1. Introduction
Often materials are subject to forces (loads) when they are used. Mechanical
engineers calculate those forces and material scientists how materials deform
(elongate, compress, twist) or break as a function of applied load, time,
temperature, and other conditions.
Materials scientists learn about these mechanical properties by testing materials.
Results from the tests depend on the size and shape of material to be tested
(specimen), how it is held, and the way of performing the test. That is why we use
common procedures, or standards.
The engineering tension test is widely used to provide basic design information on
the strength of materials and as an acceptance test for the specification of
materials. In the tension test a specimen is subjected to a continually increasing
uniaxial tensile force while simultaneous observations are made of the elongation
of the specimen. The parameters, which are used to describe the stress-strain curve
of a metal, are the tensile strength, yield strength or yield point, percent elongation,
and reduction of area. The first two are strength parameters; the last two indicate
In the tension test a specimen is subjected to a continually increasing uniaxial
tensile force while simultaneous observations are made of the elongation of the
specimen. An engineering stress-strain curve is constructed from the load
elongation measurements.
The tensile test is probably the simplest and most widely used test to characterize
the mechanical properties of a material. The test is performed using a loading
apparatus such as the Tinius Olsen machine. The capacity of this machine is
10,000 pounds (tension and compression). The specimen of a given material (i.e.
steel, aluminum, cast iron) takes a cylindrical shape that is 2.0 in. long and 0.5 in.
in diameter in its undeformed (with no permanent strain or residual stress), or
original shape.
The results from the tensile test have direct design implications. Many common
engineering structural components are designed to perform under tension. The
truss is probably the most common example of a structure whose members are
designed to be in tension (and compression).
2. Concepts of Stress and Strain
Stress can be defined by ratio of the perpindicular force applied to a specimen
divided by its original cross sectional area, formally called engineering stress
To compare specimens of different sizes, the load is calculated per unit area, also
called normalization to the area. Force divided by area is called stress. In tension
and compression tests, the relevant area is that perpendicular to the force. In shear
or torsion tests, the area is perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The stress is
obtained by dividing the load (F) by the original area of the cross section of the
specimen (A
The unit is the Megapascal = 10
There is a change in dimensions, or deformation elongation, L as a result of a
tensile or compressive stress. To enable comparison with specimens of different
length, the elongation is also normalized, this time to the length l
. This is called
strain. So, Strain is the ratio of change in length due to deformation to the original
length of the specimen, formally called engineering strain. strain is unitless, but
often units of m/m (or mm/mm) are used
The strain used for the engineering stress-strain curve is the average linear strain,
which is obtained by dividing the elongation of the gage length of the specimen,
by its original length.
Since both the stress and the strain are obtained by dividing the load and
elongation by constant factors, the load-elongation curve will have the same shape
as the engineering stress-strain curve. The two curves are frequently used
The shape and magnitude of the stress-strain curve of a metal will depend on its
composition, heat treatment, prior history of plastic deformation, and the strain
rate, temperature, and state of stress imposed during the testing. The parameters
used to to describe stress-strain curve are tensile strength, yield strength or yield
point, percent elongation, and reduction of area. The first two are strength
parameters; the last two indicate ductility.
The general shape of the engineering stress-strain curve requires further
explanation. In the elastic region stress is linearly proportional to strain. When the
load exceeds a value corresponding to the yield strength, the specimen undergoes
gross plastic deformation. It is permanently deformed if the load is released to
zero. The stress to produce continued plastic deformation increases with increasing
plastic strain, i.e., the metal strain-hardens. The volume of the specimen remains
constant during plastic deformation, A·L = A
and as the specimen elongates, it
decreases uniformly along the gage length in cross-sectional area.
Initially the strain hardening more than compensates for this decrease in area and
the engineering stress (proportional to load P) continues to rise with increasing
strain. Eventually a point is reached where the decrease in specimen cross-
sectional area is greater than the increase in deformation load arising from strain
hardening. This condition will be reached first at some point in the specimen that is
slightly weaker than the rest. All further plastic deformation is concentrated in this
region, and the specimen begins to neck or thin down locally. Because the cross-
sectional area now is decreasing far more rapidly than strain hardening increases
the deformation load, the actual load required to deform the specimen falls off and
the engineering stress likewise continues to decrease until
fracture occurs.
Tensile and compressional stress can be defined in terms of forces applied to a
uniform rod.
Shear stress is defined in terms of a couple that tends to deform a joining
A typical stress-strain curve showing the linear region, necking and eventual break.
Shear strain is defined as the tangent of the angle theta, and, in essence, determines
to what extent the plane was displaced. In this case, the force is applied as a couple
(that is, not along the same line), tending to shear off the solid object that separates
the force arms.
where ,
Dx = deformation in m
l = width of a sample in m
In this case, the force is applied as a couple (that is, not along the same line),
tending to shear off the solid object that separates the force arms. In this case, the
stress is again The strain in this case is denned as the fractional change in
dimension of the sheared member.
3. Stress—Strain Behavior
3.1. Hooke’s Law
o for materials stressed in tension, at relatively low levels, stress and
strain are proportional through:
o constant E is known as the modulus of elasticity, or Young’s modulus.
Measured in MPa and can range in values from ~4.5x104 -
40x107 MPa
The engineering stress strain graph shows that the relationship between stress and
strain is linear over some range of stress. If the stress is kept within the linear
region, the material is essentially elastic in that if the stress is removed, the
deformation is also gone. But if the elastic limit is exceeded, permanent
deformation results. The material may begin to "neck" at some location and finally
break. Within the linear region, a specific type of material will always follow the
same curves despite different physical dimensions. Thus, it can say that the
linearity and slope are a constant of the type of material only. In tensile and
compressional stress, this constant is called the modulus of elasticity or Young's
modulus (E).
where stress = F/A in N/m
strain = Dl/l unitless
E = Modulus of elasticity in N/m
The modulus of elasticity has units of stress, that is, N/m
. The following table
gives the modulus of elasticity for several materials. In an exactly similar fashion,
the shear modulus is defined for shear stress-strain as modulus of elasticity.
3.2 Sress-strain curve
Material Modulus (N/m
6.89 x 10
11.73 X 10'° 20.70 X 10
2.1 x 10
The stress-strain curve characterizes the behavior of the material tested. It is most
often plotted using engineering stress and strain measures, because the reference
length and cross-sectional area are easily measured. Stress-strain curves generated
from tensile test results help engineers gain insight into the constitutive
relationship between stress and strain for a particular material. The constitutive
relationship can be thought of as providing an answer to the following question:
Given a strain history for a specimen, what is the state of stress? As we shall see,
even for the simplest of materials, this relationship can be very complicated.
In addition to providing quantitative information that is useful for the constitutive
relationship, the stress-strain curve can also be used to qualitatively describe and
classify the material. Typical regions that can be observed in a stress-strain curve
1. Elastic region
2. Yielding
3. Strain Hardening
4. Necking and Failure
A stress-strain curve with each region identified is shown below. The curve has
been sketched using the assumption that the strain in the specimen is
monotonically increasing - no unloading occurs. It should also be emphasized that
a lot of variation from what's shown is possible with real materials, and each of the
above regions will not always be so clearly delineated. It should be emphasized
that the extent of each region in stress-strain space is material dependent, and that
not all materials exhibit all of the above regions.
A stress-strain curve is a graph derived from measuring load (stress - σ) versus
extension (strain - ε) for a sample of a material. The nature of the curve varies from
material to material. The following diagrams illustrate the stress-strain behaviour
of typical materials in terms of the engineering stress and engineering strain where
the stress and strain are calculated based on the original dimensions of the sample
and not the instantaneous values. In each case the samples are loaded in tension
although in many cases similar behaviour is observed in compression.
Various regions and points on the stress-strain curve.
Stress vs. Strain curve for mild steel steel (Ductile material).
Reference numbers are:
1- Ultimate strength 2- Yeild Strength 3- Ruputure
4- Strain hardenining region 5- Necking region
3.3. Brittle and Ductile Behavior
The behavior of materials can be broadly classified into two categories; brittle and
ductile. Steel and aluminum usually fall in the class of ductile materials. Glass,
ceramics, plain concrete and cast iron fall in the class of brittle materials. The two
categories can be distinguished by comparing the stress-strain curves, such as the
ones shown in Figure.
Ductile and brittle material behavior
The material response for ductile and brittle materials are exhibited by both
qualitative and quantitative differences in their respective stress-strain curves.
Ductile materials will withstand large strains before the specimen ruptures; brittle
materials fracture at much lower strains. The yielding region for ductile materials
often takes up the majority of the stress-strain curve, whereas for brittle materials it
is nearly nonexistent. Brittle materials often have relatively large Young's moduli
and ultimate stresses in comparison to ductile materials.
These differences are a major consideration for design. Ductile materials exhibit
large strains and yielding before they fail. On the contrary, brittle materials fail
suddenly and without much warning. Thus ductile materials such as steel are a
natural choice for structural members in buildings as we desire considerable
warning to be provided before a building fails. The energy absorbed (per unit
volume) in the tensile test is simply the area under the stress strain curve. Clearly,
by comparing the curves in Figure. , It can be observed that ductile materials are
capable of absorbing much larger quantities of energy before failure.
Finally, it should be emphasized that not all materials can be easily classified as
either ductile or brittle. Material response also depends on the operating
environment; many ductile materials become brittle as the temperature is
decreased. With advances in metallurgy and composite technology, other materials
are advanced combinations of ductile and brittle constituents.
Often in structural design, structural members are designed to be in service below
the yield stress. The reason being that once the load exceeds the yield limit, the
structural members will exhibit large deformations (imagine for instance a roof
sagging) that are undesirable. Thus materials with larger yield strength are
After work hardening, the stress-strain curve of a mild steel (left) resembles
that of high-strength steel (right).
We will for now concentrate on steel, a commonly used structural material. Mild
steels have a yield strength somewhere between 240 and 360 N/mm
. When work-
hardened, the yield strength of this steel increases. Work hardening is the process
of loading mild steel beyond its yield point and unloading as shown in Figure.
When the material is loaded again, the linear elastic behavior now extends up to
point A as shown. The negative aspect of work hardening is some loss in ductility
of the material. It is noteworthy that mild steel is usually recycled. Because of this,
the yield strength may be a little higher than expected for the mild steel specimens
tested in the laboratory.
Often in structural design, structural members are designed to be in service below
the yield stress. The reason being that once the load exceeds the yield limit, the
structural members will exhibit large deformations (imagine for instance a roof
sagging) that are undesirable. Thus materials with larger yield strength are
Generally, the stress strain distribution varies from a material to another and could
be in different forms as follows. Consequently, the type of material and fracture
pattern can be defined and determined according to its stress-strain distribution
Various stress-strain diagrhams for different engineerin materials
3.5. Yield strength
The yield point, is defined in engineering and materials science as the stress at
which a material begins to plastically deform. Prior to the yield point the material
will deform elastically and will return to its original shape when the applied stress
is removed. Once the yield point is passed some fraction of the deformation will be
permanent and non-reversible. Knowledge of the yield point is vital when
designing a component since it generally represents an upper limit to the load that
can be applied. It is also important for the control of many materials production
techniques such as forging, rolling, or pressing.
In structural engineering, yield is the permanent plastic deformation of a structural
member under stress. This is a soft failure mode which does not normally cause
catastrophic failure unless it accelerates buckling.
It is often difficult to precisely define yield due to the wide variety of stress-strain
behaviours exhibited by real materials. In addition there are several possible ways
to define the yield point in a given material.
Yeild occurs when dislocations first begin to move. Given that dislocations begin
to move at very low stresses, and the difficulty in detecting such movement, this
definition is rarely used.
Elastic Limit - The lowest stress at which permanent deformation can be
measured. This requires a complex iteractive load-unload procedure and is
critically dependent on the accuracy of the equipment and the skill of the operator.
Proportional Limit - The point at which the stress-strain curve becomes non-
linear. In most metallic materials the elastic limit and proportional limit are
essentially the same.
Offset Yield Point (proof stress) - Due to the lack of a clear border between the
elastic and plastic regions in many materials, the yield point is often defined as the
stress at some arbitrary plastic strain (typically 0.2%). This is determined by the
intersection of a line offset from the linear region by the required strain. In some
materials there is essentially no linear region and so a certain value of plastic strain
is defined instead. Although somewhat arbitrary this method does allow for a
consistent comparison of materials and is the most common.
Yield point.
If the stress is too large, the strain deviates from being proportional to the stress.
The point at which this happens is the yield point because there the material yields,
deforming permanently (plastically).
Yield stress. Hooke's law is not valid beyond the yield point. The stress at the
yield point is called yield stress, and is an important measure of the mechanical
properties of materials. In practice, the yield stress is chosen as that causing a
permanent strain of 0.002, which called as proof stresss. The yield stress measures
the resistance to plastic deformation.
The yield strength is the stress required to produce a small-specified amount of
plastic deformation. The usual definition of this property is the offset yield
strength determined by the stress corresponding to the intersection of the stress-
strain curve and a line parallel to the elastic part of the curve offset by a specified
strain. In the United States the offset is usually specified as a strain of 0.2 or 0.1
percent (e = 0.002 or 0.001).
A good way of looking at offset yield strength is that after a specimen has been
loaded to its 0.2 percent offset yield strength and then unloaded it will be 0.2
percent longer than before the test. The offset yield strength is often referred to in
Great Britain as the proof stress, where offset values are either 0.1 or 0.5 percent.
The yield strength obtained by an offset method is commonly used for design and
specification purposes because it avoids the practical difficulties of measuring the
elastic limit or proportional limit.
Determination of proof stress
Some materials have essentially no linear portion to their stress-strain curve, for
example, soft copper or gray cast iron. For these materials the offset method cannot
be used and the usual practice is to define the yield strength as the stress to produce
some total strain, for example, e = 0.005.
Determination of Yield Strength in Ductile Materials
In many materials, the yield stress is not very well defined and for this reason a
standard has been developed to determine its value. The standard procedure is to
project a line parallel to the initial elastic region starting at 0.002 strain. The 0.002
strain point is often referred to as the offset strain point. The intersection of
this new line with the stress-strain curve then defines the yield strength as shown in
Figure .
4. Elastic Properties of Materials
When the stress is removed, the material returns to the dimension it had before the
load was applied. Valid for small strains (except the case of rubbers).
Deformation is reversible, non permanent
Materials subject to tension shrink laterally. Those subject to compression, bulge.
The ratio of lateral and axial strains is called the Poisson's ratio.
When a material is placed under a tensile stress, an accompanying strain is created
in the same direction.
Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of the lateral to axial strains.
The elastic modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio are related by E = 2G(1+ ν)
Theoretically, isotropic materials will have a value for Poisson’s ratio of
The maximum value of ν is 0.5
Most metals exhibit values between 0.25 and 0.35
9. Plastic deformation.
When the stress is removed, the material does not return to its previous dimension
but there is a permanent, irreversible deformation.
For metallic materials, elastic deformation only occurs to strains of about
0.005. After this point, plastic (non-recoverable) deformation occurs, and
Hooke’s Law is no longer valid.
On an atomic level, plastic deformation is caused by slip, where atomic bonds are
broken by dislocation motion, and new bonds are formed.
5. Anelasticity
Here the behavior is elastic but not the stress-strain curve is not immediately
reversible. It takes a while for the strain to return to zero. The effect is normally
small for metals but can be significant for polymers.
6. Tensile strength.
When stress continues in the plastic regime, the stress-strain passes through a
maximum, called the tensile strength (s
) , and then falls as the material starts to
develop a neck and it finally breaks at the fracture point.
Note that it is called strength, not stress, but the units are the same, MPa.
For structural applications, the yield stress is usually a more important property
than the tensile strength, since once the it is passed, the structure has deformed
beyond acceptable limits.
The tensile strength, or ultimate tensile strength (UTS), is the maximum load
divided by the original cross-sectional area of the specimen.
The tensile strength is the value most often quoted from the results of a tension
test; yet in reality it is a value of little fundamental significance with regard to the
strength of a metal. For ductile metals the tensile strength should be regarded as a
measure of the maximum load, which a metal can withstand under the very
restrictive conditions of uniaxial loading. It will be shown that this value bears
little relation to the useful strength of the metal under the more complex conditions
of stress, which are usually encountered.
For many years it was customary to base the strength of members on the tensile
strength, suitably reduced by a factor of safety. The current trend is to the more
rational approach of basing the static design of ductile metals on the yield strength.
However, because of the long practice of using the tensile strength to determine the
strength of materials, it has become a very familiar property, and as such it is a
very useful identification of a material in the same sense that the chemical
composition serves to identify a metal or alloy.
Further, because the tensile strength is easy to determine and is a quite
reproducible property, it is useful for the purposes of specifications and for quality
control of a product. Extensive empirical correlations between tensile strength and
properties such as hardness and fatigue strength are often quite useful. For brittle
materials, the tensile strength is a valid criterion for design.
7. Ductility
The ability to deform before braking. It is the opposite of brittleness. Ductility can
be given either as percent maximum elongation e
or maximum area reduction.
At our present degree of understanding, ductility is a qualitative, subjective
property of a material. In general, measurements of ductility are of interest in three
1. To indicate the extent to which a metal can be deformed without fracture in
metal working operations such as rolling and extrusion.
2. To indicate to the designer, in a general way, the ability of the metal to flow
plastically before fracture. A high ductility indicates that the material is
"forgiving" and likely to deform locally without fracture should the designer
err in the stress calculation or the prediction of severe loads.
3. To serve as an indicator of changes in impurity level or processing
conditions. Ductility measurements may be specified to assess material
quality even though no direct relationship exists between the ductility
measurement and performance in service.
The conventional measures of ductility that are obtained from the tension test are
the engineering strain at fracture ef (usually called the elongation) and the
reduction of area at fracture q. Both of these properties are obtained after fracture
by putting the specimen back together and taking measurements of L
and A
Because an appreciable fraction of the plastic deformation will be concentrated in
the necked region of the tension specimen, the value of e
will depend on the gage
length L
over which the measurement was taken. The smaller the gage length the
greater will be the contribution to the overall elongation from the necked region
and the higher will be the value of e
. Therefore, when reporting values of
percentage elongation, the gage length L
always should be given.
The reduction of area does not suffer from this difficulty. Reduction of area values
can be converted into an equivalent zero-gage-length elongation e
. From the
constancy of volume relationship for plastic deformation A*L = A
, we obtain
This represents the elongation based on a very short gage length near the fracture.
Another way to avoid the complication from necking is to base the percentage
elongation on the uniform strain out to the point at which necking begins. The
uniform elongation e
correlates well with stretch-forming operations. Since the
engineering stress-strain curve often is quite flat in the vicinity of necking, it may
be difficult to establish the strain at maximum load without ambiguity. In this case
the method suggested by Nelson and Winlock is useful.
8. Resilience
The resilience of the material is the triangular area underneath the elastic region of
the curve. Resilience generally means the ability to recover from (or to resist being
affected by) some shock, insult, or disturbance. However, it is used quite
differently in different fields.
In physics and engineering, resilience is defined as the capacity of a material to
absorb energy when it is deformed elastically and then, upon unloading to have
this energy recovered. In other words, it is the maximum energy per volume that
can be elastically stored. It is represented by the area under the curve in the elastic
region in the Stress-Strain diagram.
Modulus of Resilience, U
, can be calculated using the following formula:
where σ is yield stress, E is Young's modulus, and ε is strain.
The ability of a material to absorb energy when deformed elastically and to return
it when unloaded is called resilience. This is usually measured by the modulus of
resilience, which is the strain energy per unit volume required to stress the material
from, zero stress to the yield stress.
The ability of a material to absorb energy when deformed elastically and to return
it when unloaded is called resilience. This is usually measured by the modulus of
resilience, which is the strain energy per unit volume required to stress the
material from, zero stress to the yield stress s. The strain energy per unit volume
for uniaxial tension is
Table 1 gives some values of modulus of resilience for different materials.
Table 1. Modulus of resilience for various materials
Material E, psi s
, psi
Modulus of resilience,
Medium-carbon steel
45000 33,7
High-carbon spring steel
18000 17,0
4000 5,3
150 300 300
Acrylic polymer
2000 4,0
9. Toughness
The area underneath the stress-strain curve is the toughness of the material- i.e. the
energy the material can absorb prior to rupture.. It also can be defined as the
resistance of a material to crack propogation.
In materials science and metallurgy, toughness is the resistance to fracture of a
material when stressed. It is defined as the amount of energy that a material can
absorb before rupturing, and can be found by finding the area (i.e., by taking the
integral) underneath the stress-strain curve.
The ability of a metal to deform plastically and to absorb energy in the process
before fracture is termed toughness. The emphasis of this definition should be
placed on the ability to absorb energy before fracture. Recall that ductility is a
measure of how much something deforms plastically before fracture, but just
because a material is ductile does not make it tough. The key to toughness is a
good combination of strength and ductility. A material with high strength and high
ductility will have more toughness than a material with low strength and high
ductility. Therefore, one way to measure toughness is by calculating the area under
the stress strain curve from a tensile test. This value is simply called “material
toughness” and it has units of energy per volume. Material toughness equates to a
slow absorption of energy by the material.
The toughness of a material is its ability to absorb energy in the plastic range. The
ability to withstand occasional, stresses above the yield stress without fracturing is
particularly desirable in parts such as freight-car couplings, gears, chains, and
crane hooks. Toughness is a commonly used concept, which is difficult to pin
down and define. One way of looking at toughness is to consider that it is the total
area under the stress-strain curve. This area is an indication of the amount of work
per unit volume, which can be done, on the material without causing it to rupture.
The following Figure shows the stress-strain curves for high- and low-toughness
materials. The high-carbon spring steel has a higher yield strength and tensile
strength than the medium-carbon structural steel. However, the structural steel is
more ductile and has a greater total elongation. The total area under the stresstrain
curve is greater for the structural steel, and therefore it is a tougher material. This
illustrates that toughness is a parameter that comprises both strength and ductility.
The crosshatched regions in Figure indicate the modulus of resilience for each
steel. Because of its higher yield strength, the spring steel has the greater
Several mathematical approximations for the area under the stress-strain curve
have been suggested. For ductile metals that have a stress-strain curve like that of
the structural steel, the area under the curve can be approximated by either of the
following equations:
For brittle materials the stress-strain curve is sometimes assumed to be a parabola,
and the area under the curve is given by
All these relations are only approximations to the area under the stress-strain
curves. Further, the curves do not represent the true behavior in the plastic range,
since they are all based on the original area of the specimen.
Comparison between resilience and toughness of metals
9.1. Impact Toughness
Three of the toughness properties that will be discussed in more detail are 1)
impact toughness, 2) notch toughness and 3) fracture toughness.
The impact toughness (AKA Impact strength) of a material can be determined with
a Charpy or Izod test. These tests are named after their inventors and were
developed in the early 1900’s before fracture mechanics theory was available.
Impact properties are not directly used in fracture mechanics calculations, but the
economical impact tests continue to be used as a quality control method to assess
notch sensitivity and for comparing the relative
toughness of
engineering materials.
The two tests use different specimens and methods of holding the specimens, but
both tests make use of a pendulum-testing machine. For both tests, the specimen is
broken by a single overload event due to the impact of the pendulum. A stop
pointer is used to record how far the pendulum swings back up after fracturing the
specimen. The impact toughness of a metal is determined by measuring the energy
absorbed in the fracture of the specimen. This is simply obtained by noting the
height at which the pendulum is released and the height to which the pendulum
swings after it has struck the specimen . The height of the pendulum times the
weight of the pendulum produces the potential energy and the difference in
potential energy of the pendulum at the start and the end of the test is equal to the
absorbed energy.
Since toughness is greatly affected by temperature, a Charpy or Izod test is often
repeated numerous times with each specimen tested at a different temperature. This
produces a graph of impact toughness for the material as a function of temperature.
An impact toughness versus temperature graph for a steel is shown in the image. It
can be seen that at low temperatures the material is more brittle and impact
toughness is low. At high temperatures the material is more ductile and impact
toughness is higher. The transition temperature is the boundary between brittle and
ductile behavior and this temperature is often an extremely important consideration
in the selection of a material.
9.2 Notch-Toughness
Notch toughness is the ability that a material possesses to absorb energy in the
presence of a flaw. As mentioned previously, in the presence of a flaw, such as a
notch or crack, a material will likely exhibit a lower level of toughness. When a
flaw is present in a material, loading induces a triaxial tension stress state adjacent
to the flaw. The material develops plastic strains as the yield stress is exceeded in
the region near the crack tip. However, the amount of plastic deformation is
restricted by the surrounding material, which remains elastic. When a material is
prevented from deforming plastically, it fails in a brittle manner.
Notch-toughness is measured with a variety of specimens such as the Charpy V-
notch impact specimen or the dynamic tear test specimen. As with regular impact
testing the tests are often repeated numerous times with specimens tested at a
different temperature. With these specimens and by varying the loading speed and
the temperature, it is possible to generate curves such as those shown in the graph.
Typically only static and impact testing is conducted but it should be recognized
that many components in service see intermediate loading rates in the range of the
dashed red line.
9.3. Fracture Toughness
In materials science, fracture toughness is a property which describes the ability
of a material containing a crack to resist fracture, and is one of the most important
properties of any material for virtually all design applications. It is denoted K
has the units of .
The subscript '1c' denotes mode 1 crack opening or plain strain, the material has to
be too thick to shear, mode 2, or tear, mode 3.
Fracture toughness is a quantitative way of expressing a material's resistance to
brittle fracture when a crack is present. If a material has a large value of fracture
toughness it will probably undergo ductile fracture. Brittle fracture is very
characteristic of materials with a low fracture toughness value.
Fracture mechanics, which leads to the concept of fracture toughness, was largely
based on the work of A. A. Griffith who, amongst other things, studied the
behaviour of cracks in brittle materials.
Fracture toughness is an indication of the amount of stress required to propagate a
preexisting flaw. It is a very important material property since the occurrence of
flaws is not completely avoidable in the processing, fabrication, or service of a
material/component. Flaws may appear as cracks, voids, metallurgical inclusions,
weld defects, design discontinuities, or some combination thereof. Since engineers
can never be totally sure that a material is flaw free, it is common practice to
assume that a flaw of some chosen size will be present in some number of
This approach uses the flaw size and features, component geometry, loading
conditions and the material property called fracture toughness to evaluate the
ability of a component containing a flaw to resist fracture.
A parameter called the stress-intensity factor (K) is used to determine the fracture
toughness of most materials. A Roman numeral subscript indicates the mode of
fracture and the three modes of fracture are illustrated in the image to the right.
Mode I fracture is the condition in which the crack plane is normal to the direction
of largest tensile loading. This is the most commonly encountered mode and,
therefore, for the remainder of the material we will consider K
The stress intensity factor is a function of loading, crack size, and structural
geometry. The stress intensity factor may be represented by
the following equation:
Where: K
is the fracture toughness in
σ is the applied stress in MPa or psi
a is the crack length in meters or inches
is a crack length and component geometry
factor that is different for each specimen and is
There are several variables that have a profound influence on the toughness of a
material. These variables are:
Strain rate (rate of loading)
Notch effect
A metal may possess satisfactory toughness under static loads but may fail under
dynamic loads or impact. As a rule ductility and, therefore, toughness decrease as
the rate of loading increases. Temperature is the second variable to have a major
influence on its toughness. As temperature is lowered, the ductility and toughness
also decrease. The third variable is termed notch effect, has to due with the
distribution of stress. A material might display good toughness when the applied
stress is uniaxial; but when a multiaxial stress state is produced due to the presence
of a notch, the material might not withstand the simultaneous elastic and plastic
deformation in the various directions.
There are several standard types of toughness test that generate data for specific
loading conditions and/or component design approaches.
10. Material Types
Brittle materials such as concrete or ceramics do not have a yield point. For these
materials the rupture strength and the ultimate strength are the same.
Ductile material (such as steel) generally exhibits a very linear stress-strain
relationship up to a well defined yield point . The linear portion of the curve is the
elastic region and the slope is the modulus of elasticity or Young's Modulus. After
the yield point the curve typically decreases slightly due to dislocations escaping
from Cottrell atmospheres. As deformation continues the stress increases due to
strain hardening until it reaches the ultimate strength. Until this point the cross-
sectional area decreases uniformly due to Poisson contractions. However, beyond
this point a neck forms where the local cross-sectional area decreases more quickly
than the rest of the sample resulting in an increase in the true stress. On an
engineering stress-strain curve this is seen as a decrease in the stress. Conversely,
if the curve is plotted in terms of true stress and true strain the stress will continue
to rise until failure. Eventually the neck becomes unstable and the specimen
ruptures (fractures).
Most ductile metals other than steel do not have a well-defined yield point. For
these materials the yield strength is typically determined by the "offset yield
method", by which a line is drawn parallel to the linear elastic portion of the curve
and intersecting the abscissa at some arbitrary value (most commonly .2%). The
intersection of this line and the stress-strain curve is reported as the yield point.
a- Ductile materials - extensive plastic deformation and energy absorption
“toughness”) before fracture. Ductile materials can be classified into various
classifications; 1- Very ductile, soft metals (e.g. Pb, Au) at room temperature, other
metals, polymers, glasses at high temperature., 2- Moderately ductile fracture,
typical for ductile metals, 3- Brittle fracture, cold metals, ceramics.
b- Brittle materials has a little plastic deformation and low energy absorption
before fracture
11. True Stress and Strain
When one applies a constant tensile force the material will break after reaching the
tensile strength. The material starts necking (the transverse area decreases) but the
stress cannot increase beyond σ
. The ratio of the force to the initial area, what we
normally do, is called the engineering stress. If the ratio is to the actual area (that
changes with stress) one obtains the true stress.
Stress has units of a force measure divided by the square of a length measure, and
the average stress on a cross-section in the tensile test is the applied force divided
by the cross-sectional area. Similarly, we may approximate the strain component
along the long axis of the specimen as the change in length divided by the original
reference length.
It sounds simple enough, but you should realize that there are still some choices to
make. Specifically, what area should be used for the cross-sectional area? Should
you use the original area or the current area as the load is applied? By the same
token, should changes in length always be compared to the original length of the
The answer is that we will define different types of stress strain measures
according to the way we perform the calculations. Engineering stress and strain
measures are distinguished by the use of fixed reference quantities, typically the
original cross-sectional area or original length. More precisely,
In most engineering applications, these definitions are accurate enough, because
the cross-sectional area and length of the specimen do not change substantially
while loads are applied. In other situations (such as the tensile test), the cross-
sectional area and the length of the specimen can change substantially. In such
cases, the engineering stress calculated using the above definition (as the ratio of
the applied load to the undeformed cross-sectional area) ceases to be an accurate
measure. To overcome this issue alternative stress and strain measures are
available. Below we discuss true stress and true strain.
Engineering stress measures vs. true stress measures. The latter accounts for the change in
cross-sectional area as the loads are applied.
True Stress: The true stress is defined as the ratio of the applied load (P) to the
instantaneous cross-sectional area (A):
True stress can be related to the engineering stress if we assume that there is no
volume change in the specimen. Under this assumption, stress can be related to the
engineering stress if we assume that there is no volume change in the specimen.
which leads to:
True Strain: The true strain is defined as the sum of all the instantaneous
engineering strains. Letting
the true strain is then
where is the final length when the loading process is terminated. True strain can
also be related back to the engineering strain, through the manipulation where is
the final length when the loading process is terminated. True strain can also be
related back to the engineering strain, through the manipulation
ln ln ln
In closing, you should note that the true stress and strain are practically
indistinguishable from the engineering stress and strain at small deformations, as
shown below in Figure 4. You should also note that as the strain becomes large and
the cross-sectional area of the specimen decreases, the true stress can be much
larger than the engineering stress.
Engineering stress-strain curve vs. a true stress-strain curve
True Stress - True Strain Curve
The engineering stress-strain curve does not give a true indication of the
deformation characteristics of a metal because it is based entirely on the original
dimensions of the specimen, and these dimensions change continuously during the
test. Also, ductile metal which is pulled in tension becomes unstable and necks
down during the course of the test. Because the cross-sectional area of the
specimen is decreasing rapidly at this stage in the test, the load required continuing
deformation falls off. The average stress based on original area like wise decreases,
and this produces the fall-off in the stress-strain curve beyond the point of
maximum load.
The engineering stress-strain curve does not give a true indication of the
deformation characteristics of a metal because it is based entirely on the original
dimensions of the specimen, and these dimensions change continuously during the
test. Also, ductile metal which is pulled in tension becomes unstable and necks
down during the course of the test. Because the cross-sectional area of the
specimen is decreasing rapidly at this stage in the test, the load required continuing
deformation falls off. The average stress based on original area likewise decreases,
and this produces the fall-off in the stress-strain curve beyond the point of
maximum load. Actually, the metal continues to strain-harden all the way up to
fracture, so that the stress required to produce further deformation should also
increase. If the true stress, based on the actual cross-sectional area of the specimen,
is used, it is found that the stress-strain curve increases continuously up to fracture.
If the strain measurement is also based on instantaneous measurements, the curve,
which is obtained, is known as a true-stress-true-strain curve. This is also known
as a flow curve since it represents the basic plastic-flow characteristics of the
material. Any point on the flow curve can be considered the yield stress for a metal
strained in tension by the amount shown on the curve. Thus, if the load is removed
at this point and then reapplied, the material will behave elastically throughout the
entire range of reloading. The true stress is expressed in terms of engineering
stress s by
The derivation of this Eq. assumes both constancy of volume and a homogenous
distribution of strain along the gage length of the tension specimen. Thus, Eq.
should only be used until the onset of necking. Beyond maximum load the true
stress should be determined from actual measurements of load and cross-sectional
The true strain may be determined from the engineering or conventional strain e by
Comparison of engineering and true stress-strain curves
This equation is applicable only to the onset of necking for the reasons discussed
above. Beyond maximum load the true strain should be based on actual area or
diameter measurements.
The above Figure compares the true-stress-true-strain curve with its corresponding
engineering stress-strain curve. Note that because of the relatively large plastic
strains, the elastic region has been compressed into the y-axis. The true-stress-true-
strain curve is always to the left of the engineering curve until the maximum load
is reached. However, beyond maximum load the high-localized strains in the
necked region that are used in last Equ far exceed the engineering strain calculated
from first eq. Frequently the flow curve is linear from maximum load to fracture,
while in other cases its slope continuously decreases up to fracture. The formation
of a necked region or mild notch introduces triaxial stresses, which make it
difficult to determine accurately the longitudinal tensile stress on out to fracture.
The following parameters usually are determined from the true-stress-true-strain
True Stress at Maximum Load
The true stress at maximum load corresponds to the true tensile strength. For most
materials necking begins at maximum load at a value of strain where the true stress
equals the slope of the flow curve. Let
denote the true stress and true
strain at maximum load when the cross-sectional area of the specimen is Au. The
ultimate tensile strength is given by
Eliminating P
True Fracture Stress
The true fracture stress is the load at fracture divided by the cross-sectional area at
fracture. This stress should be corrected for the, triaxial state of stress existing in
the tensile specimen at fracture. Since the data required for this correction are often
not available, true-fracture-stress values are frequently in error.
True Fracture Strain
The true fracture strain
is the true strain based on the original area A
and the
area after fracture A
This parameter represents the maximum true strain that the material can withstand
before fracture and is analogous to the total strain to fracture of the engineering
stress-strain curve. Since Eq. (3) is not valid beyond the onset of necking, it is not
possible to calculate
from measured values of
. However, for cylindrical
tensile specimens the reduction of area q is related to the true fracture strain by the
True Uniform Strain
The true uniform strain is the true strain based only on the strain up to maximum
load. It may be calculated from either the specimen cross-sectional area A
or the
gage length L
at maximum load. The uniform strain is often useful in estimating
the formability of metals from the results of a tension test.
True Local Necking Strain
The local necking strain is the strain required to deform the specimen from
maximum load to fracture.
The flow curve of many metals in the region of uniform plastic deformation can be
expressed by the simple power curve relation
where n is the strain-
hardening exponent
and K is the strength coefficient. A log-log plot of true stress and true strain up to
maximum load will result in a straight-line. For most metals n has values between
0.10 and 0.50 (see the following Table.).
Table Values for n and K for metals at room temperature
Metal Condition n K, psi
0,05% C steel
Annealed 0,26 77000
SAE 4340 steel
Annealed 0,15 93000
0,60% C steel
Quenched and tempered 1000
0,10 228000
0,60% C steel
Quenched and tempered 1300
0,19 178000
Annealed 0,54 46400
70/30 brass
Annealed 0,49 130000
12. Elastic Recovery During Plastic Deformation
If a material is taken beyond the yield point (it is deformed plastically) and the
stress is then released, the material ends up with a permanent strain. If the stress is
reapplied, the material again responds elastically at the beginning up to a new yield
point that is higher than the original yield point (strain hardening). The amount of
elastic strain that it will take before reaching the yield point is called elastic strain
13. Compressive, Shear, and Torsional Deformation
Compressive and shear stresses give similar behavior to tensile stresses, but in the
case of compressive stresses there is no maximum in the s-e curve, since no
necking occurs.
14. Hardness
Hardness is the resistance to plastic deformation (e.g., a local dent or scratch).
Thus, it is a measure of plastic deformation, as is the tensile strength, so they are
well correlated. Historically, it was measured on an empirically scale, determined
by the ability of a material to scratch another, diamond being the hardest and talc
the softer. Now we use standard tests, where a ball, or point is pressed into a
material and the size of the dent is measured. There are a few different hardness
tests: Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers, etc. They are popular because they are easy and
non-destructive (except for the small dent).
Hardness is the resistance of a material to localized deformation. The term can
apply to deformation from indentation, scratching, cutting or bending. In metals,
ceramics and most polymers, the deformation considered is plastic deformation of
the surface. For elastomers and some polymers, hardness is defined at the
resistance to elastic deformation of the surface. The lack of a fundamental
definition indicates that hardness is not be a basic property of a material, but rather
a composite one with contributions from the yield strength, work hardening, true
tensile strength, modulus, and others factors. Hardness measurements are widely
used for the quality control of materials because they are quick and considered to
be nondestructive tests when the marks or indentations produced by the test are in
low stress areas.
There are a large variety of methods used for determining the hardness of a
substance. A few of the more common methods are introduced below.
Mohs Hardness Test
One of the oldest ways of measuring hardness was devised by the German
mineralogist Friedrich Mohs in 1812. The Mohs hardness test involves observing
whether a materials surface is scratched by a substance of known or defined
hardness. To give numerical values to this physical property, minerals are ranked
along the Mohs scale, which is composed of 10 minerals that have been given
arbitrary hardness values. Mohs hardness test, while greatly facilitating the
identification of minerals in the field, is not suitable for accurately gauging the
hardness of industrial materials such as steel or ceramics. For engineering
materials, a variety of instruments have been developed over the years to provide a
precise measure of hardness. Many apply a load and measure the depth or size of
the resulting indentation. Hardness can be measured on the macro-, micro- or
nano- scale.
Brinell Hardness Test
The oldest of the hardness test methods in common use on engineering materials
today is the Brinell hardness test. Dr. J. A. Brinell invented the Brinell test in
Sweden in 1900. The Brinell test uses a desktop machine to applying a specified
load to a hardened sphere of a specified diameter. The Brinell hardness number, or
simply the Brinell number, is obtained by dividing the load used, in kilograms, by
the measured surface area of the indentation, in square millimeters, left on the test
surface. The Brinell test is frequently used to determine the hardness metal
forgings and castings that have a large grain structures. The Brinell test provides a
measurement over a fairly large area that is less affected by the course grain
structure of these materials than are Rockwell or Vickers tests.
A wide range of materials can be tested using a Brinell test simply by varying the
test load and indenter ball size. In the USA, Brinell testing is typically done on iron
and steel castings using a 3000Kg test force and a 10mm diameter ball. A 1500
kilogram load is usually used for aluminum castings. Copper, brass and thin stock
are frequently tested using a 500Kg test force and a 10 or 5mm ball. In Europe
Brinell testing is done using a much wider range of forces and ball sizes and it is
common to perform Brinell tests on small parts using a 1mm carbide ball and a test
force as low as 1kg. These low load tests are commonly referred to as baby Brinell
tests. The test conditions should be reported along with the Brinell hardness
number. A value reported as "60 HB 10/1500/30" means that a Brinell Hardness of
60 was obtained using a 10mm diameter ball with a 1500 kilogram load applied for
30 seconds.
Rockwell Hardness Test
The Rockwell Hardness test also uses a machine to apply a specific load and then
measure the depth of the resulting impression. The indenter may either be a steel
ball of some specified diameter or a spherical diamond-tipped cone of 120° angle
and 0.2 mm tip radius, called a brale. A minor load of 10 kg is first applied, which
causes a small initial penetration to seat the indenter and remove the effects of any
surface irregularities. Then, the dial is set to zero and the major load is applied.
Upon removal of the major load, the depth reading is taken while the minor load is
still on. The hardness number may then be read directly from the scale. The
indenter and the test load used determine the hardness scale that is used (A, B, C,
For soft materials such as copper alloys, soft steel, and aluminum alloys a 1/16"
diameter steel ball is used with a 100-kilogram load and the hardness is read on the
"B" scale. In testing harder materials, hard cast iron and many steel alloys, a 120
degrees diamond cone is used with up to a 150 kilogram load and the hardness is
read on the "C" scale. There are several Rockwell scales other than the "B" & "C"
scales, (which are called the common scales). A properly reported Rockwell value
will have the hardness number followed by "HR" (Hardness Rockwell) and the
scale letter. For example, 50 HRB indicates that the material has a hardness
reading of 50 on the B scale.
Rockwell Superficial Hardness Test
The Rockwell Superficial Hardness Tester is used to test thin materials, lightly
carburized steel surfaces, or parts that might bend or crush under the conditions of
the regular test. This tester uses the same indenters as the standard Rockwell tester
but the loads are reduced. A minor load of 3 kilograms is used and the major load
is either 15 or 45 kilograms depending on the indenter used. Using the 1/16"
diameter, steel ball indenter, a "T" is added (meaning thin sheet testing) to the
superficial hardness designation. An example of a superficial Rockwell hardness is
23 HR15T, which indicates the superficial hardness as 23, with a load of 15
kilograms using the steel ball.
Vickers and Knoop Microhardness Tests
The Vickers and Knoop Hardness Tests are a modification of the Brinell test and
are used to measure the hardness of thin film coatings or the surface hardness of
case-hardened parts. With these tests, a small diamond pyramid is pressed into the
sample under loads that are much less than those used in the Brinell test. The
difference between the Vickers and the Knoop Tests is simply the shape of the
diamond pyramid indenter. The Vickers test uses a square pyramidal indenter which
is prone to crack brittle materials. Consequently, the Knoop test using a rhombic-based (diagonal
ratio 7.114:1) pyramidal indenter was developed which produces longer but shallower
indentations. For the same load, Knoop indentations are about 2.8 times longer than Vickers
An applied load ranging from 10g to 1,000g is used. This low amount of load
creates a small indent that must be measured under a microscope. The
measurements for hard coatings like TiN must be taken at very high magnification
(i.e. 1000X), because the indents are so small. The surface usually needs to be
polished. The diagonals of the impression are measured, and these values are used
to obtain a hardness number (VHN), usually from a lookup table or chart. The
Vickers test can be used to characterize very hard materials but the hardness is
measured over a very small region.
The values are expressed like 2500 HK25 (or HV25) meaning 2500 Hardness
Knoop at 25 gram force load. The Knoop and Vickers hardness values differ
slightly, but for hard coatings, the values are close enough to be within the
measurement error and can be used interchangeably.
Scleroscope and Rebound Hardness Tests
The Scleroscope test is a very old test that involves dropping a diamond tipped
hammer, which falls inside a glass tube under the force of its own weight from a
fixed height, onto the test specimen. The height of the rebound travel of the
hammer is measured on a graduated scale. The scale of the rebound is arbitrarily
chosen and consists on Shore units, divided into 100 parts, which represent the
average rebound from pure hardened high-carbon steel. The scale is continued
higher than 100 to include metals having greater hardness. The Shore Scleroscope
measures hardness in terms of the elasticity of the material and the hardness
number depends on the height to which the hammer rebounds, the harder the
material, the higher the rebound.
The Rebound Hardness Test Method is a recent advancement that builds on the
Scleroscope. There are a variety of electronic instruments on the market that
measure the loss of energy of the impact body. These instruments typically use a
spring to accelerate a spherical, tungsten carbide tipped mass towards the surface
of the test object. When the mass contacts the surface it has a specific kinetic
energy and the impact produces an indentation (plastic deformation) on the surface
which takes some of this energy from the impact body. The impact body will lose
more energy and it rebound velocity will be less when a larger indentation is
produced on softer material. The velocities of the impact body before and after
impact are measured and the loss of velocity is related to Brinell, Rockwell, or
other common hardness value.
Durometer Hardness Test
A Durometer is an instrument that is commonly used for measuring the indentation
hardness of rubbers/elastomers and soft plastics such as polyolefin, fluoropolymer,
and vinyl. A Durometer simply uses a calibrated spring to apply a specific pressure
to an indenter foot. The indenter foot can be either cone or sphere shaped. An
indicating device measures the depth of indentation. Durometers are available in a
variety of models and the most popular testers are the Model A used for measuring
softer materials and the Model D for harder materials.
Barcol Hardness Test
The Barcol hardness test obtains a hardness value by measuring the penetration of
a sharp steel point under a spring load. The specimen is placed under the indenter
of the Barcol hardness tester and a uniform pressure is applied until the dial
indication reaches a maximum. The Barcol hardness test method is used to
determine the hardness of both reinforced and non-reinforced rigid plastics and to
determine the degree of cure of resins and plastics
14. Variability of Material Properties
Tests do not produce exactly the same result because of variations in the test
equipment, procedures, operator bias, specimen fabrication, etc. But, even if all
those parameters are controlled within strict limits, a variation remains in the
materials, due to uncontrolled variations during fabrication, non homogenous
composition and structure, etc. The measured mechanical properties will show
scatter, which is often distributed in a Gaussian curve (bell-shaped), that is
characterized by the mean value and the standard deviation (width).
15. Design/Safety Factors
To take into account variability of properties, designers use, instead of an average
value of, say, the tensile strength, the probability that the yield strength is above
the minimum value tolerable. This leads to the use of a safety factor N > 1 (varies
from 1.2 to 4). Thus, a working value for the tensile strength would be s
= s
/ N.
16. Theoritical strength and practical strength
The term of theoretical strength is used to express the sate of stess of pure (ideal)
material that does not contain any defects, such as flaws, cracks and pores. So, the
maximum theoretical strength is corresponding to the amount of stresses required
to seprate atoms from each other, i.e. stress required to break the bond strength
between adjacent atoms. The theoretical strength (σ
) of a material can be
determined using the following Eq.
where: E is young Modulus
γ is the surface anergy of atoms
a is the equilibrium distance between atoms
It is clear from the above equation σ
is dependent on material characterisitics (E,
a, γ). This means that every material has its own theoretical strength.
On the other hand, the practical strength (actual strength) is used when the
engineering material contains defects such as pore, flaws, and cracks. These
defects could lead to decrease the material’s theoretical strength dramatically, due
to stress concentration around the defects, causing rapid failure on some occasions.
The practical strength (σ
) can be calculated using the following formula:
Where E is the young modulus
G is the Fracture toughness
C is the crack length
It is clear from the above equation σ
is dependent on material characterisitics (E,
G) and crack length. This means that material can undergo failure according to the
presence of crack on its surface or inside it. So engineers have to minimize the
amount of cracks to enhance the practical strength of engineering materials.