in Section 4.
3.2 Rule Definition
Rules are created by domain experts. In order to define a rule, the domain
expert first has to select a predefined domain or create a new one. Then she can
create the set of rules applying to the defined domain. A semantic validation
rule is a condition-action rule where an action is triggered when a condition is
satisfied. Since these rules are used for validation, the condition part of a rule
must state the condition that violates the domain requirement and the action
part should contain the action that will be taken when the condition is satisfied
(i.e. domain requirement is violated). Domain experts may use the concepts and
properties that are allowed in the domain definition (section 3.1), Boolean and
arithmetic operations as well as some predefined utility functions. In some cases,
rules might require more complex processing of the data. To achieve this, domain
experts can define their own utility function (e.g. a function that looks up for
the international country calling code for a given country). We introduce two
different type of condition-action rules: local consistency and global consistency
rules. Local consistency rules compare the value of a property with a literal value
(e.g. The floor size of a room must be greater than zero). An example of the
local consistency rule is shown in Listing 1.1.
Condition :
HotelRoom . floorSize . Quant ita tiveV alue . value <= 0
Action :
show (" Floor size of a hotel room must be greater than
zero ." , Se verity : Error )
Listing 1.1. ”An informal representation of a local consistency validation rule”
A global consistency rule is involved with multiple properties. These prop-
erties can originate from the same class or from different classes. The following
example explains the elements of a global consistency rule: A domain expert may
want to create a validation rule that checks if the international country calling
code of a telephone number is consistent with the country in the postal address.
Such an informal validation rule may look like the Listing 1.2.
Condition :
ex tra ctCou ntr yCode ( Place . telephone ) !=
getCo unt ryC ode ByC oun try
( Place . address . P ostalAd dress . a ddres sCoun tr y )
Action :
show (" The i ntern at ional country code of the phone
number of the place is not con si st ent with the
country of the address ." , S everity : Error )
Listing 1.2. ”An informal representation of a global consistency validation rule”
In the condition part, a utility function called ”extractCountryCode” takes
the value of the telephone property of a Place instance as parameter and re-
turns the international country calling code. Another utility function called ”get-
CountryCodeByCountry” takes the value of the addressCountry property of a
PostalAddress instance of the same Place instance and returns the international
country calling code for the specified country. If the comparison shows that two
values are not equal, the Action part is triggered. The predefined utility func-
tion ”show” displays the reason and the severity of the violation. Rules not only
define what is allowed or what is not, but also gives meaningful correction sug-
gestions like ”The phone number you specified does not match the mentioned
country. Is that really correct?”. These suggestions have to be defined in the
rules as well.
Figure 2 shows the first prototype of the rule designer, which is a form based
component of our tool to enable domain experts to create semantic validation
rules. Via this interface, the domain expert can create rule conditions that rep-
resent semantic inconsistencies and suitable error messages to show, in case the
violation conditions are satisfied.
3.3 Annotation and Validation
In order to guide a user who wants to create an annotation in a certain domain,
we generate an annotation editor based on a domain specification and ensure the
completeness of the annotation. An annotation is valid in terms of completeness
if it contains all required properties, none of the unspecified properties, and
correct expected types for the properties defined in the domain and used in the
The annotation then can be validated for semantic consistency. The vali-
dation process iterates over all the rules defined and saves the result of the
validation against each rule in a list to be presented to the user. Similar to the
definition of the rules, we distinguish between local and global consistency rules.
Local consistency rules consider the value of only one property, global consis-
tency rules consider the values of several properties, check complex relations
between various properties, and can go over several rules.
Figure 3 depicts the validation interface of our tool, which is used by the
user for validation of an annotation. This interface can validate an annotation
Fig. 2. Prototypical interface of the Rule Designer
for both completeness and semantic consistency.
The validator first ensures the
syntactic correctness of the entries. Then it validates the completeness of the
annotation. If the annotation conforms the domain specification, the validator
iterates over the rules defined in the rule set and warns the user if there is any
semantic inconsistency within the annotation.
4 Use Case: Annotation of a Lodging Business
In order to demonstrate our approach and implementation, we created the do-
main represented in Figure 4 and semantic validation rule in Listing 1.2 via the
domain definition interface and rule designer depicted in Figure 2.
In our scenario, a user wants to validate the annotation for Moosleite in
Mayrhofen (Listing 1.3) against the domain specification and semantic validation
For the annotations that are created via the editor based on the domain specification,
only the semantic consistency validation applies.
Fig. 3. Validation interface
rule. When the user enters the domain specification and rule set to the validator
and then validates the annotation, she receives a completeness error. This is
because the domain requires the currenciesAccepted property but the annotation
does not have it.
After the addition of the missing required property to the annotation, the
rule-based validation takes place. The semantic validation rule validates whether
the country code of the phone number is consistent with the country of the
address. Since this is not the case, the user receives the ”The international
country code of the phone number of the place is not consistent with the country
of the address.” error message defined in the action part of the rule in Listing
1.2. When the country code of the telephone number is also corrected, the user
receives the confirmation that the annotation is valid.
Fig. 4. A domain definition for lodging businesses
" @context ": " http :// schema . org ",
" @type ": " Lo dging Busin ess " ,
" url ": [
" http :// www . tiscover . com / m oo sl ei te " ,
" http :// maps . ma yr ho fe n . at /? for eignR esour ce = E33CFC29
-050 E -43 D7 -9 BB3 - EA937D3 3FCA4 "
" address ": {
" @type ": " P ostal Address " ,
" po st alCode ": "6290" ,
" streetA ddress ": " Neu - Bu rg st al l 318" ,
" addre ss Count ry ": " AT ",
" telephone ": "+42 5285 62894" ,
" email ": " eberl . fri ed l@tirol . com ",
" faxNumber ": "0043 5285 62064" ,
" url ": " http :// www . tiscover . com / mo os le it e "
" name ": " M oo sl ei te " ,
" de scription ": " Our house is situated approx .
1.5 km from Mayrhofen , at the edge of the
forest and enjoying wo nd er fu l panoramic
views ." ,
" geo ": {
" @type ": " Ge oCoor dinates ",
" latitude ": "47.186274633 59 78 " ,
" longitude ": "11 .8581 855 29708 9"
Listing 1.3. An example annotation of Moosleite Hotel Mayrhofen. The country
code of the phone number does not match the country of the address and the
currenciesAccepted property is missing.
5 Conclusion and Future Work
The web we know is changing and the only way to remain visible on the new
layer of the web is providing semantically described structured data.
is helping us to achieve this goal since 2011 as the de facto standard for describing
things on the web.
We acknowledge that adopts ”some data better than no data”
motto and its data model is imperfect by its nature
. However, it is still im-
portant to publish high quality structured data that conforms to the
vocabulary. We aim to help users for achieving this goal with our domain specific
validation approach. In this paper, we introduced a domain specific approach to
validate annotations. Our approach allows domain experts to spec-
ify a domain based on a subset of vocabulary as well as validation
rules for semantic consistency. We showed the web based implementation of our
approach alongside a use case in the tourism area.
For the future work we will follow the works of different groups, especially the
RDF Data Shapes Working Group, to find out possible alignments between our
approaches. For instance, development in the SHACL shows promising results
and can be utilized for the later implementation of our approach.
Moreover, we are in the processes of advancing the tool that implements our
approach while including the development of more sophisticated rule designer
and validator. We will test our tool in a larger scale in tourism domain within
the next months.
Our approach currently does not consider multi-typed entities, which are
encouraged by the initiative. For instance, the hotel ex-
tension [4] suggests that a lodging business should define their rooms as both and in order to conform spec-
ifications. We will investigate how we can adopt the multi-typed entity notion
in the future work.
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