Master of Arts in Anthropology
DIVISION of Anthropology
800 N. State College Blvd.
McCarthy Hall 426
California State University, Fullerton 92831-3547
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(657) 278-3626 (general office number)
(657) 278-5001 (fax)
How to Apply to the M.A. Program in Anthropology
Application Form
Courses to Take for the M.A.
Steps To Complete the M.A. Program
Anthropology Research and Teaching Facility in McCarthy Hall
MH-420: Archaeology Teaching Lab
MH-420a and MH-420b: Research Rooms
MH-422: Computer Lab
MH-422a: Computer Lab IT Consultant’s Office
MH-424: Teaching Museum
MH-424a: Museology Office and Support/Storage
MH-426: Office Complex: Reception, Conference Room, Office Staff, and Faculty Offices
MH-428: Biological Anthropology Teaching Lab
MH-428a and MH-428b: Research Rooms
MH-477: South Central Coastal Information Center
MH-477E: Faculty Offices
Not shown:
MH-2 and MH-54b: In basement, Archaeology Research and Curation Facility
Division of Anthropology
California State University, Fullerton
Master of Arts in Anthropology
The graduate program in anthropology offers advanced study in four-field scientific anthropology with
a specialization in Anthropological Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, or Evolutionary
Anthropology. For information on faculty interests in these areas please visit our Division website at We admit new students only in Fall.
Our graduate students have successfully completed MA theses and projects incorporating field, library,
and lab-based research. For example, students have conducted field research in Asia, Africa, Latin
America, and here in California; analyzed archaeological collections; worked in zoos and museums;
and integrated anthropology into curricula at the K-12 and community college levels.
As a graduate student you will work closely with your individual MA advisor and their MA committee
in developing an exam, thesis or project that meets your educational needs and expectations. For that
reason, it is important that before applying to the program you familiarize yourself with our faculty and
their research expertise and interests. The Graduate Program Advisor (subfield Coordinator) and your
individual MA advisor will help you to understand, navigate, and fulfill division and university
requirements and regulations.
1. Apply to the University online [See this link for online application form]. Official transcripts must
be sent to the University. See University website for deadline.
2. Apply to the Division of Anthropology, CSUF. Send the Application Form along with all of
the requested materials to: Graduate Program Advisor [of your chosen subfield, see below],
Division of Anthropology, MH426, 800 N. State College Blvd. CSU Fullerton, Fullerton, CA
92831-3547. For full consideration, send materials to Division by April 1.
Archaeology Program Graduate Advisor: Dr. Carl Wendt [email protected]
Cultural Program Graduate Advisor: Dr. Barbra Erickson [email protected]
Evolutionary Program Graduate Advisor: Dr. John Patton [email protected]
3. DEADLINE: New students are accepted only for the Fall semester. To be considered for Fall
admission, completed applications must be received or postmarked on or before April 1.
University Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
Grade-point average of at least 2.5 in the last 60 semester units attempted
Division of Anthropology Requirements:
Minimum grade-point average of 3.0 in all undergraduate coursework in anthropology
Bachelor’s degree in anthropology
21 units of anthropology (Anth 101, 102, 103 or equivalents; Anth 480 and 481 or equivalents;
plus 12 additional units of upper division anthropology coursework or equivalents), with a
combined GPA of 3.0 or better. Exception: Students who lack only ANTH 480 and/or ANTH
481 or their equivalents may take these courses after admittance to the program.
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required for evaluation and advisement purposes
Required Materials for Division of Anthropology Application:
Complete the Division Application Form (see below). Select the subfield in which you are
most interested: Anthropological Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, or Evolutionary
Letter of intent (2 pages, single-spaced). Prospective students should describe the area of their
interest in anthropology and their goals in relation to the MA program at CSU Fullerton.
Describe your past anthropological fieldwork or related experiences, the basis of your interest
in our program, what you intend to do with your degree, and other intellectual goals and
interests or other relevant information. You should identify the faculty member(s) with whom
you wish to work, and the specific research interests you would like to pursue.
Three letters of recommendation.
List of the anthropology courses you have completed.
Unofficial transcripts. Copies are fine for the division application.
GRE scores. Have your GRE score forwarded to the Division of Anthropology at CSUF. If
you have not yet taken your GRE Exam, please note your scheduled test date on the application
One writing sample (2500 words or more)
Curriculum vita or resume.
Preference will be given to well-qualified applicants whose interests match the research interests of the
faculty. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact faculty members with whom they are
interested in working. Applicants are selected by a Graduate Committee within each subfield.
Please contact one of our Graduate Advisors for more information about the program or the application
process. Select the person most appropriate for your interests in anthropology:
Archaeological Anthropology
Dr. Carl Wendt [email protected] Office: MH-061 Phone: (657)278-5764
Cultural Anthropology
Dr. Barbra Erickson [email protected] Office: MH-426E Phone: (657)278-5697
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dr. John Patton [email protected] Office: MH-426K Phone: (657)278-5763
Master of Arts in Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton
Send application materials to: Graduate Program Advisor, Division of Anthropology, MH-426
800 N. State College Blvd., California State University Fullerton. Fullerton, CA 92831-3547.
Date of application: _______________ Application is for: Fall 20______
**For full consideration, submit application materials to the Division by April 1
Name: ______________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: _____ Zip: _________ Contact Phone: _____________________
Checklist: Please check when completed:
Have you applied to the University online through CSU Mentor?
Your overall Grade Point Average in the last 60 units taken: _________
Your Grade Point Average in all Anthropology courses taken: _________
Answer the following questions about your educational background:
B.A. completed: Yes: _____ No: ____ If no, when is degree expected? (Semester &Year): ______________
Name of University granting (or expected to grant) B.A.: ___________________________________________
Is the B.A. in Anthropology? Yes: ___ No: ____ If no, list degree Major: ____________________________
If your major was not Anthropology, list number of units in Anthropology completed _______________________
Please indicate the subfield of Anthropology in which you are MOST interested:
_____ Anthropological Archaeology _____ Cultural Anthropology _____ Evolutionary Anthropology
List the names of the persons you have asked to send letters of recommendation. Letters may be included in
application packet, or sent separately. Please ask your referees to seal the envelope and sign over the flap.
1. _______________________________________ 2. _________________________________________
3. _______________________________________
Attach to your application a letter of intent that describes your area of interest and goals in relationship to
the M.A. program at CSUF. You may describe your interest in anthropology, past anthropological fieldwork or
related experiences, why you are interested in our program, what you intend to do with the degree, and other
intellectual goals and interests. Address your letter to the appropriate Graduate Program Advisor.
Include a list of all courses taken in Anthropology, specifying the course name and number, where the
course was taken and when, and grade received.
Enclose photocopies of all college or university transcripts (unofficial transcripts OK)
Enclose a curriculum vita or resume
GRE official scores sent? Please list GRE scores _________________________________________________
Writing sample, 2500 words or more
Graduate students are expected to complete 24 units of coursework plus 6 units of exam, thesis or
project (in addition to any course deficiencies). The 30 units are as follows:
9 units: ANTH 511, 512, and 513
Three core seminars, ANTH 511 (Theory and Method in Biological Anthropology), ANTH 512
(Theory and Method in Archaeology), and ANTH 513 (Theory and Method in Cultural &
Linguistic Anthropology) are required. 511 and 512 offered only in fall; 513 only in spring.
3 units: ANTH 510 Research Design (required). Offered in spring only.
6 units: Two ANTH 504T (Graduate Seminar, selected topics)
All graduate students must take at least two ANTH 504T graduate seminars in their sub-field.
ANTH 504T courses are variable-topics graduate seminars, through which students have the
opportunity to explore topics in more depth. The 504 classes are rotated among the faculty of
each subfield to expose students to different research issues in anthropology.
6 units: Two 400- or 500-level elective courses in anthropology or a related field
Graduate students take two elective courses, which may be an additional ANTH 504T class, a
400-level class in anthropology, ANTH 599 (Independent Study) with your project/thesis
advisor, or a 400- or 500-level class in a related field, with the approval of your thesis advisor.
ANTH 599 may be taken only once. Students taking a 400-level course for graduate credit will
be expected (as specified in the course syllabus by University policy) to do additional work
beyond that of an undergraduate.
6 units: ANTH 598 (Thesis) or ANTH 597 (Project) or Exam (3 units + one additional class)
To earn the M.A., students are required to register for either 6 units of ANTH 598 (Thesis) or 6
units of ANTH 597 (Project), or 3 units of Exam plus one additional elective. Students may
register for all 6 units in the same semester or for 3 units in two semesters. Per University
regulations, you are not permitted to enroll in more than 6 TOTAL units of your choice of
thesis (598), or project (597).
o All students enter the program on the Comprehensive Exam Track as a default
o Students wishing to complete a thesis or project instead of the comprehensive exam
must submit a proposal to their advisor and committee for approval.
o Permission to write a thesis or to complete a project is contingent upon (1) maintaining
a 3.25 grade point average after 15 units of upper-division and graduate coursework,
and (2) demonstrating proficiency in research and writing skills.
Thesis Option (6 units of ANTH 598): A thesis is defined as the written product of a
systematic study of a significant problem. It consists of extended discussion, with a central
argument, based on complex analysis of your original research and includes a review of the
literature on the topic as well as a historical framework. The finished product demonstrates
originality, sets forth the sources for and method of gathering information, analyzes the
data, and offers a conclusion. The thesis has a required format, and must be submitted to the
Graduate Studies Office as well as to the Division. The approved thesis will be bound at
the Bookstore according to certain specifications, microfilmed, copyrighted, and listed in
the University Library’s computer database. Students registered for ANTH 598 (thesis) are
eligible to apply for the University’s Giles Brown Thesis Award.
Project Option (6 units of ANTH 597): A project is a significant undertaking appropriate
to an applied aspect of the field (e.g. curation of a museum exhibition, an ethnographic
film, a curriculum proposal, and so forth). Like a thesis, the project also requires a written
component, in which the work is described and summarized, including the project’s
significance, objectives, methodology, and a conclusion or recommendation. The project is
submitted only to the Division, and is housed in the Division Library (bound in a variety of
formats as approved by your advisor).
Exam Option (3 units): At least one semester before taking their exam, students on the
Comprehensive Exam Track will select three areas of concentration in consultation with
their MA advisors and committee members. The committee will assist the student in
preparing for the exam by (e.g.) assigning a reading list, and will meet with the student for
discussion and guidance. Students will have a total of nine hours to answer questions from
each of the three areas. The questions are designed to test the depth and breadth of the
student’s overall general knowledge of anthropology, as well as sub-field specific
knowledge pertaining to the student’s own research area. One additional elective required.
Methods RequirementORSecond Language Requirement [students select ONE of the options].
Students should work closely with their MA advisors to determine whether the Methods Course Option
or the Second Language Proficiency Option is best for their program of study.
Option 1: Methods Course
In consultation with their faculty advisors, students will select and take one of the following methods
courses as appropriate for their chosen subfield and research agenda. Methods courses may be taken as
electives on the Study Plan; alternatively, this requirement may be considered fulfilled if a student has
taken an approved methods course as an undergraduate.
o ANTH 400 Qualitative Methods in Anthropology
o ANTH 401 Ethnographic Field Methods
o ANTH 403 Archaeological Field Methods
o ANTH 404 Analytical Methods in Archaeology
o ANTH 406 Descriptive Linguistics
o ANTH 418 GIS in Archaeology
o ANTH 425 Lithic Analysis
o ANTH 445 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology
o ANTH 455 Behavioral Observation
o ANTH 463 Archaeofaunal Analysis
o ANTH 476 Archaeological Investigations [field class]
o ANTH 497 Cultural Investigations [field class]
Option 2: Second Language Proficiency
If proficiency in a second language is appropriate for a student’s research agenda, a student may show
proficiency in several alternative ways. These include, for example, having earned a degree in a
language other than English, passing an intermediate-level proficiency exam, completing the
equivalent of three years of high school study in another language, completing a Study Abroad
program in which the language of instruction was not English. There are several additional options, the
details of which should be discussed with your MA advisor.
Additional courses beyond the 30 units (up to the limit established by the University). Courses not on
the Study Plan do not count toward the MA degree, but are still used in calculating your overall grade
point average while in the MA program.
Note: Alternative methods courses
may be approved for this requirement;
talk with your thesis advisor.
[After admission to the program]
1. Attend the Mandatory Pre-Fall Semester Orientation Meeting.
2. Develop the Study Plan in consultation with your MA advisor.
3. If you plan to use postgraduate units toward your MA, you must petition the Records Office
for approval as soon as possible (see “Postgraduate Credit” in the University Catalog).
For CSUF students with a BA coming in to the MA program: A maximum of nine units of
400 and 500-level classes taken at CSUF may be applied towards the MA Study Plan, if
they meet the following criteria:
o The grade earned was a B or better
o The units in questions were taken in the senior year
o The units were not used toward either the 120 units needed for the BA or toward the
45 units needed for the BA major in Anthropology
University policy allows graduate students coming from another university to petition for
permission to apply up to nine units of graduate work, in which they earned a B or better,
towards the CSUF Study Plan. However, the Division will determine equivalency, if any,
of such coursework. Under most circumstances, the Division of Anthropology prefers that
students take the core MA coursework at CSUF; typically only an elective course may be
4. Become Classified: Graduate students who have completed 9 units of graduate coursework
must file an official MA Study Plan to be classified as a graduate student in anthropology.
5. Work with your MA Advisor closely in planning your Comprehensive Exam - OR- designing
your Thesis or Project research in taking courses that will help you achieve your research goals.
Discuss with your advisor the composition of your thesis committee, which will be composed
of the advisor and two other full time faculty members in the Division of Anthropology.
6. Advance to Candidacy: Students will be advanced to candidacy when they have formed a
committee and either created an approved plan for the Comprehensive Exam, or filed an
approved Prospectus for the Thesis or Project.
7. Register for EITHER 6 units of Thesis, Project, or Exam [Exam is 3 units + one
additional elective]. (See discussion and description of these options in Section III.) A
MAXIMUM of 6 total units of Thesis or Project is allowed.
8. File for Graduation: Students must file for graduation check six months before graduation.
9. Exceeding the Target Graduation Date: Students must stay continuously enrolled while in
the MA program. If all coursework is completed, students may be approved to enroll in GS700
through Extended Education.
10. Time to Degree: The Division of Anthropology is committed to ensuring that graduate
students complete the MA degree as quickly as possible. By taking courses full-time or part-
time, students can complete the degree using a two-year or three-year plan. Limited extensions
may be granted in certain circumstances, but not beyond five years [the university time limit].