Application for Graduate Student Assistantship
(Teaching Associate or Forensics Assistant)
Name: CWID:
Date: Semester for which application is made:
Please return this form (and an accompanying letter of application) before March 1st for Fall
applications or October 1st for Spring applications to:
Dr. Summer Martin, Graduate Advisor
Department of Human Communication Studies, PO Box 6868
Fullerton, CA 92834-6868
_____ If this is a RENEWAL application, please check here. (Renewal applicants, please skip to the next
page. Renewal applications do NOT require a letter of application nor recommendations. Renewal
applicants, please return this form directly to Ms. Annette Bow in the main office.)
Applying for (please indicate which type of position):
____ Teaching Associate (TA) ____ Forensics Assistant (FA)
Please indicate which of the following statements applies to you, and follow the instructions below it:
____ I am a prospective graduate student (applying to be a TA or FA at the same time that I am
applying for admission to the M.A. program).
Instructions for prospective graduate students: Please have your references indicate (in
their general letters of recommendation for admission) their belief in your ability to
succeed in such a position (e.g., as a TA). You do not need additional letters (beyond
those required for your admission application). Please include this form (and a letter of
application for the TA or FA position) with your other department materials when
applying for admission.
____ I am a current graduate student in the Communication Studies M.A. program at CSUF.
Instructions for current graduate students in our program: Three recommendations are
required with this application. Please ask your references to submit their
recommendations via email to, or as a hard copy to the address
above, by the deadline. In addition, please include a current copy of your CSUF unofficial
transcript from your student portal (indicating your academic performance in our
graduate program) with this form (and the accompanying letter of application).
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone: Email address:
Undergraduate GPA: Graduate GPA (for those already in program):
Undergraduate major:
*** Please attach a letter to the graduate committee in which you address your interest in the
position for which you are applying. You should indicate your qualifications for example, any
relevant experience, coursework, and personal characteristics as well as your motivations for
applying for this position. You might also include additional information, such as how this experience
applies to your career goals. ***