Updated 6/22/23
Master’s Program Application Checklist
Fall: March 1
Spring: October 1
Complete the following application requirements by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.
Application Requirements
1. University Application/Program Application-
Apply to the program through the Cal State Apply website: www.calstate.edu/apply. There is a $70 application
fee. Please upload copies of official transcripts from your last 60 units of coursework (including CSUF) and a
copy of a valid Certificate of Clearance OR valid Teaching Credential to the Cal State Apply application. (More
info on admissions requirements listed below).
2. Transcripts Uploaded to Cal State Apply Application-
Official transcripts- All applicants must upload copies of your official transcripts from your last 60 units
(including CSUF transcripts) to the Cal State Apply application. (TDA and Unofficial transcripts printed from your
student portal will NOT be accepted).
Ordering transcripts- Students must request hard copies of official transcripts. The transcripts must be mailed to
the student’s home (NOT to CSUF’s SPED Department).
Uploading transcripts to Cal State Apply application- The hard copies of transcripts must be opened (making
them “unofficial”), then uploaded to the Cal State Apply application under the “Unofficial Transcripts” section.
NOTE: If you attended CSUF for your bachelor’s degree and/or credential program, you are still required to request official
CSUF transcripts, transcripts must be mailed to your home (NOT to CSUF SPED department), then upload the transcripts to
your Cal State Apply Application. If you uploaded CSUF transcripts when you applied to the credential program, you still need
to re-upload CSUF transcripts to your Master’s application. However, you do not need to submit CSUF transcripts to CSUF
Admissions and Records Office.
3. Transcripts to Admissions and Records-
Applicants NEW to CSUF, must request a separate set of official, sealed transcripts from ALL community colleges
and universities you have attended and have them sent directly to Admissions and Records. For more information
on how to request transcripts to the university, please visit:
http://www.fullerton.edu/graduate/prospective_students/index.php and click “Transcripts”.
4. GPA Requirement-
Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their last 60 units. Applications with GPA’s below 3.0 in the last 60
units will not be considered.
5. Three Confidential University Faculty Recommendations-
Students must request three faculty letters of recommendation from university or community college professors
they have had.
Letters are confidential and must be completed by the professor using this link:
6. Certificate of Clearance-
Students must have a valid Certificate of Clearance OR valid Teaching Credential before entering the SPED
Master’s Program.
Please upload a copy of your Certificate of Clearance results OR valid Teaching Credential to the Cal State
Apply application under “Certificate of Clearance”.
NOTE: If you submitted a Certificate of Clearance for the preliminary credential program, you will need to re-
upload a copy of your Certificate of Clearance to the SPED Master’s application since it is a separate application.
For more information on how to complete the Certificate of Clearance, please visit:
Updated 11/30/21
Next Steps:
Online Interview- Once all application requirements are completed and submitted according to this
checklist, the Special Education Admissions Office will email the student within approximately two weeks
after the deadline to schedule their online written interview. The email will include: 1) The date and time of
the SPED Master’s Program Interview 2) The journal article in which the student will be required to read and
respond to during the written interview. Please review the article and have it with you while you are doing
the written interview 3) And a Power Point covering an overview of the program.
Review Material- Please review this information a few days PRIOR to your interview date.
Interview Procedure- On the day of your interview- students MUST be present at a computer with internet
30 minutes prior to the interview in order to complete the written interview for the SPED Master’s Program.
During this timeframe, you will receive an email containing the interview writing prompt. The writing
prompt will be used in conjunction with the journal article to write your written response. There will be no
make-up interviews! If you miss the interview, you will need to re-apply to the program. We observe
your work ethic from this interview process.
Score: Candidates must score a minimum of 80% out of 100% on the interview to be admitted to the SPED
MSE program.
(See rubric for guidelines: http://ed.fullerton.edu/sped/_resources/pdfs/masters_written_rubric.pdf.
Admission Decision- A decision will be made approximately two weeks after the interview. Students will be
notified via email regarding the admissions decision.
Pre-requisite course SPED 501- Upon successful completion of the written interview, you will receive an
admit letter from the SPED department. Once you have received this letter, you will need to enroll in the one
unit pre-requisite SPED 501. This course is only for admitted students and is only offered in Summer and
Winter sessions.
Additional Requirements for SPED Master’s Program:
1. There are NO rollover applications. If you do not submit all admission requirements by the deadline, you will
need to re-apply to the university and re-submit all required admission material.
2. If you have been denied to the program and choose to reapply, you may only apply ONE more time. After
the first denial, you are required to take two of the following Reading Courses: READING 201, 202, 290 and
must receive a letter grade of “A”.
3. Past program history and dispositions are considered when students apply.