Sociology Department Supplemental Information on Application Process
Application Deadline: March 1 – Additional complete applications may be reviewed up to May 1, if we
have room for more admits (we stop review of files after May 1). Students can only apply for the fall
semester. It is best to submit all application materials through CAL STATE APPLY by the March 1
Admissions Requirements:
GPA: 3.0+ for last 60 units/ 3.25+ for all sociology courses taken
Minimum of 18 Upper division Sociology units required, including courses in methods, stats,
and sociological theory: Courses in methods, statistics, and theory must have been taken at
most 5 years prior to application.
We may offer a conditional admittance to students with a GPA or course deficiency.
Deficiencies must be completed within 1 year of admission.
Application Process:
CSU Fullerton uses the application platform CAL STATE APPLY (CALSTATE.EDU/APPLY).
Our Sociology Department does online graduate applications, and students submit all application
materials through this online application system.
Students can work now to pull together the following required documents:
1. You will fill out an application to the university through CAL STATE APPLY
2. You will need to submit official copies of your transcripts from ALL of the schools you
have attended (your application will be incomplete if you do not submit all transcripts,
including attendance at community colleges).
3. Three letters of recommendation from letter writers who can attest to your academic and
work preparation for graduate school in sociology. At least one letter (and preferably more)
should come from a professor who can attest to your academic work.
4. A writing sample, preferably that shows sociology research writing in the form of a research
paper (max 20 pages).
5. A statement of purpose, which is an intellectual biography where you speak to your
preparation for a sociology graduate program specifically, where you make a fit between
yourself and the department, and where you indicate your areas of interest and research in
6. Transcripts need to be translated if courses were taken in another country. We need to be
able to determine required courses or equivalents. Please be in contact with the International
Student Services office for help with this
Letters of Recommendations (Dr. Collins’ Tips)
Meet with the faculty member in person, talk about which classes you’ve taken with them, and come
prepared with your statement of purpose, and the following information:
1) A research/areas of interest statement: 4-5 sentences detailing what you plan to focus
your studies/research on in graduate school. What are your more precise areas of interest; on
what do you plan to conduct research or what areas will you specialize in?
2) An academic resume (or curriculum vitae); make sure that you list: academic training,
conferences you have participated in and/or papers you have presented, publications,
academic clubs, community engagement/activism; etc. Anything that is related to your
academic career and that prepares you for graduate school.
3) Table listing out the following information for each letter:
a. Schools to which you are applying (ex. UCSB, USC, University of Chicago)
b. Programs (ex. Sociology, Psychology, Education)
c. Due date of letter (ex. 11/15/18, 1/26/18)
d. Whether there is an additional information sheet to complete with letter (ex.
Attached information sheet)
e. Submission process – online, to be included in your packet, to be sent directly to
Online submit at www.applyonline.ucla)
4) Addressed and stamped envelopes for those letters, which need to be sent through the
5) Any additional information on which you want the letter to focus. (Ask them to emphasize
anything you find important)
Statement of Purpose to the Department of Sociology (Dr. Collins’ General Tips)
This is a statement written specifically for our sociology MA program and should be tailored
Cover these pieces of information:
What you want to study in graduate school.
What are your research interests?
Why you want to study and complete research in a sociology program?
Who you want to work with?
What experience you have that has prepared you for graduate school and your proposed
research agenda.
What you plan to do with your degree once you have it.
Admissions committees look for candidates with clear, well-defined research interests that arise from
experience. We also look for fit between the students’ research interests and our department
faculty’s areas of expertise. So mention that overlap and indicate with whom you may want to work.
With that in mind, your statement should reveal that you care deeply about your chosen area of
specialization and research and that you have the background to support your ideas and sentiments.
It should also demonstrate that you're a diligent student who will remain committed for the long
Program Requirements
Our program follows a cohort model with fall admissions only.
You will have 30 units of coursework to complete the program.
Your study plan requires a minimum of 24 units at the 500 level.
Your core courses will total 15 units and your electives will total 12 units.
o You will chose between three terminal options—thesis (independent research),
project (applied sociological research), or comprehensive exams.
o Your thesis, project, or comp exam hours will total 3 units.
Note: It is highly recommended that students planning on doctoral
studies complete the thesis option. For further information consult the
graduate coordinator.