United States District Court
Southern District of Alabama
Effective August 1, 2015
Pursuant to Rule 83 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Rule 57
of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, it is hereby ORDERED that the
following Local Rules of practice be, and the same are hereby adopted for use in
this Court, and these Rules shall supersede all prior Local Rules and the
following specified Standing Orders, which are hereby RESCINDED: Standing
Order Number 5 (regarding implementation of sentencing procedures),
Standing Orders Numbered 6, 7, and 24 (regarding assigning business and
cases to U. S. Magistrate Judges), Standing Orders Numbered 8, 9, 10, and 33
(regarding fees, deposits, and investment of registry funds), Standing Orders
Numbered 20 and 21 (regarding jury selection in civil and criminal cases),
Standing Order Number 29 (regarding procedural rules for electronic filing),
and Standing Order Number 30 (regarding requirements of the E-Government
It is FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of these Rules be furnished to the
Eleventh Circuit Judicial Council, the Administrative Office of the United
States Courts, and that they be made available to the public.
DONE this 1
day of August, 2015.
!*))1(%,/)% 3)$ ' 0/ 14)3 % $5)%3)-(# !% " )*****************************************************************************************************)2!
General!L.R.!1.! Scope!and!Purpose!of!Rules!.....................................................................................................!2!
General!L.R.!1.1.! Procedures!for!Individual!Judges!......................................................................................!2!
!!*)),0/-&!" . 1)- " & )% # 6 /$ ),- , /$ 1 )*********************************************************************************************************)7!
General!L.R.!5.! Serving!and!Filing!Pleadings!and!Other!Papers!..............................................................!3!
General!L.R.!5.2.! Sealed!Documents!....................................................................................................................!5!
General!L.R.!7.! Requests!for!Court!Action!.........................................................................................................!8!
!!!*))&!1(0%1 ' $ /1 )-" & )& !1 (% 8 / $9 ):$ ;< ;= >; ? @)************************************************************************************)A!
General!L.R.!43.! Examining!Witnesses!...............................................................................................................!8!
General!L.R.!47.! Selecting!Jurors!...........................................................................................................................!9!
General!L.R.!51.! Instructions!to!the !Jury !........................................................................................................!10!
General!L.R.!72.! Duties!Under!28!U.S.C.!§!636(a)!and!(b)!.......................................................................!10!
General!L.R.!73.! Duties!Under!28!U.S.C.!§!636(c)!........................................................................................!15!
General!L.R.!77.! Place!of!Trial!and!Other!Proceedings!.............................................................................!17!
General!L.R.!79.! Custody!of!Files!and!Exhibits!.............................................................................................!17!
General!L.R.!83.1.! Courthouse!Decorum!........................................................................................................!19!
General!L.R.!83.2.! Appearing!Before!the!Court!............................................................................................!20!
General!L.R.!83.3.! Admission!to!Practice!.......................................................................................................!20!
General!L.R.!83.4.! Attorney!Discipline!............................................................................................................!22!
General!L.R.!83.5.! Persons!Proceeding!Without!Counsel!........................................................................!29!
General!L.R.!84.! Forms!...........................................................................................................................................!29!
General!L.R.!86.! Effective!Date!............................................................................................................................!29!
General!L.R.!87.! Reference!of!Bankruptcy!Matters!....................................................................................!29!
!*))1(%,/)% 3)$ ' 0/ 1)***************************************************************************************************************************************)7C!
Civil!L.R.!1.! Scope!of!Rules!....................................................................................................................................!30!
!!*))(%55 /" ( !" . )- " )-( # !% " 4)1/$ 8 !( /)% 3 ),$ % ( /1 1)- " & ),- , /$ 1)*********************************************)7C!
Civil!L.R.!3.! Commencing!an!Action!..................................................................................................................!30!
Civil!L.R.!4.! Service!of!Process!.............................................................................................................................!30!
Civil!L.R.!5.! Filing!Discovery!Materials!and!Exhibits!.................................................................................!31!
!!!*)),0/-&!" . 1)- " & )5 % # !% " 1)****************************************************************************************************************)7+!
Civil!L.R.!7.! Form!of!Motions!and!Other!Papers!..........................................................................................!31!
Civil!L.R.!7.1.! Disclosure!Statements!................................................................................................................!33!
Civil!L.R.!8.! Pleading!Jurisdiction!.......................................................................................................................!34!
Civil!L.R.!9.! Pleading!Special!Matters!...............................................................................................................!34!
Civil!L.R.!10.! Form!of!Pleadings!..........................................................................................................................!34!
Civil!L.R.!12.! Motions!to!Dismiss!or!Motions!for!Judgment!on!the!Pleadings!in!Pro$Se!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Litigation!...........................................................................................................................................!35!
Civil!L.R.!15.! Amended!and!Supplemental!Pleadings!...............................................................................!35!
! !
Civil!L.R.!16.!! Pretrial!Conferences;!Scheduling;!Management;!Alternative!Dispute!!
! Resolution!........................................................................................................................................!35!
!8*)),-$#!/ 1 ):$; <; => ;? @)*****************************************************************************************************************************)7F!
Civil!L.R.!26.! Duty!to!Disclose;!General!Provisions!Governing!Discovery!........................................!39!
Civil!L.R.!33.! Interrogatories!................................................................................................................................!42!
Civil!L.R.!34.! Producing!Documents!.................................................................................................................!42!
Civil!L.R.!36.! Requests!for!Admission!..............................................................................................................!43!
Civil!L.R.!37.! Discovery!Motions!.........................................................................................................................!43!
Civil!L.R.!41.! Dismissal!of!Actions!......................................................................................................................!43!
Civil!L.R.!42.! Consolidation!...................................................................................................................................!44!
Civil!L.R.!54.! Costs!....................................................................................................................................................!44!
Civil!L.R.!56.! Summary!Judgment!......................................................................................................................!45!
Civil!L.R.!62.! Supersedeas!Bonds!.......................................................................................................................!46!
Civil!L.R.!65.1.! Sureties!...........................................................................................................................................!46!
Civil!L.R.!65.2.! Security!for!Costs!.......................................................................................................................!46!
Civil!L.R.!67.! Deposit!Into!Court;!Withdrawal!of!Monies;!Registry!Fee!............................................!46!
Civil!L.R.!67.1.! Special!Attorney!Admission!Fund!......................................................................................!48!
)**************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************)IF!
Civil!L.R.!100.! Rule!A!–!Authority,!Scope,!and!Definitions!......................................................................!49!
Civil!L.R.!101.! Rule!B!–!Maritime!Attachment!and!Garnishment!.........................................................!49!
Civil!L.R.!102.! Rule!C!–!Actions!In$Rem:!Spe c ial !P ro v is ions!....................................................................!50!
Civil!L.R.!103.! Rule!D!–!Possessory,!Petitory,!and!Partition!Actions!..................................................!52!
Civil!L.R.!104.! Rule!E!–!Actions!In$Rem!and!Quasi$In$Rem:!G e n er a l!P r o vis io n s!..............................!52!
Civil!L.R.!105.! Rule!F!–!Limitation!of!Liability!..............................................................................................!58!
!*))1(%,/)% 3)$ ' 0/ 1)***************************************************************************************************************************************)LA!
Criminal!L.R.!1.! Scope!of!Rules!...........................................................................................................................!58!
!!*)),$/0!5!" - $ 9 ),$ % ( / /& !" . 1):$ ; <;= >; ? @)**************************************************************************************)LA!
!!!*))#6/).$- " & )B' $ 94)# 6 /)!" & !( # 5 / " #4)- " & )#6 / )!" 3% $ 5 - # !% " )******************************************)LF!
Criminal!L.R.!6.! Grand!Jury!Materials!..............................................................................................................!59!
Criminal!L.R.!7.! Superseding!Indictment!or!Information!........................................................................!59!
Criminal!L.R.!9.! Delivery!to!Marshal!of!Warrant!or!Summons!.............................................................!59!
!8*))-$$- !." 5/"#)-" & ), $/ , - $- # !% " )3% $ )# $ !-0 )************************************************************************)JC!
Criminal!L.R.!12.! Motions;!Evidentiary!Hearings!.......................................................................................!60!
Criminal!L.R.!12.4.! Disclosure!Statements!.....................................................................................................!61!
Criminal!L.R.!12.5.! Notice!of!Entrapment!Defense!....................................................................................!62!
Criminal!L.R.!13.! Reassignment!of!Related!Criminal!Cases!....................................................................!62!
Criminal!L.R.!16.! Discovery!and!Inspection!..................................................................................................!63!
Criminal!L.R.!17.1.! Pretrial!Conferences!........................................................................................................!66!
Criminal!L.R.!32.! Sentencing!and!Judgment!..................................................................................................!67!
!K*))./"/$ - 0), $ % 8!1 !% " 1)*************************************************************************************************************************)JF!
Criminal!L.R.!44.! Obligations!of!Retained!and!Appointed!Counsel!.....................................................!69!
Criminal!L.R.!46.! Bonds!and!Other!Sureties!..................................................................................................!71!
Criminal!L.R.!46.1.! Appeal!of!Release!or!Detention!Orders!...................................................................!72!
Criminal!L.R.!49.2.! Sealed!Hearings!..................................................................................................................!72!
Criminal!L.R.!58.! Misdemeanors!and!Other!O ffenses!...............................................................................!73!
The Local Rules are divided into three parts: (1) General Local Rules applicable
to civil and criminal cases; (2) Civil Local Rules applicable only to civil cases; and (3)
Criminal Local Rules applicable only to criminal cases. Each part begins with a
Rule defining its scope.
Following the recommendation of the Judicial Conference, the numbering of the
General and the Civil Local Rules has been tied to the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure and, in the case of the Criminal Local Rules, to the Federal Rules of
Criminal Procedure.
Some of the Local Rules are similar to certain Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
and Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. The Local Rules do not, however, repeat
the Federal Rules in their entirety, and practitioners are advised to consult both the
Local Rules and the applicable Federal Rules. These Local Rules have been adopted
pursuant to the authority of 28 U.S.C. § 2071, Rule 83 of the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, and Rule 57 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
General L.R. 1. Scope and Purpose of Rules
(a) The General Rules set forth in Part A govern both civil and criminal
proceedings in this District. The Rules set forth in Part B govern civil
proceedings in this District. The Rules set forth in Part C govern criminal and
petty offense proceedings in this District. The Rules are to be cited as follows:
“S.D. Ala. GenLR ___”; “S.D. Ala. CivLR ___”; and “S.D. Ala. CrLR ___.”
(b) These Rules are intended to supplement the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, and other controlling
statutes and rules. They shall be applied, construed, and enforced to avoid
inconsistency with other governing statutes and rules, and shall be employed to
provide fairness and simplicity in procedure to avoid technical and unjustified
delay and to secure a just, expeditious, and inexpensive determination of all
(c) In these Rules, “Court includes both District Judges and Magistrate
Judges; Judge,” without specifying “District” or “Magistrate,” includes both;
“Clerk” means the Clerk of the District Court and includes Deputy Clerks of
Court; and “Marshal” means the United States Marshal and includes Deputy
(d) Any Judge may, in the interests of justice in a particular case, suspend
application and enforcement of any Local Rule or any portion thereof.
(e) Subject to the review of the District Court, the Bankruptcy Court for the
Southern District of Alabama is authorized to make and amend rules governing
practice and procedure in all actions within its jurisdiction. Any rules made
pursuant to this authorization must be consistent with Bankruptcy Rule 9029,
as well as Fed. R. Civ. P. 83, and may not limit the use of the Official Forms.
General L.R. 1.1. Procedures for Individual Judges
The Judges of this Court have adopted individual Orders Governing Final
Pretrial Conference, copies of which are available from the Clerk and on the Court’s
website. Some Judges also have adopted rules regarding courtroom decorum and
other matters applicable to actions assigned to their dockets. Some of these rules
have been reduced to writing. Attorneys should check with the Clerk to ascertain
whether a particular Judge has any such printed rules.
General L.R. 5. Serving and Filing Pleadings and Other Papers
(a) General Format of Papers Presented for Filing.
(1) Pleadings and other papers must be formatted for reproduction on 8-½x
11” paper. The text must be double-spaced, but quotations more than two
lines long may be indented and single-spaced. Headings and footnotes may be
single-spaced. Margins must be at least 1” on all four sides. Page numbers
may be placed in the margins, but no text or footnotes may appear there.
(2) All pleadings and other papers must use a plain, Roman style (or similar)
font, although italics or boldface may be used for emphasis. Case names must
be italicized or underlined. Font must be 12 point or larger, including
(3) For filings by represented parties, at least one attorney appearing in the
action shall sign each document filed. In addition, there shall be included
directly beneath the signature line the typed or printed name, address, and
telephone number of all attorneys of record representing that party.
(4) For filings by pro se litigants, the unrepresented party shall personally
sign each document filed and shall include, directly beneath the signature
line, his or her name, address and telephone number.
(5) The requirements of this subsection (a)(1) and (2) are not applicable when
using a form approved and/or furnished by the Court.
(b) Electronic Filing.
(1) The Clerk is authorized to implement and publish Electronic Case Filing
Procedures (titled Administrative Procedures for Filing, Signing, and
Verifying Pleadings and Documents by Electronic Means”), including the
procedure for registration of attorneys and for the distribution of passwords to
permit electronic filing, service and noticing of pleadings and other
(2) All pleadings and other papers must be filed by electronic means unless
exempted by law or the Electronic Case Filing Procedures or excused by the
Court. The Court may make reasonable exemption from the electronic filing
(3) The electronic filing or signing of pleadings or other documents by an
attorney who is a registered participant in the Electronic Case Filing System
shall constitute the signature of that attorney under Fed. R. Civ. P. 11.
(4) No attorney shall knowingly permit, or cause to permit, his/her password
to be utilized by anyone other than an authorized member or employee of
his/her law firm.
(5) No person shall knowingly utilize or cause another person to utilize the
password of a registered attorney, unless such person is an authorized
member or employee of the law firm.
(6) The electronic filing of a pleading or other document in accordance with
the Electronic Case Filing Procedures shall constitute entry of that pleading
or other document on the docket kept by the Clerk under Fed. R. Civ. P. 79.
(7) The Clerk shall enter all orders, decrees, judgments, and proceedings of
the Court in accordance with the Electronic Case Filing Procedures, which
shall constitute entry of the order, decree, judgment, or proceeding on the
docket kept by the Clerk under Fed. R. Civ. P. 58 and Fed. R. Crim. P. 55.
(c) Non-Electronic Filing. If electronic filing is exempted or excused, the
original of all papers must be filed conventionally. All papers filed by non-
electronic means must be filed with the Clerk and not in the Judge’s chambers.
Except when the documents are deemed by the Clerk to be voluminous, the
Clerk shall scan the original papers and enter them into the record
(d) Service.
(1) Whenever pleadings or other documents are filed electronically in
accordance with the Electronic Case Filing Procedures, the Clerk shall serve
the filing party, and all other parties whose attorney of record is a registered
participant in the Electronic Case Filing System, with a “Notice of Electronic
Filing” by electronic means at the time of docketing.
(2) The filing party shall serve the pleadings or other documents upon all
persons entitled to notice or service in accordance with the applicable Rules.
When service by first-class mail is permitted under the Rules, the filing party
may make service in accordance with sub-paragraph (d)(3) below.
(3) If the recipient of notice or service is a registered participant in the
Electronic Case Filing System, service by electronic means of the Notice of
Electronic Filing shall be the equivalent of service by first-class mail, postage
(4) A separate certificate of service is not required for papers served
electronically if all parties were served through the Court’s Electronic Case
Filing System.
(5) Service by electronic means is complete on transmission.
(6) Service by electronic means is not effective if the party making service
learns that the attempted service did not reach the person to be served.
(7) Participation in the Electronic Case Filing System by receipt of a
password from the Court shall constitute a request for service and notice
electronically pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(b)(2)(E) and Fed. R. Crim. P. 49.
Participants in the Electronic Case Filing System, by receiving a password
from the Court, agree to receive service by electronic means.
General L.R. 5.2. Sealed Documents
The following procedures govern documents under seal in criminal and civil
cases in this District.
(a) General. A “sealed document” is a document access to which, other than
by the Court or its authorized personnel, is prohibited or restricted. Portions of
a document cannot be filed or placed under seal - only the entire document may
be sealed. No sealed document may be unsealed or disclosed except upon order
of the Court or in compliance with this Rule.
(b) Procedures for Filing a Sealed Document.
(1) Format. Any sealed document must be filed and conspicuously labeled
(2) Motion to Seal. To obtain a sealing order, a party must file an unsealed
written motion containing:
(A) A generic, non-confidential identification of the document to be sealed;
(B) The basis upon which the party seeks the order, including the reasons
why alternatives to sealing are inadequate; and
(C) The duration for which sealing is requested.
The moving party also must attach to the motion a proposed unsealed order
granting the motion and setting forth the basis for the Court's action.
The moving party also must file, in camera and under seal, the document
proposed to be sealed. The CM/ECF “Sealed Document(s)” event may be used
for this filing. The document will be kept under seal by the Clerk, pending a
decision by the Court on the motion. If the motion to seal is denied, the Clerk
will delete the document from the Electronic Case Filing System and return
any conventionally filed document to the party, unless the Court orders
(3) Public Notice of Motion to Seal or Sealing Order. A motion to seal,
and any order to seal, must be docketed according to the Administrative
Procedures of the Court.
(4) Objection to Sealing. Any person or entity, whether a party or not,
may object to a motion to seal a document or may file a motion to unseal a
document previously sealed.
(5) Agreement by Parties. These provisions do not limit the ability of the
parties, by agreement, to restrict access to documents that are not filed with
the Court. Any agreement calling for the sealing of any document to be filed
with the Court is subject to the provisions of this Rule.
(6) Extension of Sealing. No order to seal will be extended except upon a
subsequent order of the Court obtained in accordance with this Rule.
(7) Sealed Case. No case may be sealed in its entirety except by order of the
Court obtained in accordance with this Rule and applicable law.
(c) Exceptions.
(1) No motion or order is required to file the following under seal:
(A) An unredacted version of a document containing personal data
identifiers, filed in compliance with these Rules, the Federal Rules of
Procedure, or the E-Government Act;
(B) An ex parte motion or application where sealing is permitted or
required by law;
(C) Presentence investigation reports, pretrial services reports, psychiatric
or psychological evaluations in criminal cases, including documents
incorporating the content of the foregoing documents;
(D) Affidavits submitted in support of a motion for in forma pauperis
(E) Motions, orders, notices, and other matters occurring before the grand
jury, subject to the provisions of Fed. R. Crim. P. 6;
(F) Applications and orders for the disclosure of tax information (26 U.S.C.
§ 6103);
(G) Motions and orders involving the Classified Information Procedures
Act (18 U.S.C. app 3 §§ 1-16) or Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (50
U.S.C. § 1801);
(H) Pleadings and documents involving the Juvenile Delinquency Act;
(I) Requests and orders for authorization of investigative, expert, or other
services pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act; or
(J) Other documents required by law to be filed under seal.
(2) No publicly filed motion or order under this Rule is required for sealing
the following:
(A) Motion by the United States for a downward departure or reduction of
sentence in a criminal case, with leave of Court upon a showing of
particular need in an individual case to prevent serious harm; or
(B) Search, seizure, and arrest warrants and affidavits.
(3) A publicly filed motion and order citing only the statutory authority for
sealing is required for the following:
(A) Applications and orders for pen/trap devices (18 U.S.C. § 2703); and
(B) Applications and orders for wire, oral, or electronic communication
interception (18 U.S.C. § 2516).
(d) Unsealing. Unless the Court orders otherwise, the Clerk will unseal the
following sealed documents when indicated:
(1) Search Warrant. After the search is executed and the warrant is
returned to the Clerk.
(2) Arrest Warrant, and In a Violation Case, Any Violation Report.
After the arrest is made.
(3) Indictment. Upon the arrest or appearance of a single Defendant. In
multi-Defendant cases, and unless the Court orders otherwise, upon the
earliest of any of the following:
(A) Ten (10) days following the arrest of any Defendant;
(B) Thirty (30) days after return of the indictment; or
(C) When all Defendants have been arrested or summoned.
In criminal cases, each Defendant must be provided with a copy of the
charges against that Defendant (with other portions redacted, if necessary),
even if the indictment or complaint is otherwise sealed. In multi-Defendant
cases in which the indictment is to remain sealed, the government is
responsible for submitting to the Magistrate Judge for approval, reasonably in
advance of the initial appearance, an appropriately redacted indictment for
disclosure to the Defendant and to the public.
(4) Criminal Complaint. Thirty (30) days after issuance or when all
Defendants named are in custody or have been summoned, whichever is the
(5) Other Sealed Documents. The documents will be unsealed 120 days
from the date of entry of the sealing order, unless the Court by order provides
General L.R. 7. Requests for Court Action
A request for Court action must be presented by motion and may not be
presented by informal means such as a letter.
General L.R. 43. Examining Witnesses
Unless otherwise ordered, only one attorney for each party may examine or
cross-examine a witness.
General L.R. 47. Selecting Jurors
(a) Voir Dire of Prospective Jurors. The Court may conduct the voir dire
examination of prospective jurors or permit the parties to do so. When the
Court conducts voir dire, the parties may submit written proposed questions to
the Court and may request additional questions in light of prospective jurors’
responses to the Court’s examination.
(b) Juror Questionnaires. Juror questionnaires shall be available for
inspection from the Clerk on the Thursday before jury selection is scheduled to
commence. The information contained in the questionnaires is to be used for
purposes of jury selection only. Only counsel, employees of counsel, and the
parties are authorized to view juror information. Absent a Court order, this
information shall not be disclosed to others and shall be destroyed after jury
selection is complete.
The attorneys and pro se parties are expected to examine the juror
questionnaires available in the Jury Section of the Clerk’s Office prior to jury
selection in order to become familiar with each potential venire person’s
background, occupation, etc. During the jury selection proceedings, the Court
will have each venire member identified by number only, thus enabling the
parties to match each potential juror with his/her background information.
(c) Jury Selection Procedure. A venire shall be drawn according to the
Court’s plan for the qualification and random selection of petit jurors. Once the
Judge or a Deputy Clerk, in the presence of all parties and their counsel, has
generally qualified the venire, a panel of prospective jurors will be identified for
each particular action. After questioning the members of the panel and
resolving all strikes for cause, the Court will ask the parties to exercise their
peremptory strikes simultaneously and in writing. Beginning with the first
qualified juror remaining on the panel, the strike list will contain a sufficient
number of prospective jurors necessary to establish a jury of a predetermined
size once the parties have had an opportunity to use all authorized peremptory
strikes. If all strikes are not used, or if any of the strikes overlap, resulting in
more qualified jurors available for service than are needed, the jury will be
composed of the previously determined number of jurors beginning with the
first juror on the list. The time necessary for the parties to produce their lists of
peremptory strikes is ten (10) minutes, unless, for good cause shown, the Court
extends that time. Once all strikes have been recorded, the parties shall be
afforded an opportunity to review the strikes of any opposing party in order to
present any objections or motions related to those strikes. Once any and all
objections or motions are resolved, the Deputy Clerk shall be asked to seat the
jury. After the Deputy Clerk has identified and seated the jury, the parties
shall be prepared to confirm that the jury seated in the jury box is the jury that
was selected.
(d) Peremptory Challenges. Each party shall be entitled to the number of
peremptory challenges authorized by 28 U.S.C. § 1870 in civil cases and by Fed.
R. Crim. P. 24 in criminal cases. Within the discretion of the Judge, additional
peremptory challenges may be allowed in any case. In civil cases where there
are multiple Plaintiffs or Defendants, requests for additional peremptory
challenges shall be filed no later than the final pretrial conference. In criminal
cases involving multiple Defendants, the Judge may allow additional challenges
and authorize the Defendants to exercise those challenges separately or jointly,
so long as they are requested at least seven (7) days in advance of jury selection.
(e) Communications with Jurors. Parties, attorneys, and the agents or
employees of parties or attorneys may not approach, interview, or communicate
with a venire member or juror before, during, or after trial, except with leave of
Court. Such leave may be granted only upon notice to opposing counsel (or pro
se opponent) and a showing of good cause. A juror must be advised at the outset
of any communication that his or her participation is voluntary. Any juror
contact permitted by the Court under this Rule is subject to the Court’s control.
General L.R. 51. Instructions to the Jury
The parties must submit any proposed written jury instructions and, if
required, a written form of verdict before the commencement of trial on a schedule
established by the trial Judge. Further instructions may be submitted after the
commencement of trial only as permitted by the Court.
General L.R. 72. Duties Under 28 U.S.C. § 636(a) and (b)
(a) Authorized Duties.
(1) Magistrate Judges are authorized to exercise all of the powers and duties
set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 636(a) and (b) and are authorized to perform any and
all additional duties as may be assigned from time to time, consistent with the
Constitution and laws of the United States.
(2) The duties authorized to be performed by Magistrate Judges, when
assigned to them pursuant to Local Rule 72(b), include, but are not limited to:
(A) Issuing search warrants, Fed. R. Crim. P. 41, issuing seizure warrants,
issuing warrants to install a tracking device, 18 U.S.C. § 3117 or Fed. R.
Crim. P. 41, issuing orders for disclosure of the contents of wire or
electronic communications or records, 18 U.S.C. § 2703(d), issuing orders
for a pen register or a trap and trace device, 18 U.S.C. §§ 3122-3123, and
issuing administrative inspection warrants upon proper application
meeting the requirements of applicable law;
(B) Issuing complaints and appropriate summonses or arrest warrants for
the named Defendant, Fed. R. Crim. P. 4;
(C) Conducting initial appearance proceeding, Fed. R. Crim. P. 5;
(D) Appointing counsel for indigent persons, approving compensation and
expense vouchers, and all other duties in conformance with the Court’s
Criminal Justice Act Plan;
(E) Conducting preliminary examinations, Fed. R. Crim. P. 5.1; 18 U.S.C.
§ 3060;
(F) Conducting removal hearings for Defendants charged in other
Districts, including the issuance of warrants of removal, Fed. R. Crim. P.
(G) Issuing writs of habeas corpus ad testificandum and habeas corpus ad
prosequendum, 28 U.S.C. § 2241(c)(5);
(H) Releasing or detaining material witnesses, 18 U.S.C. § 3144;
(I) Issuing warrants and conducting extradition proceedings pursuant to
18 U.S.C. § 3184;
(J) Conducting proceedings for the discharge of indigent prisoners or
persons imprisoned for debt under process or execution issued by a Federal
Court, 28 U.S.C. § 2007;
(K) Issuing attachment or other orders to enforce obedience to an Internal
Revenue Service summons to produce records or given testimony, 26 U.S.C.
§ 7604(b);
(L) Conducting post-indictment arraignments, accepting not guilty pleas,
accepting guilty pleas in misdemeanor and other petty offense cases with
the consent of the Defendant, when required, and the ordering of a
presentence investigation report concerning any Defendant who expresses
the desire to plead guilty, Fed. R. Crim. P. 10, 11(a), 32(c) & 58;
(M) Empaneling grand juries; accepting the return of an indictment by the
grand jury; granting leave to the government to dismiss a criminal
complaint; and dismissing a criminal complaint upon a finding of
unnecessary delay in presenting a charge to the grand jury, filing an
information against a Defendant, or bringing a Defendant to trial, Fed. R.
Crim. P. 6(a) & 6(f), 48(a) & 48(b);
(N) Supervising and determining all pretrial proceedings and motions
made in criminal cases including, without limitation, motions and orders
made pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 12, 12.2(c), 14-17.1, & 28, 18 U.S.C. §
4244, orders determining excludable time under 18 U.S.C. § 3161, and
orders dismissing a complaint without prejudice for failure to return a
timely indictment under 18 U.S.C. § 3162; except that a Magistrate Judge
may not grant a motion to dismiss or quash an indictment or information,
or a motion to suppress evidence, or any other case dispositive motion, but
may make recommendations to the District Judge concerning them;
(O) Conducting hearings and issuing orders upon motions arising out of
grand jury proceedings, including orders entered pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
6003, and orders involving enforcement or modification of subpoenas,
directing or regulating lineups, photographs, handwriting exemplars,
fingerprinting, palm printing, voice identification, medical examinations,
and the taking of blood, urine, fingernail, hair, and bodily secretion
samples (with appropriate safeguards);
(P) Conducting hearings and issuing orders arising out of a motion for
return of property pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 41(g), except that, to the
extent the motion is treated as a motion to suppress under Fed. R. Crim. P.
12, then it must be handled in accordance with subparagraph (2)(N) of this
(Q) Conducting preliminary hearings in all probation or supervised release
revocation proceedings, and conducting final hearings for misdemeanors
when the Defendant has previously consented to the exercise of jurisdiction
by the Magistrate Judge, Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.1;
(R) Processing and reviewing habeas corpus petitions or applications filed
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2241, those filed by state prisoners pursuant to 28
U.S.C. § 2254, or by federal prisoners pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255, and
civil suits filed by state prisoners under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Magistrate
Judges have the authority to require responses, issue orders to show cause
and any other orders necessary to develop a complete record, and to
prepare a report and recommendation to the District Judge as to
appropriate disposition of the application, petition, or claim;
(S) Supervising and determining all pretrial proceedings and motions
made in civil cases including, without limitation, rulings upon all
procedural and discovery motions, and conducting pretrial conferences;
except that a Magistrate Judge (absent the consent of all affected parties)
may not appoint a receiver, issue an injunctive order pursuant to Fed. R.
Civ. P. 65, enter an order dismissing or permitting maintenance of a class
action pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23, enter any order granting judgment on
the pleadings or summary judgment, in whole or in part, pursuant to Fed.
R. Civ. P. 12(c) or 56, enter an order of involuntary dismissal pursuant to
Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(b) or (c), or enter any other order or judgment dispositive
of a claim or defense, but may make reports and recommendations to that
District Judge concerning them;
(T) Conducting mediation conferences, or other alternative dispute
resolution (ADR) procedures, pursuant to the District’s ADR Program;
(U) Conducting all proceedings in civil suits after judgment incident to the
issuance of writs of replevin, garnishment, attachment, or execution
pursuant to governing state or federal law, and conducting all proceedings
and entering all necessary orders in aid of execution pursuant to Fed. R.
Civ. P. 69;
(V) With the consent of the parties, presiding over the voir dire
examination and empanelment of trial juries in civil and criminal cases and
accepting jury verdicts in the absence of the District Judge;
(W) Processing and reviewing all suits instituted under any law of the
United States providing for judicial review of final decisions of
administrative officers or agencies on the basis of the record of
administrative proceedings, and the preparation of a report and
recommendation to the District Judge concerning the disposition of the
(X) Serving as a special master in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 53;
(Y) In admiralty cases, entering orders:
(i) For the seizure and appointing substitute custodians of vessels or
property seized in rem;
(ii) Fixing the amount of security pursuant to Rule E(5), Supplemental
Rules for Admiralty or Maritime Claims and Asset Forfeiture Actions,
that must be posted by the claimant of a vessel or property seized in rem;
(iii) In limitation of liability proceedings, for monition and restraining
orders, including approval of the ad interim stipulation filed with the
complaint, establishment of the means of notice to potential claimants
and a deadline for the filing of claims; and
(iv) To restrain further proceedings against the Plaintiff in limitation,
except by means of the filing of a claim in the limitation proceedings;
(Z) Appointing persons to serve process pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(c);
(AA) Supervising proceedings conducted pursuant to letters rogatory or
request in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1781.
(b) Assignment of Duties. The assignment of duties to the Magistrate
Judges by the District Judges of the Court may be made by standing order
entered collectively, or by any individual District Judge in any case assigned to
the District Judge, through written order or oral directive, made or given with
respect to such case or cases. In any case, the assigned District Judge may
designate the Magistrate Judge to perform any or all of the duties authorized by
28 U.S.C. § 636(a) or (b) or by these Local Rules. The Clerk, in an electronic
reference, shall refer all duties authorized by this Rule to the Magistrate
Judges. This reference shall be sufficient notice to the parties that a particular
matter has been referred to the Magistrate Judge for appropriate action.
(c) Objections to Magistrate Judge’s Determination in Criminal Cases
and in Civil Cases in Which the Parties Have Not Consented to
Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction.
(1) In civil and criminal cases in which the parties have not consented to
Magistrate Judge jurisdiction, objections to a determination by the Magistrate
Judge are governed by Fed. R. Civ. P. 72 and Fed. R. Crim. P. 59.
(2) Any other party may serve and file a response to the objection within
fourteen (14) days from the date of service of the objection, unless the Court
sets a different deadline.
(3) Unless the Court orders otherwise, the objecting party may serve and file
a reply within seven (7) days from the date of service of the response.
(d) Record of Proceedings Before Magistrate Judge.
(1) The Magistrate Judge must determine, after taking into account the
complexity of the particular matter, whether the record must be taken down
by a reporter or recorded by suitable sound equipment.
(2) Notwithstanding the Magistrate Judge’s determination:
(A) The proceeding may be taken down by a reporter if any party so
(B) The proceeding must be recorded by suitable sound equipment if all
parties agree; and
(C) The Magistrate Judge may choose to make no record of the proceeding
if all parties agree.
General L.R. 73. Duties Under 28 U.S.C. § 636(c)
(a) Authorized Duties. The Magistrate Judges in this District are
designated to exercise the jurisdiction and authority provided by 28 U.S.C. §
636(c) upon the expressed consent of all parties and may conduct any or all
proceedings, including a jury or non-jury trial, in a civil case.
(b) Transfer of Civil Cases to Magistrate Judges. In any case assigned to
a District Judge pursuant to Civil Local Rule 3(b), if the parties consent to the
Magistrate Judge’s jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636(c) and follow the
procedure set forth in General Local Rule 73(c)(4), the District Judge may refer
the case to the Magistrate Judge by written order.
(c) Direct Assignment of Civil Cases to Magistrate Judges. The Clerk
shall randomly assign to the full-time Magistrate Judges a percentage of the
Court’s total civil docket in an effort to enhance the opportunity for litigants to
more fully utilize the services of the Magistrate Judges. The specific percentage
of cases referred shall be set by the District Judges and may be changed from
time to time in their discretion. The following procedure applies:
(1) The Clerk shall establish a method of randomly selecting civil cases for
reference to the Magistrate Judges of this District. Once identified, the cases
shall be referred to all Magistrate Judges on an equal rotation basis, with the
total number referred not exceeding the percentage established by the District
(2) When an action is referred to a Magistrate Judge pursuant to this Rule,
the Clerk shall notify all parties who have appeared by sending a Notice of
Assignment of Case to a Magistrate Judge for Trial. In accordance with Fed.
R. Civ. P. 4 and 5, it shall be the responsibility of Plaintiffs to immediately
serve a copy of this Notice on those parties named as Defendants but who
have not appeared.
(3) Prior to formal reference under sub-paragraph (4) of this Rule, any party
to a referred action may obtain reassignment to a District Judge by sending
the Clerk a Request for Reassignment to a United States District Judge for
Trial and Disposition. The Clerk shall keep such requests confidential, and
the identity of any party seeking reassignment shall not be revealed to either
the District Judge or the Magistrate Judge. All parties are free to obtain
reassignment in accordance with this sub-paragraph without the imposition
of any adverse consequences.
(4) Should all parties in a referred action agree to authorize a Magistrate
Judge to exercise consent jurisdiction, they shall execute and file a joint form
of consent that complies with the requirements of the Consent to Exercise of
Jurisdiction by a United States Magistrate Judge (Appendix of Forms). Upon
the filing of this form, the action shall be referred to the appropriate District
Judge for the entry of a formal reference, signifying his or her final approval
of the reference.
(5) If the parties do not execute and file a joint consent form prior to the
deadline established by the Magistrate Judge, the Clerk will reassign the
action to a District Judge.
(6) In his or her discretion, the Magistrate Judge to whom any action is
referred may order reassignment sua sponte. If, during the pendency of an
action referred to a Magistrate Judge pursuant to this Rule, it is discovered
that all parties have not executed a consent form and, further, that all parties
have not agreed to consent jurisdiction, the action shall be reassigned.
(d) Appeals. In actions referred to the Magistrate Judges, they shall conduct
all further proceedings, including a jury or non-jury trial, and shall order the
entry of a final judgment in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 636(c). Any appeal of a
judgment entered by a Magistrate Judge in consent actions shall be taken
directly to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals as required by 28 U.S.C. §
General L.R. 77. Place of Trial and Other Proceedings
As prescribed by 28 U.S.C. § 81, the Southern District of Alabama has two
(a) Northern Division. The Northern Division is comprised of the counties of
Dallas, Hale, Marengo, Perry, and Wilcox. Court for the Northern Division
shall be held in Selma when ordered by the Court in a particular case.
(b) Southern Division. The Southern Division is comprised of the counties of
Baldwin, Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe, and
Washington. Court for the Southern Division shall be held in Mobile unless
otherwise ordered by the Court in a particular case.
General L.R. 79. Custody of Files and Exhibits
(a) Clerk’s Custody. In general, documents or physical items belonging to
the Court’s paper or electronic files remain in the Clerk’s custody throughout a
judicial proceeding.
(b) Viewing and Copying Court Files.
(1) Paper Files. The public may view files and documents in the Clerk’s
Office in Mobile, Alabama, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on days when the
Courthouse is open for business. Upon request, the Clerk will copy public
documents for a fee as allowed by 28 U.S.C. § 1914.
(2) Electronic Files. Access to the electronic docket and documents filed in
the Electronic Case Filing System is available to the public at no charge at
the Clerk’s Office in Mobile, Alabama, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on
days when the Courthouse is open for business. Fees to print a paper copy of
an electronic filing and to obtain a certified copy of an electronically filed
document are allowed by 28 U.S.C. § 1914.
(3) Payment for Copies. Payment must be made in cash, by credit card,
check, or money order payable to “Clerk, U. S. District Court.” Fees apply to
copying services for the United States if the record or paper requested can be
electronically accessed. The Clerk cannot make change for cash payments.
(c) Inspecting Physical Evidence. No one may inspect physical evidence in
the Clerk's custody (including without limitation photographic negatives, tape
recordings, contraband such as drugs and narcotics, firearms, ammunition,
currency, negotiable instruments, computer disks or tapes, and other items
designated by a Judge) except while in the presence and under the control of the
Clerk. The Clerk may limit or preclude access and copying in order to preserve
(d) Temporary Withdrawal of Paper Court Files, Exhibits, and
Documents. Paper Court files, exhibits, documents, and transcripts may not
be taken from the Clerk’s Office or custody without a written order of the
assigned Judge. To request permission to check out a Court file, exhibit,
document, or transcript, a party must file a written motion. If the assigned
Judge grants the motion, the party may have the Court file, exhibit, document,
or transcript upon delivery of a receipt for the same to the Clerk. The party
must return the Court file, exhibit, document, or transcript within seven (7)
days (unless the Judge by order sets a different time), in the same condition and
order in which it was received.
(e) Permanent Withdrawal of Files and Documents. Upon a showing of
good cause, the Court may order an item in a file to be permanently withdrawn.
The Clerk may require a party requesting withdrawal to provide a copy of the
item for certification and a receipt for the original. The certified copy and
receipt are filed in lieu of the original, and the party receiving the original must
pay the Clerk any costs.
(f) Withdrawal, Retention, and Destruction of Trial Exhibits and
Discovery Material at Case Conclusion.
(1) Withdrawal. Within fourteen (14) days after a trial is concluded
(whether by verdict, mistrial, settlement, or otherwise), the offering party
must withdraw all exhibits in the Clerk’s custody and give the Clerk a receipt
for the exhibits. The Clerk shall ensure that all exhibits of a sensitive nature
(e.g., controlled substances, cash, counterfeit currency, precious stones and
metals, weapons, ammunition, volatile, poisonous and hazardous substances,
and all other exhibits which require special handling) are withdrawn by the
offering party or investigating agency within the time set forth above. Within
fourteen (14) days after a case is concluded (whether by judgment, order of
dismissal, or otherwise), the offering party must withdraw all discovery
material in the Clerk’s custody and give the Clerk a receipt for such material.
(2) Destruction. Exhibits and discovery material filed with the Clerk and
not withdrawn within sixty (60) days after a case is concluded may be
disposed of by the Clerk.
(3) Duty to Retain Exhibits and Discovery Material.
A party must:
(A) A party must retain exhibits and discovery material withdrawn from
the Clerk’s custody for at least one (1) year after the judgment is final;
(B) Preserve the retained exhibits and discovery material in the same
condition as when withdrawn;
(C) If an opposing party requests the exhibits or discovery material, make
them available for examination and use at reasonable times and places;
(D) Upon request, promptly return the exhibits and discovery material to
the Clerk; and
(E) In the event of an appeal, post-trial motion or post-judgment motion, it
shall be the duty of the party, investigating agency or attorney to whom
such exhibits and discovery material have been delivered to produce same
as may be required for such appellate process or other further proceedings
in the Court. In criminal cases, it shall also be the responsibility of the
investigating agency or the United States Attorney to document the chain
of custody for each returned exhibit for the period the exhibit was not in
judicial custody.
(4) Sanctions. Sanctions may be awarded for the failure to abide by General
Local Rule 79(f). Despite entry of judgment, the Court retains jurisdiction
over the parties and attorneys for purposes of enforcing this Rule.
General L.R. 83.1. Courthouse Decorum
(a) Photographing, Broadcasting, and Recording. No one may take any
interior photographs of, make any recordings in, or make any broadcasts from
any courthouse without first obtaining permission from the Court. These
prohibitions do not apply to ceremonial proceedings.
(b) Causing a Disturbance or Nuisance. Causing a disturbance or
nuisance in any courthouse is prohibited.
(c) Contempt. The United States Attorney may enforce these prohibitions by
seeking an order that requires any person who violates General Local Rule 83.1
to appear before a Judge to answer to a charge of contempt.
(d) Enforcement. The Marshal or a custodian of the courthouse may enforce
General Local Rule 83.1 by ejecting violators or by referring the matter to the
United States Attorney.
General L.R. 83.2. Appearing Before the Court
Unless appearing pro se or through counsel under General Local Rule 83.3(f) or
(g), all parties to proceedings in this Court must appear by an attorney admitted to
practice in this Court. Only natural persons may appear pro se.
General L.R. 83.3. Admission to Practice
(a) Bar of Court. The Bar of this Court consists of those persons previously
admitted to (and not removed from) the Bar of this Court and of those persons
who hereafter are admitted under this Rule.
(b) Procedure for Admission to Practice. Any attorney who is admitted to
practice before the Supreme Court of Alabama may be admitted to the Bar of
this Court upon the submission of an application, payment of the prescribed
admission fee, and
(1) The order of a District Judge of this Court (on oral or written motion by a
member of the Bar of this Court or on the Court’s own motion), and the
administering of the prescribed oath before any Judge (or other designee) of
this Court; or
(2) The filing of a Certificate of Good Standing from the Clerk of the United
States District Court for the District in which the applicant resides or
regularly practices law.
(c) Renewed Application for Admission. Attorneys are required to renew
their application for admission every five (5) years by submission of an
application and payment of the prescribed fee.
(d) Admission Pro Hac Vice.
(1) Any attorney who is not a member of the Bar of this Court but who is
admitted to practice before any United States Court for the District in which
such person resides or regularly practices law, or the highest Court of any
State or the District of Columbia, may, upon motion and payment of the
prescribed admission fee, be admitted pro hac vice by an order of any District
Judge, Magistrate Judge, or Bankruptcy Judge of this Court.
(2) The attorney must attach to his/her motion a Certificate of Good
Standing, dated within thirty (30) days of the application for admission, from
(i) a Federal Court described in sub-paragraph (d)(1) or, if the attorney is not
admitted to practice in such a court, (ii) the highest Court of the State (or
District of Columbia) where the attorney resides or regularly practices law.
(3) Any such attorney who appears as counsel by filing any pleading,
document, or other paper in any case pending in this Court shall,
contemporaneously with the filing of such papers, apply for admission pro hac
vice as set out herein.
(e) Local Counsel. At any time, upon its own motion, the Court may require
that a non-resident attorney obtain local counsel to assist in the conduct of the
(f) Appearance on Behalf of the United States. Any attorney representing
the United States or any agency thereof, having the authority of the
government to appear as its counsel, may appear specially and be heard in any
case in which the government or such agency is a party, without formal or
general admission.
(g) Appearance by the Federal Public Defender. Any attorney employed
by the Federal Defender Office of this District may appear specially and be
heard in any action in which the Federal Defender has been appointed without
formal or general admission.
(h) Continuing Representation. Unless disbarred or suspended, attorneys
shall be held at all times to represent the parties for whom they appear of
record in the first instance until, after formal motion and notice to such parties
and to opposing counsel, they are permitted by order of the Court to withdraw
from such representation. The Court may, however, permit withdrawal without
formal motion and notice if other counsel has entered an appearance for the
(i) Standards for Professional Conduct; Obligations. Attorneys
appearing before this Court shall adhere to this Court’s Local Rules, the
Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct, and the Alabama Standards for
Imposing Lawyer Discipline. Attorney misconduct, whether or not occurring in
the course of an attorney/client relationship, may be disciplined by disbarment,
suspension, reprimand, monetary sanctions, removal from this Court's roster of
attorneys eligible for practice before it, or such other sanction as the Court may
deem appropriate.
General L.R. 83.4. Attorney Discipline
(a) Discipline. When alleged attorney misconduct is brought to the attention
of the Court, whether by a Judge, any lawyer admitted to practice before the
Court, any officer or employee of the Court, or otherwise, the Court may, in its
discretion, dispose of the matter through the use of its inherent, statutory, or
other powers; refer the matter to an appropriate State Bar agency for
investigation and disposition; refer the matter to the Local Grievance
Committee as hereinafter defined; or take any other action the Court deems
appropriate. These procedures are not mutually exclusive.
(b) Grievance Committee. The Judges of this Court may appoint a standing
Committee of not less than five (5) members of the Bar to address alleged
attorney misconduct. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(1) Purpose and Function. The purpose and function of such appointed
Committee shall be to conduct, upon referral by the Court, investigations,
inquiries, and hearings, where appropriate, of alleged misconduct of any
member of the Bar of this Court; and to submit written findings and
recommendations to the Court thereafter. Members of a Grievance
Committee, while serving in their official capacities, shall be considered to be
representatives of and acting under the powers and immunities of the Court,
and shall enjoy such immunities while acting in good faith in such capacity.
(2) Powers of Committee. The Committee shall be vested with such
powers as are necessary to conduct the proper and expeditious disposition of
any matter referred by the Court, including the power to compel the
attendance of witnesses, to take or cause to be taken the deposition of any
witnesses, to secure the production of documentary evidence, and to
administer oaths and those powers described elsewhere in these Rules.
(c) Disciplinary Proceedings.
(1) Preliminary Investigation. Upon referral of a disciplinary matter, the
Committee shall conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether a
formal disciplinary proceeding should be initiated. If no such finding is made,
the Committee shall file with the Court its written recommendations for
disposition of the matter, whether by dismissal, admonition, deferral, or any
other action. In cases of dismissal, the attorney who is the subject of the
investigation need not be notified of the proceeding. All investigative reports,
records, and recommendations generated by or on behalf of the Committee
under such circumstances shall remain strictly confidential. Such reports,
records, and recommendations shall be kept with the Clerk in a sealed
electronic file to be opened only upon written order of the Court and shall be
destroyed five (5) years after final disposition of the matter.
(2) Probable Cause, Show Cause Order. Upon a finding that probable
cause exists, the Committee shall file with the Court a written report of its
investigation, stating with specificity the facts supporting its conclusions, and
shall apply to the Court for issuance of an order requiring the attorney to
show cause within 30 days after service of that order why the attorney should
not be disciplined. The Court may, upon concurrence by a majority of its
members, issue an appropriate show cause order. Such issued show cause
order shall be accompanied by a copy of the Committee’s written report for
service upon the attorney. Such written report shall otherwise remain
(3) Rescission of Show Cause Order, Hearing. The Committee shall act
on the attorney’s response either by recommending the Court rescind its
Order To Show Cause or by conducting a confidential hearing on the matter,
affording the attorney an opportunity to be represented by counsel, to present
witnesses and other evidence, and to confront and cross-examine witnesses in
a proceeding guided by the spirit of the Federal Rules of Evidence. A record
shall be made of all proceedings. Unless he or she asserts a privilege or right
properly available under applicable Federal or State law, the attorney may be
called as a witness by the Committee to make specific and complete disclosure
of all matters material to the charge of misconduct.
(4) Recommendations. Upon completion of the proceeding, the Committee
shall make its confidential written report and recommendation to the Court.
The Committee shall include findings of fact as to the charges and
recommendations regarding whether or not the accused attorney should be
found guilty of misconduct justifying disciplinary actions by the Court, and
recommendations as to the disciplinary measures to be applied by the Court.
A record of the proceedings, which shall include an appropriate index, a
transcript of the proceedings, all pleadings, and all evidentiary exhibits, shall
accompany the report. A copy of the report and recommendation shall also be
furnished to the attorney.
(5) Actions by Court. The Court, by majority vote of its Judges, shall take
such further action as it deems appropriate.
(d) Conviction of Crime.
(1) Suspension. Upon the filing with this Court of a certified copy of a
judgment of conviction demonstrating an attorney has been convicted in a
Court of competent jurisdiction of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral
turpitude, the Court shall enter an order suspending the attorney, unless a
majority of the Judges of the Court deem such a suspension contrary to the
interests of justice. The suspension shall remain in effect until further order
of the Court.
(2) Proceedings. The Court may also institute such proceedings, to include
Grievance Committee proceedings, to determine the extent of final discipline
to be imposed upon the attorney, provided the final proceedings shall not
occur until all appeals from the conviction are concluded.
(3) Reinstatement, Proceedings Then Pending. A suspension hereunder
shall be terminated immediately upon the filing of a certificate demonstrating
that the underlying conviction of a serious crime has been reversed. However,
reinstatement shall not terminate any disciplinary proceedings then pending
against the attorney, the disposition of which shall be determined by the
Court utilizing the procedures herein.
(e) Discipline Imposed by Other Courts.
(1) Notification to Clerk. An attorney admitted to practice before this
Court shall, upon being suspended, disbarred, or subjected to any form of
public discipline by any other Court, promptly inform the Clerk of Court of
such action. This Court, acting by a majority of its Judges, may refer this
matter to a Grievance Committee or issue its order to the attorney to show
cause, within thirty (30) days, why he or she should not be disciplined by this
(2) Conclusiveness of Final Adjudication. A final adjudication in
another Court that an attorney has been guilty of misconduct shall establish
conclusively the misconduct for purpose of a disciplinary proceeding in this
Court, unless the attorney clearly demonstrates to the Court’s satisfaction
that, upon the face of the record upon which the discipline in another
jurisdiction is predicated:
(A) The procedure in the other jurisdiction was so lacking in notice or
opportunity to be heard as to constitute a deprivation of due process; or
(B) There was such infirmity of proof establishing misconduct as to give
rise to the clear conviction that this Court could not, consistent with its
duty, accept as final the conclusion on that subject.
(3) Actions by Court. The Court, acting upon the attorney's response to the
Show Cause Order or upon the report and recommendation of a Grievance
Committee, if appointed, may take such further disciplinary action, as a
majority of the Judges deem appropriate under the circumstances.
(f) Disbarment on Consent or Resignation in Other Courts.
(1) Notification to Clerk. Any attorney admitted to practice before the
Court shall, upon being disbarred on consent or resigning from any other Bar
while an investigation into allegations of misconduct is pending, promptly
inform the Clerk of Court of such disbarment on consent or resignation.
(2) Removal from Roll of Attorneys. An attorney admitted to practice
before this Court who shall be disbarred on consent or resign from any other
Bar while an investigation into allegations of misconduct is pending shall,
upon filing with this Court of a certified copy of the judgment or order
accepting such disbarment on consent or resignation, cease to be permitted to
practice before this Court and be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted
to practice before this Court.
(g) Disbarment on Consent While Under Disciplinary Investigation or
Prosecution, or Otherwise.
(1) Consent. Any attorney who desires to consent to disbarment by this
Court for any reason, to include those related to allegations of misconduct,
may consent to disbarment, but only upon delivery of an affidavit to this
Court in such form and content as may be required to satisfy the Court that
the consent to disbarment is:
(A) Freely and voluntarily rendered without coercion or duress and that
the attorney is fully aware of the implications of so consenting; and
(B) For reasons recited within the affidavit, which the attorney
acknowledges are true and form the basis for disbarment.
(2) Entry of Order of Disbarment. Upon receipt of the required affidavit,
this Court shall enter its order of disbarment. However, the affidavit required
pursuant to the provisions of this Rule shall not be publicly disclosed or made
available for use in any other proceeding except upon order of this Court.
(h) Incompetence or Incapacity.
(1) When it appears that an attorney, for whatever reason, is failing to
perform at an adequate level of competence necessary to protect his/her
client's interests, the Court shall be empowered to take such remedial action
as it deems appropriate to insure the attorney's maintenance of an adequate
level of competency, to include, but not be restricted to:
(A) Appropriate referral of the affected attorney to such entities or parties
as may assist the attorney in achieving necessary levels of competency;
(B) Limiting or restricting the attorney's practice before the Court; or
(C) Suspension from practice until compliance with competency levels is
(2) Action by the Court relating to matters of attorney competency shall be
taken by a majority vote of the Judges thereof after consideration of such
response from the attorney, as the Court may deem appropriate.
(i) Reinstatement.
(1) After Disbarment or Suspension. An attorney suspended for three (3)
months or less shall be automatically reinstated at the end of the period of
suspension upon the filing with this Court of an affidavit of compliance with
the provisions of the order. An attorney suspended for more than three (3)
months, or disbarred, may not resume the practice of law before this Court
until reinstated by order of the Court.
(2) Time of Application Following Disbarment. An attorney who has
been disbarred after hearing or consent may not apply for reinstatement until
the expiration of at least five (5) years from the effective date of disbarment.
(3) Hearing on Application. Petitions for reinstatement by a disbarred or
suspended attorney under this Rule shall be filed with the Chief Judge of this
Court. The Chief Judge may submit the petition to the Court or may, in
his/her discretion, refer the petition to the Grievance Committee which shall,
within thirty (30) days of the referral, schedule a hearing at which the
petitioner shall have the burden of establishing by clear and convincing
evidence that he or she has the moral qualifications, competency, and
learning in the law required for admission to practice before this Court and
that his/her resumption of the practice of law will not be detrimental to the
integrity and standing of the Bar or the administration of justice, or
subversive of the public interest. Upon completion of the hearing, the
Committee shall make a full report to the Court. The Committee shall
include its findings of fact as to the petitioner's fitness to resume the practice
of law and its recommendations as to whether or not the petitioner should be
(4) Conditions of Reinstatement. If, after consideration of the
Committee's report and recommendation, the Court finds that the petitioner
is unfit to resume the practice of law, the petition shall be dismissed. If, after
consideration of the Committee's report and recommendation, the Court finds
that the petitioner is fit to resume the practice of law, the Court shall
reinstate the petitioner, provided that the judgment may make reinstatement
conditional upon the payment of all or part of the costs of the proceedings, and
on the making of partial or complete restitution to all parties harmed by the
conduct that led to the suspension or disbarment. Provided further, that if
the petitioner has been suspended or disbarred for five (5) years or more,
reinstatement may be conditioned, in the discretion of the Court, upon the
furnishing of proof of competency and learning in the law, which proof may
include certification by the Bar Examiners of a state or other jurisdiction of
the attorney's successful completion of an examination for admission to
practice subsequent to the date of suspension or disbarment. Provided
further, that reinstatement may be subject to any conditions that the Court in
its discretion deems appropriate.
(5) Successive Petitions. No petition for reinstatement under this Rule
shall be filed within one (1) year following an adverse judgment upon a
petition for reinstatement filed by or on behalf of the same person.
(6) Deposit for Costs of Proceedings. Petitions for reinstatement under
this Rule shall be accompanied by a deposit in an amount to be set from time
to time by the Court, in consultation with the Grievance Committee, to cover
anticipated costs of the reinstatement proceeding.
(7) Oath and Fee Upon Reinstatement. Any attorney disbarred or
suspended from practice in this Court and subsequently readmitted shall take
the oath, pay the fee then prescribed, and sign the roll of attorneys for this
(j) Attorneys Specially Admitted Subject to Discipline. Whenever an
attorney applies to be admitted or is admitted to this Court for purposes of a
particular proceeding (pro hac vice), the attorney shall be deemed thereby to
have conferred disciplinary jurisdiction upon this Court for any alleged
misconduct arising in the course of, or in the preparation for, such a proceeding
which is a violation of this Court's Local Rules and/or the Rules of Professional
Conduct adopted by this Court as provided in these Rules.
(k) Appointment of Counsel. Whenever, at the direction of the Court or
upon request of the Grievance Committee, counsel is to be appointed pursuant
to these Rules to investigate or assist in the investigation of misconduct, to
prosecute or assist in the prosecution of disciplinary proceedings, or to assist in
the disposition of a reinstatement petition filed by a disciplined attorney, this
Court, by a majority vote of its active Judges, may appoint as counsel any active
member of the Bar of this Court, or may, in its discretion, appoint the
disciplinary agency of the highest Court of the state wherein the Court sits, or
other disciplinary agency having jurisdiction.
(l) Service of Paper and Other Notices. Service of an Order to Show
Cause instituting a formal disciplinary proceeding shall be made by personal
service or by registered or certified mail addressed to the affected attorney at
the address shown on the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before this
Court. Service of any other papers or notices required by these Rules shall be
deemed to have been made if such paper or notice is addressed to the attorney
at the address shown on the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before this
Court; or to counsel or the respondent's attorney at the address indicated in the
most recent pleading, document, or other paper filed by them in the course of
any proceeding.
(m) Duties of the Clerk.
(1) Upon being informed that an attorney admitted to practice before this
Court has been convicted of any crime, the Clerk shall determine whether the
Court in which such conviction occurred has forwarded a certificate of such
conviction to this Court. If a certificate has not been so forwarded, the Clerk
shall promptly obtain a certificate and file it with this Court.
(2) Upon being informed that an attorney admitted to practice before this
Court has been subjected to discipline by another Court, the Clerk shall
determine whether a certified or exemplified copy of the order has been filed
with this Court, and, if not, the Clerk shall promptly obtain a certified or
exemplified copy of the disciplinary judgment or order and file it with this
(3) Whenever it appears that any person, who has been convicted of any
crime, or disbarred, suspended, censured, or disbarred on consent by this
Court, is admitted to practice law in any other jurisdiction or before any other
Court, the Clerk shall, within fourteen (14) days of that conviction,
disbarment, suspension, censure, or disbarment on consent, transmit to the
disciplinary authority in such other jurisdiction, or for such other Court, a
certificate of the conviction or a certified or exemplified copy of the judgment
or order of disbarment, suspension, censure, or disbarment on consent, as well
as the last known office and residence addresses of the disciplined attorney.
(4) The Clerk shall, likewise, promptly notify the National Lawyer
Regulatory Data Bank operated by the American Bar Association of any order
imposing public discipline on any attorney admitted to practice before this
(n) Retained Powers. Nothing contained in this Rule shall be construed to
deny the Court its inherent power to maintain control over the proceedings
conducted before it or to deny the Court those powers derived from statute,
rules of procedure, or other rules of court.
(o) Sanctions. The Court may impose appropriate sanctions on any party or
attorney who fails to comply with a Local Rule. The Local Rules are intended to
be enforced primarily upon the Court’s own initiative. A party should not file a
motion seeking sanctions for alleged non-compliance with a Local Rule unless
the alleged violation is egregious or unfairly prejudicial.
General L.R. 83.5. Persons Proceeding Without Counsel
(a) All persons proceeding pro se shall be bound by, and must comply with, all
Local Rules of this Court, as well as the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal
Procedure, unless excused by Court order.
(b) Any person proceeding pro se must, at all times during the pendency of the
action to which he or she is a party, keep the Clerk informed of his or her
current address and telephone number. A pro se party must promptly notify the
Clerk of any change of address or telephone number. Failure to comply with
this Rule may result in sanction, including dismissal of a pro se plaintiff’s action
or entry of judgment against a pro se defendant.
General L.R. 84. Forms
The forms in the Appendix suffice under these Local Rules and illustrate the
information that the Court deems necessary in those situations applicable to each
form. When required by these Local Rules, the prescribed form must be utilized.
General L.R. 86. Effective Date
These General, Civil, and Criminal Local Rules are effective as of August 1,
2015 and, subject to General Local Rule 1(d), apply to all actions pending on that
General L.R. 87. Reference of Bankruptcy Matters
Pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 157(a) and the General Order
of reference entered July 10, 1984, all cases arising under Title 11 of the United
States Code, and proceedings arising in or related to cases under Title 11, United
States Code, have been referred to the Bankruptcy Judges of this District and shall
be commenced in the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to the Local Bankruptcy Rules.
Civil L.R. 1. Scope of Rules
The Civil Rules set forth in Part B govern all civil proceedings in this District.
Civil L.R. 3. Commencing an Action
(a) Civil Cover Sheet. A Civil Cover Sheet (AO Form JS 44) must accompany
each civil action or notice of removal presented for filing.
(b) Civil Case Assignments. Except as provided in General Local Rule 73(c),
all civil cases are randomly assigned to both a District Judge and a Magistrate
Judge. As provided in General Local Rule 73(b), the parties may in any case
consent to the Magistrate Judge’s jurisdiction.
(c) Assigning Related Actions. Where the Civil Cover Sheet discloses a
pending related civil action, the new civil action will be assigned to the same
Judges as the pending action. Factors to be considered in determining whether
the actions are related include whether the actions arise from substantially the
same transaction or events or involve substantially the same parties or
property. The Judge to whom the action with the lower case number is assigned
will resolve any dispute as to whether the actions are related.
(d) Re-Filed Actions. Whenever an action terminated by entry of a notice or
order of dismissal is re-filed without a substantial change in issues or parties, it
shall be assigned or transferred to the Judges to whom the original action was
assigned, unless otherwise ordered by the Chief Judge.
Civil L.R. 4. Service of Process
(a) Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the following procedures for service
of process shall be followed in this District:
(1) Service by Summons. If service is completed by summons, the party or
person making service shall file proof thereof within seven (7) days of the date
of service.
(2) Waiver of Service. If service is waived, Plaintiff shall file the waiver of
service with the Court within seven (7) days after receipt of the waiver.
(3) Notice of Service Attempt. If within forty-five (45) days after the filing
of the Complaint, Plaintiff has neither completed service by summons nor
received a waiver of service, Plaintiff shall file a notice describing the action
taken by Plaintiff to complete service and the results of those efforts.
(b) Service Made by the Court. When the Court orders service under Fed.
R. Civ. P. 4(c)(3), the Court shall utilize the procedures set forth in Standing
Order No. 17 to ensure that service is completed in the most efficient and cost-
effective manner.
Civil L.R. 5. Filing Discovery Materials and Exhibits
(a) Discovery Materials Filed with Motions. If discovery materials are
germane to any motion or response, only the relevant portions of the material
shall be filed with the motion or response.
(b) Notice to Clerk of Tendered Discovery. Whenever any discovery
material is served, counsel shall contemporaneously file a notice identifying the
date of service and the nature of the material.
(c) Duties of Custodian of Discovery. During the pendency of any action,
the custodian of any discovery material shall provide all other parties
reasonable access to the material and an opportunity to duplicate the material
at the expense of the copying party. No other person may obtain a copy of any
discovery material from its custodian except on motion and with leave of Court,
upon payment of the expense of the copy.
Civil L.R. 7. Form of Motions and Other Papers
(a) Form of Motion. Every motion must state the statute, rule, or legal or
equitable principle pursuant to which it is made.
(b) Movant’s Supporting Materials. Except as ordered by the Court, any
motion filed pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b) or 56 must be supported by a brief.
For other motions, supporting briefs are required where necessary to set forth
the legal and factual basis for the relief sought. A supporting brief may be
included within the body of the motion. Absent Court order otherwise, any
brief, exhibit, or other supporting paper must be filed contemporaneously with
the motion. Failure to file a brief in support of a motion under Fed. R. Civ. P.
12(b) or 56 is sufficient cause to deny the motion, and failure to file a brief may
be sufficient cause to deny any other motion.
(c) Non-Movant’s Response. Unless the Court orders otherwise, the non-
movant must file any brief, exhibit, or other paper in opposition to a motion,
except a motion under Fed. R. Civ. P. 56, within fourteen (14) days of service of
the motion. Failure to file a brief in opposition to any motion, other than one
under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b) or 56, may be sufficient cause to grant the motion.
(d) Movant’s Reply. Unless the Court orders otherwise, any reply in support
of a motion, except a motion under Fed. R. Civ. P. 56, must be filed within seven
(7) days of service of the non-movant’s response.
(e) Length of Briefs. Principal briefs in support of, or in opposition to, any
motion must not exceed thirty (30) pages, and reply briefs must not exceed
fifteen (15) pages. These limitations exclude any caption, cover page, table of
contents, table of authorities, and signature block. No brief exceeding these
page limitations may be filed unless the Court has previously granted leave to
file a brief in excess of these limits.
(f) Citations.
(1) This Court does not prohibit or restrict the citation of unreported or non-
precedential opinions, decisions, orders, judgments, or other written
(2) If a party cites a judicial opinion, order, judgment, or other written
disposition that is not available in a publicly accessible electronic database,
the party must file and serve a copy of the document with the brief or other
paper in which it is cited.
(3) If pertinent and significant authority comes to a party’s notice after the
briefs have been filed, but before decision, a party may promptly advise the
Court by notice setting forth the citations and stating the reason the
authority was not cited in the party’s brief. The notice must specifically refer
either to a page of the brief(s) already filed or to a point argued orally. The
notice may not exceed two (2) pages and must not present a new argument.
No response may be filed unless the presiding Judge so authorizes.
(g) Courtesy Copy of Supporting Papers. If a party’s exhibits in support
of, or in opposition to, a motion exceed fifty (50) pages in the aggregate, that
party must submit a courtesy copy to chambers. The courtesy copy must be
printed from PACER (i.e., after electronic filing) so that the CM/ECF PDF
headers, which contain the case number, docket number, and page number,
appear at the top of every page. Additionally, where exhibits are numerous, it
is helpful to the Court to receive well-organized, tabbed binders of double-sided
copies, along with an index or table of contents.
(h) Oral Argument. In its discretion, the Court may rule on any motion
without oral argument. Oral argument requests must contain specific reasons
why oral argument would be helpful. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court,
oral arguments will not exceed thirty (30) minutes, apportioned among the
participants as appropriate.
(i) Modification of Provisions in Particular Cases. The Court in any case
may provide by order or other notice to the parties that different or additional
provisions regarding motion practice apply.
Civil L.R. 7.1. Disclosure Statements
(a) All non-governmental artificial entities appearing as parties or amici curiae
shall file a Disclosure Statement along with the initial filing on behalf of that
party or amicus. Where filing the Disclosure Statement with the initial filing is
impossible or impracticable, it shall be filed within seven (7) days after the
initial filing, or within such other time as the Court may direct.
(b) The Disclosure Statement shall identify the represented entity’s general
nature and shall identify all parents, subsidiaries, partners, members,
managers, trustees, affiliates, and similarly related persons and entities.
Members of a trade association or professional association need not be
identified. For purposes of this Rule, an “affiliate” is an entity that directly, or
indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is
under common control with, the specified entity; a “parent” is an affiliate that
controls such entity directly, or indirectly through intermediaries; a “subsidiary”
is an affiliate controlled by such entity directly, or indirectly through one or
more intermediaries; and a “trade association” is a continuing association of
numerous organizations or individuals operated for the purpose of promoting
the general commercial, professional, legislative or other interests of the
(c) The purpose of the Disclosure Statement is to enable the Judges of this
Court to determine the need for recusal pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 455 or
otherwise. Counsel shall have the continuing obligation to amend the
Disclosure Statement to reflect relevant changes.
(d) The form of the Disclosure Statement is set forth in the Appendix of Forms
attached to these Rules.
(e) A party who commences a civil action using a pseudonym instead of his or
her actual name must file a Disclosure Statement, under seal, identifying the
Plaintiff’s actual name.
Civil L.R. 8. Pleading Jurisdiction
A pleading or notice of removal asserting jurisdiction based on diversity of
citizenship must identify the citizenship of each party to the litigation. If any party
is a corporation, the pleading or notice must identify both the state of incorporation
and the state in which the corporation has its principal place of business. If any
party is an unincorporated association, limited liability company, or partnership,
the pleading or notice must identify the citizenship of all members. A notice of
removal asserting diversity jurisdiction must also assert a factual basis supporting
the allegation that the requisite amount is in controversy.
Civil L.R. 9. Pleading Special Matters
(a) All persons applying or petitioning for release from custody under 28 U.S.C.
§ 2241 or 28 U.S.C. § 2254, or moving under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 to challenge a
sentence imposed by this Court, must file their application, petition, or motion
with the Clerk using forms available from the Court. The Clerk will provide the
forms and directions for their preparation without charge.
(b) When an application for release from custody is filed, the respondent is not
required to file an answer or respond to the application unless directed by the
Court. The Court may apply any of the Rules Governing 28 U.S.C. § 2254 Cases
in the United States District Courts to applications for release from custody
under 28 U.S.C. § 2241.
(c) Prisoners appearing pro se who commence an action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983
for deprivations of federal rights by persons acting under color of state law must
file the complaint with the Clerk using the form available from the Court. The
Clerk will provide the forms and directions for their preparation without charge.
Civil L.R. 10. Form of Pleadings
(a) Paragraphs. A party, including a party proceeding pro se, must state its
claims or defenses in numbered paragraphs, each limited as far as practicable to
a single set of circumstances.
(b) Answers and Replies. An answer or reply must respond in numbered
paragraphs corresponding to the paragraphs of the pleading to which it refers.
(c) Pseudonyms. A party who commences a civil action using a pseudonym
instead of his or her actual name must, within twenty-one (21) days of service of
the complaint, file and serve a motion seeking permission to proceed using a
Civil L.R. 12. Motions to Dismiss or Motions for Judgment on the
Pleadings in Pro Se Litigation
Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, in litigation involving a pro se party
where matters outside the pleadings are presented to the Court, in conjunction with
a motion to dismiss pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) or a motion for judgment on
the pleadings pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(c), the procedure set forth in Civil Local
Rule 56(a) applies.
Civil L.R. 15. Amended and Supplemental Pleadings
(a) Any amendment to a pleading, whether filed as a matter of course or upon
a motion to amend, must reproduce the entire pleading as amended and may
not incorporate any prior pleading by reference.
(b) A motion to amend a pleading must state specifically what changes are
sought by the proposed amendments. The proposed amended pleading must be
filed as an attachment to the motion to amend.
(c) If the Court grants the motion to amend, the party must promptly file the
amended pleading. If a responsive pleading is required, any party that has
appeared in the action and was served with the proposed amended pleading
must serve an answer or other responsive pleading within fourteen (14) days
after the Court grants the motion to amend. The time for a party that has not
appeared in the action to serve an answer or other responsive pleading begins to
run when that party is properly served with the amended pleading.
Civil L.R. 16. Pretrial Conferences; Scheduling; Management; Alternative
Dispute Resolution
(a) Preliminary Pretrial Conferences.
(1) A Judge may require the parties to appear to consider the future conduct
of the case. The parties must be prepared to discuss the matters enumerated
in Fed. R. Civ.P. 16 and 26(f). The parties also should be prepared to state:
(A) The nature of the case;
(B) Any contemplated motions;
(C) The parties’ discovery plan, including the amount of further discovery
each party contemplates, the approximate time for completion of discovery,
and any disputes regarding discovery;
(D) Whether the parties anticipate the disclosure or discovery of
electronically stored information;
(E) Whether the parties have reached an agreement for asserting post-
production claims of privilege or of protection as trial-preparation material,
and whether the parties request the Judge to enter an order including the
(F) Whether settlement discussions have occurred;
(G) The basis for the Court’s subject matter jurisdiction; and
(H) Such other matters as may affect further scheduling of the case for
final disposition.
(2) The Judge may enter any orders necessary to aid in scheduling the action,
including dates for further conferences, schedules for filing and briefing
motions, and cutoff dates for completing discovery. The Judge also may enter
any orders permitted under Fed. R. Civ. P. 16, or 26(f), or Civil Local Rule
(3) Scheduling orders are not necessary in the following categories of actions:
administrative proceedings, including all Social Security cases; habeas corpus
cases or other proceedings to challenge a criminal conviction or sentence; pro
se prisoner litigation; actions by the United States to recover benefit
payments or to collect on a student loan guaranteed by the United States;
cases in which the only relief sought is an order compelling arbitration or
enforcing an arbitration award; actions to enforce or quash an administrative
summons or subpoena; proceedings ancillary to proceedings in other Courts;
and mortgage foreclosure actions in which an agency of the United States is a
secured party. Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(b)(1).
(b) Final Pretrial Conference. Counsel and any parties proceeding pro se
may be required to appear for a final pretrial conference to consider the subjects
specified in Fed. R. Civ. P. 16 or to consider other matters determined by the
Judge. Unless excused by the Judge, principal trial counsel for each party must
appear at the final pretrial conference.
(c) Joint Pretrial Document.
(1) Unless otherwise ordered, the parties must file a joint pretrial document
seven (7) days before the final pretrial conference. The joint pretrial
document must be signed by the attorneys (or the parties personally, if not
represented by counsel) who will try the case. The joint pretrial document
shall contain the information required by the forms adopted by the Judges of
this Court. A copy of the assigned Judge’s form order shall be attached to
each Rule 16 Scheduling Order entered by the Magistrate Judges, and they
are also available through the Clerk and on the Court’s website. Sanctions,
which may include the dismissal of the action and entry of default judgment,
may be imposed if a joint pretrial document is not filed.
(2) The parties are required to confer and make a good faith effort to settle
the case prior to the final pretrial conference. In preparing the joint pretrial
document, the parties are expected to work together in good faith to reach
stipulations that may save time during the trial.
(d) Alternative Dispute Resolution.
(1) Participation. Each Judge may conduct an Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR) Evaluation Conference during the early stages of case
development to determine whether a civil case is appropriate for ADR. This
conference may be held in conjunction with a pretrial conference or as a
separate conference. If the Judge determines that a case is appropriate for
ADR, the Judge may encourage the parties to participate in ADR before a
Magistrate Judge or an appropriate neutral evaluator.
(2) Exemptions. The types of cases identified in Civil Local Rule 16(a)(3)
are exempt from this procedure.
(3) Confidentiality. The Court, the neutral, all counsel and parties, and
any other persons attending an ADR session under these Rules must treat as
confidential all written and oral communications made in connection with, or
during, any ADR session. Except as otherwise stipulated or ordered, the
disclosure of any written or oral communication made by any party, counsel,
or other participant in connection with or during any ADR session is
prohibited. ADR proceedings pursuant to these Rules must be treated as
compromise negotiations for purposes of all applicable rules of evidence.
(4) Early Neutral Evaluation. Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) is a
procedure in which the parties and their counsel, early in the case after an
opportunity for limited discovery, meet with a neutral evaluator who is
knowledgeable in the subject matter. The purpose is to reduce the cost and
duration of litigation by providing an early opportunity for the parties to
obtain a neutral evaluation of their case and to engage in meaningful
settlement negotiations.
(A) Cases Subject to ENE. Any civil case may be referred to ENE if all
parties agree. A case may be selected for ENE at the preliminary pretrial
conference held pursuant to Civil Local Rule 16(a), or at any other time by
stipulation of the parties.
(B) ENE Process. Within thirty (30) days of the case being referred to
ENE, the neutral evaluator, an experienced attorney with expertise in the
subject matter of the case, hosts a confidential and informal meeting of
clients (companies are to be represented by someone knowledgeable about
the case and with full settlement authority) and lead counsel at which each
side, through counsel, clients or witnesses, presents evidence and
arguments supporting its case (without regard to the Rules of Evidence and
without direct or cross-examination of witnesses). The neutral evaluator
identifies areas of agreement, clarifies and focuses the issues, and
encourages the parties to enter into procedural and substantive
stipulations. The neutral evaluator, in private, prepares an evaluation that
includes an assessment of the case, the reasoning that supports the
assessment, and, where feasible, an estimate of the likelihood of liability
and range of damages. Before the neutral evaluator provides the
evaluation to the parties, the parties may engage in settlement discussions
facilitated by the neutral evaluator. If settlement does not result, the
neutral evaluator will present the parties with the evaluation. The neutral
evaluator’s evaluation is not shared with the trial Judge.
(C) Preservation of Right to Trial. The neutral evaluator has no power
to impose settlement. The confidential evaluation is non-binding. If no
settlement is reached, the case remains on the litigation track.
(D) The Neutral Evaluator. The neutral evaluator must have
experience in the substantive legal area of the lawsuit. The parties must
attempt to agree upon a neutral evaluator. If the parties cannot agree
upon a neutral evaluator, the trial Judge will appoint an available neutral
evaluator. The neutral evaluator may be, but need not be, a member of the
Panel of Neutrals under the District’s Alternative Resolution Plan. The
trial Judge may, but is not required to, appoint one of the Magistrate
Judges of this District as the neutral evaluator.
(E) Compensation of Neutral Evaluators other than Magistrate
Judges. Neutral evaluators volunteer their preparation time and the first
four (4) hours in an ENE session. After four (4) hours in an ENE session,
the neutral evaluator may either
(i) Continue to volunteer his or her time, or
(ii) Give the parties the option of concluding the session or paying the
neutral evaluator for additional time at sixty percent (60%) of the neutral
evaluator’s standard hourly billing rate, to be split equally among the
parties unless they agree to a different apportionment.
The ENE session will continue only if all parties and the neutral
evaluator agree. After eight (8) hours in one or more ENE sessions, if all
the parties agree that further assistance is desired, the neutral evaluator
may charge his or her standard hourly billing rate or such other rate that is
acceptable to the neutral evaluator and all parties.
IV. PARTIES [Reserved]
Civil L.R. 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery
(a) Conference of the Parties; Planning for Discovery. The parties’
discovery plan must indicate whether they anticipate any party will be required
to disclose or be requested to produce electronically stored information. If so,
the parties must consider:
(1) The reasonable accessibility of electronically stored information and the
burdens and expense of discovery of electronically stored information;
(2) The format and media for the production of electronically stored
(3) Measures taken to preserve potentially discoverable electronically stored
information from alteration or destruction;
(4) Procedures for asserting post-production claims of privilege or of
protection as trial-preparation material; and
(5) Other issues in connection with the discovery of electronically stored
(b) Disclosure of Expert Testimony.
(1) Each party must disclose to every other party the substance of all
evidence under Fed. R. Evid. 702, 703, or 705 that the party may use at trial,
including the evidence of witnesses who have not been retained or specially
employed to provide testimony, subject to the following:
(A) Each party must provide the written report required under Fed. R.
Civ. P. 26(a)(2)(B) for a witness who has been retained or specially
employed to provide expert testimony or one whose duties, as the party’s
employee, regularly involve giving expert testimony.
(B) A person, including a treating physician, who has not been retained or
specially employed to provide expert testimony, or whose duties as the
party’s employee do not regularly involve giving expert testimony, may be
used to present evidence under Fed. R. Evid. 702, 703, or 705 only if the
party offering the evidence discloses to every other party the information
identified in Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2)(B)(i), although a report written and
signed by the witness is not required.
(2) Absent a stipulation or a Court order, disclosures required under this
Rule must be made in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2)(C).
(c) Completion of Discovery. All discovery, including the filing of motions
to compel, must be completed before the date established in the Rule 16
Scheduling Order. Completion of discovery means that discovery (including
depositions to preserve testimony for trial) must be scheduled to allow
depositions to be completed, interrogatories and requests for admissions to be
answered, and documents to be produced before the deadline and in accordance
with the provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. For good cause,
which typically requires a showing that the parties have diligently pursued
discovery, the Court may extend the time during which discovery may occur or
may reopen discovery.
(d) Standard Definitions Applicable to All Discovery.
(1) The full text of the definitions set forth in subparagraph (2) is deemed
incorporated by reference in all discovery, and may not be varied by litigants,
but does not preclude:
(A) The definition of other terms specific to the particular litigation;
(B) The use of abbreviations; or
(C) A more narrow definition of a term defined in subparagraph (2).
(2) Definitions. The following definitions apply to all discovery:
(A) Communication. The term “communication” means the transmittal
of information (in the form of facts, ideas, inquiries, or otherwise).
(B) Document. The term “document” is defined to be synonymous in
meaning and equal in scope to the usage of this term in Fed. R. Civ. P.
34(a). A draft or non-identical copy is a separate document within the
meaning of this term.
(C) To Identify.
(i) With Respect to Persons. When referring to a person, “to
identify” means to give, to the extent known, the person’s full name,
present or last known address, and when referring to a natural person,
additionally, the present or last known place of employment. Once a
person has been identified in accordance with this subparagraph, only
the name of that person need be listed in response to subsequent
discovery requesting the identification of that person.
(ii) With Respect to Documents. When referring to documents, “to
identify” means to give, to the extent known, the type of document;
general subject matter; date of the document; and author(s),
addressee(s), and recipient(s).
(D) Person. The term “person” is defined as any natural person or any
business, legal, or governmental entity, or association.
(e) Confidentiality of Discovery Materials.
(1) Upon a showing of good cause, the Court may enter a protective order
regarding the confidentiality of all, or—more likely—portions of, documents
produced in the course of discovery, answers to interrogatories, answers to
requests for admission, and deposition testimony.
(2) At the conclusion of the litigation, all material not received in evidence
and treated as confidential under this Rule must be returned to the
originating party. If the parties so stipulate, the material may be destroyed.
(f) Filing Papers Under Seal. A party seeking to file a document under seal
must follow the procedure set forth in General Local Rule 5.2.
Civil L.R. 33. Interrogatories
(a) Limitation on Interrogatories.
(1) Any party may serve upon any other party no more than twenty-five (25)
written interrogatories. The twenty-five (25) permissible interrogatories may
not be expanded by the creative use of subparts.
(2) For the purpose of computing the number of interrogatories served:
(A) Parties represented by the same attorney or law firm are regarded as
one party.
(B) Interrogatories inquiring about the names and locations of persons
having knowledge of discoverable information or about the existence,
location, or custodian of documents or physical evidence do not count
toward the twenty-five (25) interrogatory limit.
(3) More than twenty-five (25) interrogatories may be served on a party only
if that party agrees in writing or the Court so orders. A party seeking to serve
more than twenty-five (25) interrogatories may move the Court for permission
only after seeking the agreement of the party to whom the additional
interrogatories would be served. If a party desires to serve additional
interrogatories, the party must promptly consult with the party to whom the
additional interrogatories would be propounded and attempt to reach a
written stipulation as to a reasonable number of additional interrogatories.
The stipulation allowing additional interrogatories to be served should not be
filed with the Court except in connection with a motion to compel answers. If
a stipulation cannot be reached, the party seeking to serve additional
interrogatories may move the Court for permission to serve additional
(4) The Court will not compel a party to answer any interrogatories served in
violation of this Rule.
(b) Answering Interrogatories. An objection or an answer to an
interrogatory must reproduce the interrogatory to which it refers.
Civil L.R. 34. Producing Documents
A response or an objection to a request for production of documents must
reproduce the request to which it refers.
Civil L.R. 36. Requests for Admission
A response or an objection to a request for admission must reproduce the
request to which it refers.
Civil L.R. 37. Discovery Motions
All motions to compel disclosure or discovery pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26-37
must be accompanied by a written certification by the movant that, after the
movant in good faith has conferred or attempted to confer with the person or party
failing to make disclosure or discovery in an effort to obtain it without Court action,
the parties are unable to reach an accord. The statement must recite the date and
time of the conference or conferences and the names of all parties participating in
the conference or conferences.
Civil L.R. 41. Dismissal of Actions
(a) Dismissal Where No Service of Process. Whenever the Plaintiff has not
completed service of process within the time required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(m),
and the Defendant has not waived service under Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(d), the Court
upon notice may dismiss the action in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(m).
(b) Dismissal Where No Answer or Other Pleading Filed. Whenever a
served Defendant has failed to answer or otherwise defend within six (6)
months from the filing of the complaint and the Plaintiff has not sought default
and default judgment, the Court upon notice may dismiss the action for failure
to prosecute, in accordance with applicable law.
(c) Dismissal for Lack of Diligence. Whenever it appears that the Plaintiff
is not diligently prosecuting the action, the Court upon notice may dismiss the
action for failure to prosecute, in accordance with applicable law.
(d) Dismissal of Frivolous Action or Pleading. Whenever it appears that
the Plaintiff’s complaint, the Defendant’s answer (including counterclaims), or
any other pleading filed by a party is frivolous or interposed primarily for any
improper purpose, the Court upon notice may dismiss or strike the pleading, or
any portion of the pleading, in accordance with applicable law.
(e) Improper Re-Filing of Actions. No party or attorney may dismiss and
re-file an action for the purpose of obtaining a different Judge.
Civil L.R. 42. Consolidation
(a) When a party moves to consolidate two or more cases, whether for a limited
purpose or for all future proceedings, the motion to consolidate and supporting
materials must be captioned with the case names and numbers of all cases
sought to be consolidated. Service and filing must be effected in all of the cases
sought to be consolidated. The motion must be decided by the Judge to whom
the lowest-numbered case is assigned. If the motion is granted, the Judge to
whom the lowest-numbered case is assigned will handle all future proceedings
covered by the consolidation order.
(b) After two or more cases are consolidated, all papers relevant to the
purposes for which consolidation was granted will be filed and docketed only in
the lowest-numbered case. A notation to check the docket sheet for the lowest-
numbered case will be entered on the docket sheet for each higher-numbered
(c) If cases are consolidated for some but not all purposes, documents relating
only to a particular case will be docketed on the docket sheet for that case and
be filed only in that case file.
Civil L.R. 54. Costs
(a) Bill of Costs.
(1) No later than fourteen (14) days after entry of judgment, a party seeking
costs must file a verified bill of costs, using forms available from the Clerk. If
a timely motion pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 50(b) or 59 is filed, the bill of costs
must be filed within fourteen (14) days after entry of the order resolving the
(2) When an appeal is taken, the parties may jointly move to delay filing the
bill of costs until after the appeal is decided. Absent Court order, an appeal
will not extend the deadline for filing a bill of costs or delay the taxing of
(3) Any party opposing taxation of costs must file its objections within
fourteen (14) days of service of the bill of costs. The party claiming costs must
serve any response within seven (7) days of service of the objections. Costs
will be taxed by the Clerk on the basis of these materials.
(b) Review of Clerk’s Taxation of Costs. A party may move for review of
the Clerk’s decision taxing costs pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(d) no later than
seven (7) days after taxation.
Civil L.R. 56. Summary Judgment
Motions for summary judgment must comply with Fed. R. Civ. P. 56 and Civil
Local Rule 7. With the exception of Social Security reviews, other actions for review
of administrative agency decisions, and other actions in which a Judge relieves the
parties of this Rule’s requirements, the following additional requirements must be
(a) Movant’s Supporting Materials. The movant must file a brief that
includes: (1) all facts relied upon, each supported by a specific, pinpoint citation
to the record; and (2) argument supported by legal authority as appropriate.
The movant must also file all evidence relied upon. A movant seeking
affirmative relief other than, or in addition to, monetary damages (such as
declaratory or injunctive relief) must file a proposed judgment (not order or
opinion) granting such relief in the form sought by the movant. No other
supporting documents may be filed absent Court order.
(b) Non-Movant’s Response. Unless the Court orders otherwise, the non-
movant must file any response in opposition to the motion within twenty-eight
(28) days of service of the motion. The non-movant’s brief must include: (1) all
facts relied upon, each supported by a specific, pinpoint citation to the record;
(2) all challenges to the movant’s asserted facts; and (3) argument supported by
legal authority as appropriate. The non-movant must also file all evidence
relied upon. No other supporting documents may be filed absent Court order.
(c) Movant’s Reply. Unless the Court orders otherwise, any reply must be
filed within fourteen (14) days of service of the non-movant’s response.
(d) Effect of Uncontroverted Facts. The Court will deem uncontroverted
material facts to be admitted solely for the purpose of deciding the motion for
summary judgment.
(e) Stipulated Facts. Parties are encouraged to stipulate to facts. Facts so
stipulated do not require references to evidentiary support.
(f) Modification of Provisions in Particular Cases. The Court may
provide by order or other notice to the parties that different or additional
provisions regarding summary judgment motion practice apply.
Civil L.R. 62. Supersedeas Bonds
(a) A supersedeas bond, where the judgment is for a sum of money only, must
be in the amount of the judgment plus fifteen percent (15%) to cover interest
and such damages for delay as may be awarded, as well as an additional
$500.00 to cover costs. An appellant may move for relief from this Rule.
(b) When a money judgment also provides non-monetary relief, the Court may,
on notice, grant a stay on such terms as to security and otherwise as it may
deem proper.
(c) Upon approval, a supersedeas bond must be filed with the Clerk, and a copy
with a notice of filing must be served promptly on the parties affected thereby.
If the appellee objects to the form of the bond or to the sufficiency of the surety,
the Court may conduct a hearing to resolve the objections.
Civil L.R. 65.1. Sureties
A corporation authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States
must be accepted as surety on bonds.
Civil L.R. 65.2. Security for Costs
In addition to any security required by law, the Court, at any time upon good
cause shown, may order that security for costs be given by any party. Security for
costs must consist of a cash deposit or a bond, with surety, in the sum of $500.00,
unless otherwise ordered. The security must be conditioned to secure the payment
of costs that the posting party may ultimately be ordered to pay to a party. A party
may raise objections to the form, amount, or sufficiency of security for costs.
Civil L.R. 67. Deposit Into Court; Withdrawal of Monies; Registry Fee
(a) Registry Deposits. All funds to be deposited with the Court, with the
exception of criminal cash bail, cost bonds, and civil garnishments, shall be
deposited in accordance with the provisions of Rule 67, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2041-2042,
and any other applicable law.
(b) Order and Directions for Deposit. Any party depositing money into the
Court must serve the Clerk with a Court order and notice in accordance with
the provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 67. The order must specify the amount to be
deposited. If the Clerk is not served with an order in accordance with this Rule
upon tender of the monies to be deposited, the Clerk will deposit funds into the
Court’s non-interest-bearing registry account until further order of the Court
directing how to invest the funds.
(c) Non-Interest Bearing Deposits. Cost bonds, and other bonds in the form
of cash, such as admiralty cost bonds, injunction cost bonds, and supersedeas
bonds, are not subject to Fed. R. Civ. P. 67, nor are civil garnishment payments.
Funds not subject to Rule 67 will not be deposited in interest bearing accounts,
except on the special order of the Court. These funds, when received, will be
deposited into the registry of the Court. Payments received on garnishments
will be deposited into the Court’s general deposit fund.
(d) Investment of Registry Funds.
(1) Court Registry Investment System (CRIS). Where, by order of the
Court, funds on deposit with the Court are to be placed in some form of
interest-bearing account, the Court Registry Investment System administered
through the Administrative Office of the United States Courts will be the only
investment mechanism authorized.
(2) Custodian for CRIS. The Director of the Administrative Office of the
United States Courts is designated as custodian for the CRIS. The Director or
the Director’s designee will perform the duties of custodian. Funds held in
the CRIS remain subject to the control and jurisdiction of the Court.
(3) Pooling and Investing of Funds. Money from each case deposited in
the CRIS will be “pooled” together with those on deposit with the Treasury to
the credit of other Courts in the CRIS and used to purchase Government
Account Series securities through the Bureau of Public Debt, which will be
held at the Treasury, in an account in the name and to the credit of the
Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. The pooled
funds will be invested in accordance with the principles of the CRIS
Investment Policy approved by the Registry Monitoring Group.
(4) Minor’s Fund. A Minors’ Fund is established within CRIS to invest
post-adjudication deposits held on behalf of minors until their age of majority,
which is often longer than one hundred (100) days. The fund improves the
match between investment holdings and the length of time each minor’s case
remains invested, thereby capitalizing on higher-yielding securities. Minor’s
funds deposited with the Court shall be identified in a movant’s motion to
deposit sum of money and must include the estimate of the future withdrawal
date and the date the minor reaches the age of majority.
(5) Individual Accounts. An account for each case will be established in
the CRIS titled in the name of the case giving rise to the investment in the
fund. Income generated from fund investments will be distributed to each
case based on the ratio each account’s principal and earnings have to the
aggregate principal and the income total in the fund. Reports showing the
interest earned and the principal amounts contributed in each case will be
prepared and distributed to each Court participating in the CRIS and made
available to litigants and their counsel.
(e) Disbursement of Funds. Funds deposited by the Clerk in accordance
with this Rule will be disbursed only with prior order signed by a Judge of this
Court. Funds will not be disbursed until counsel has furnished to the Clerk, in
writing, the social security number or tax identification number of any and all
recipients of more than ten dollars ($10.00) of the interest accrued. In any case
proceeding before a Magistrate Judge by consent of all parties under 28 U.S.C. §
636(c), the Magistrate Judge may order disbursement of funds from the registry
of this Court in accordance with applicable law.
(f) Designated Fiduciary Officers. The Clerk and Chief Deputy Clerk are
the fiduciary officers of this Court and have the authority to sign account checks
and/or withdrawal slips from CRIS accounts.
(g) Fees Assessed on Accounts. Under the authority of 28 U.S.C. §§ 1914
and 1930, the Clerk, whose fee schedules are set by the Judicial Conference of
the United States, will assess a fee for the handling of all funds deposited with
the Court in non-criminal proceedings and held in CRIS accounts pursuant to
28 U.S.C. § 2041 and Fed. R. Civ. P. 67.
Civil L.R. 67.1. Special Attorney Admission Fund
(a) Purpose of Fund. The Special Attorney Admission Fund (“the Fund”)
shall be maintained by the Clerk to compensate appointed counsel in civil rights
actions for reasonably incurred expenses authorized by prior order of the Judge
to whom the action is assigned. Compensation from the Fund is not authorized
for attorney’s fees or for expenses for which any other source of payment exists.
(b) Source and Administration of Funds. The funds generated from the
admission fees required by General Local Rule 83.3 shall be used to establish
the Fund. The Fund shall be managed in accordance with the Court’s Plan for
the Administration of the Special Attorney Admissions Fund.
(c) Authorization for Payment. Payments from the Fund require the order
of the Chief District Judge or his/her designee, in an amount and with a priority
determined by such District Judge in light of the condition of the Fund and any
other pending or anticipated requests.
(d) Requests for Payment. All requests for payment from the Fund shall
first be submitted in writing to the Judge assigned to the action. If the request
is approved, the assigned Judge’s written authorization shall then be forwarded
to the Chief Judge or his/her designee for action in accordance with
subsection(c) above.
ORDERS [Reserved]
Civil L.R. 100. Rule A – Authority, Scope, and Definitions
(a) Scope. The Rules set forth in this Part XII (Local Admiralty Rules) apply
to civil actions that are governed by Rule A of the Supplemental Rules for
Admiralty or Maritime Claims and Asset Forfeiture Actions (Supplemental
Rules). All other General and Civil Local Rules are applicable in these cases,
but to the extent that another Local Rule is inconsistent with the applicable
Local Admiralty Rule, the Local Admiralty Rule governs.
(b) Definitions. As used in the Local Admiralty Rules, “Rule,” followed by a
numeral, e.g., Rule 12, means a Federal Rule of Civil Procedure; “Rule,” followed
by a capital letter, e.g., Rule C, means a Supplemental Rule; “Judicial Officer”
includes both District Judges and Magistrate Judges; “keeper” means any
person or entity appointed by the Marshal to take physical custody of and
maintain the vessel or other property under arrest or attachment; and
“substitute custodian” means the individual who, or entity that, upon motion
and order of the Court, assumes the duties of the Marshal or keeper with
respect to the vessel or other property that is arrested or attached.
Civil L.R. 101. Rule B – Maritime Attachment and Garnishment
When the Plaintiff invokes a state procedure in order to attach or garnish as
permitted by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the Supplemental Rules, the
process of attachment or garnishment shall identify the state law upon which the
attachment or garnishment is based.
Civil L.R. 102. Rule C – Actions In Rem: Special Provisions
(a) Intangible Property. The summons issued pursuant to Rule C(3)(c) shall
direct the person having control of intangible property to show cause no later
than fourteen (14) days after service as to why the intangible property should
not be delivered to the Court to abide the judgment. A Judicial Officer for good
cause shown may lengthen or shorten the time. Service of the summons has the
effect of an arrest of the intangible property and brings it within the control of
the Court. Service of the summons to show cause requires a garnishee wishing
to retain possession of the property to establish grounds for doing so, including
specification of the measures taken to segregate and safeguard the intangible
property arrested. The person who is served may deliver or pay over to the
Marshal the intangible property proceeded against to the extent sufficient to
satisfy the Plaintiff’s claim. If such delivery or payment is made, the person
served is excused from the duty to show cause. A person who asserts a right of
possession or ownership may show cause as provided in Rule C(6)(a) as to why
the property should not be delivered to the Court.
(b) Publication of Notice of Action and Arrest. The notice required by
Rule C(4) shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
District once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, said notice to begin not
later than twenty-one (21) days following seizure, and Plaintiff’s attorney shall
file with the Clerk a copy of the notice as it was published. The notice shall
(1) The Court, title, and number of the action;
(2) The date of the arrest;
(3) The identity of the property arrested;
(4) The name, address, and telephone number of the attorney for Plaintiff;
(5) A statement that the claim of a person who is entitled to possession or
who claims an interest pursuant to Rule C(6)(a) must be filed with the Clerk
and served on the attorney for Plaintiff within fourteen (14) days after final
(6) A statement that an answer to the complaint must be filed and served
within twenty-one (21) days after filing the statement of interest or right and
that, otherwise, default may be entered and condemnation ordered;
(7) A statement that applications for intervention under Rule 24 by persons
claiming maritime liens or other interests shall be filed within the time fixed
by the Court; and
(8) The name, address, and telephone number of the Marshal, keeper, or
substitute custodian.
(c) Default in Actions In Rem.
(1) Notice Required. A party seeking a default judgment in an action in
rem must satisfy the Court that notice of the action and arrest of the property
has been given:
(A) By publication as required in Local Admiralty Rule 102(b);
(B) By service upon the Marshal, keeper, substitute custodian, master, or
other person having custody of the property; and
(C) By mailing notice to every other person who has not appeared in the
action and is known to have an interest in the property.
(2) Persons with Recorded Interests.
(A) If the Defendant property is a vessel documented under the laws of the
United States, Plaintiff must attempt to notify all persons named in the
United States Coast Guard certificate of ownership.
(B) If the Defendant property is a vessel numbered as provided in the
Federal Boat Safety Act, Plaintiff must attempt to notify the persons
named in the records of the issuing authority.
(C) If the Defendant property is of such character that there exists a
governmental registry of property interests and/or security interests, the
Plaintiff must attempt to notify all persons named in the records of each
such registry.
(d) Entry of Default and Default Judgment. After the time for filing an
answer has expired, the Plaintiff may move for entry of default under Rule
55(a). The Court will enter default upon showing that:
(1) Notice has been given as required by Local Admiralty Rule 102(c)(1);
(2) Notice has been attempted as required by Local Admiralty Rule 102(c)(2),
where appropriate;
(3) The time to answer by claimants of ownership to or possession of the
property has expired; and
(4) No answer has been filed, or no one has appeared, to defend on behalf of
the property.
The Plaintiff may move for judgment under Rule 55(b) at any time after
default has been entered.
(e) Procedure for Giving Actual Notice to Mortgagee or Lien Claimant
under 46 U.S.C. 31325(d)(1)(B) or (C). In those instances where actual
notice is required to be given to a mortgagee or lien claimant under 46 U.S.C.
31325 (d)(1)(B) or (C), or any amendments thereto with respect to the
enforcement of preferred ship mortgages and maritime liens, the said notice
shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address stated
in the mortgage or notice of claim of lien, as the case may be, or such other
address deemed by counsel in good faith to be better calculated to provide notice
to said party.
Civil L.R. 103. Rule D – Possessory, Petitory, and Partition Actions
Return Date. In a possessory action under Rule D, a Judicial Officer may
order that the statement of right or interest and answer be filed on a date earlier
than twenty-one (21) days after arrest. The order may also set the date for
expedited hearing of the action.
Civil L.R. 104. Rule E Actions In Rem and Quasi In Rem: General
(a) Itemized Demand for Judgment. The demand for judgment in every
complaint filed under Rule B or Rule C shall allege the dollar amount of the
debt or damages for which the action was commenced. The demand for
judgment shall also allege the nature of other items of damage. The amount of
the special bond posted under Rule E(5)(a) may be based upon these allegations.
(b) Salvage Action Complaints. In an action for a salvage reward, the
complaint shall allege the dollar value of the vessel, cargo, freight, and other
property salved, and the dollar amount of the reward claimed.
(c) Verification of Pleadings. Every complaint in Rule B, C, and D actions
shall be verified upon oath or solemn affirmation, or in the form provided by 28
U.S.C. § 1746, by a party or by an authorized officer of a corporate party. If no
party or authorized corporate officer is present within the District, verification
of a complaint may be made by an agent, attorney in fact, or attorney of record,
who shall state the sources of the knowledge, information, and belief contained
in the complaint; declare that the document verified is true to the best of his or
her knowledge, information, and belief; state why verification is not made by
the party or an authorized corporate officer; and state that the affiant is
authorized so to verify. A verification not made by a party or authorized
corporate officer will be deemed to have been made by the party as if verified
personally. If the verification was not made by a party or authorized corporate
officer, any interested party may move, with or without requesting a stay, for
the personal oath of a party or an authorized corporate officer, which shall be
procured by commission or as otherwise ordered.
(d) Review by Judicial Officer. Unless otherwise required by the Judicial
Officer, the review of complaints and papers called for by Rules B(1) and C(3)
does not require the affiant party or attorney to be present. The applicant for
review shall include a form of order to the Clerk which, upon signature by the
Judicial Officer, will direct the arrest, attachment, or garnishment sought by
the applicant. In exigent circumstances, the certification of the Plaintiff, or
his/her attorney, under Rules B and C shall consist of an affidavit or a
declaration pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746 describing in detail the facts that
establish the exigent circumstances.
(e) Return of Service. The party who requests a warrant of arrest or process
of attachment or garnishment shall provide instructions to the Marshal. A
person specially appointed by the Court under Rule B or C, who has served
process of maritime attachment and garnishment or a warrant of arrest that
seized property, shall promptly file a verified return showing the name of the
individual on whom the process or warrant was served, the identity of the
person or entity on whom service was made, the documents served, the manner
in which service was completed (e.g., personal delivery), and the address, date,
and time of service.
(f) Property in Possession of United States Officer. When the property
to be attached or arrested is in the custody of an employee or officer of the
United States, the Marshal shall deliver a copy of the complaint and warrant of
arrest or summons and process of attachment or garnishment to that officer or
employee, if present, and, otherwise, to the custodian of the property. The
Marshal will instruct the officer or employee or custodian to retain custody of
the property until ordered to do otherwise by a Judicial Officer.
(g) Security for Costs. In an action under the Supplemental Rules, a party
may move, upon notice to all parties, for an order to compel an adverse party to
post security for costs with the Clerk pursuant to Rule E(2)(b). Unless
otherwise ordered, the amount of security shall be $500.00. The party so
ordered shall post the security within seven (7) days after the order is entered.
A party who fails to post security when due may not participate further in the
proceedings except by order of Court. A party may move for an order increasing
the amount of security for costs.
(h) Adversary Hearing. The adversary hearing following arrest or
attachment or garnishment that is called for in Rule E(4)(f) shall be conducted
by a Judicial Officer promptly. The person(s) requesting the hearing shall
notify all persons known to have an interest in the property of the time and
place of the hearing.
(i) Appraisal. An order for appraisal of property so that security may be
given or altered may be entered upon motion. If the parties do not agree in
writing upon an appraiser, a Judicial Officer will appoint the appraiser. The
appraiser shall be sworn to the faithful and impartial discharge of the
appraiser’s duties before any federal or state officer authorized by law to
administer oaths. The appraiser shall give one (1) business day’s notice of the
time and place of making the appraisal to counsel of record. The appraiser shall
promptly file the appraisal with the Clerk and serve it upon counsel of record.
The moving party normally will pay the appraiser’s fee, but it is a taxable cost
of the action.
(j) Security Deposit for Seizure of Vessels. The first party who seeks
arrest or attachment of a vessel or property aboard a vessel shall deposit with
the Marshal such sums as may be required by the Marshal to cover the
expenses of the Marshal including, but not limited to, dockage, keepers,
maintenance, and insurance. The Marshal is not required to execute process
until the deposit is made. The party shall advance additional sums from time to
time, at the Marshal’s request, to cover estimated expenses. A party who fails
to advance such additional sums may not participate further in the proceedings
except by order of the Court. The Marshal may, upon notice to all parties,
petition the Court for an order to release the vessel if additional sums are not
advanced within seven (7) days after the request.
(k) Intervenors’ Claims.
(1) Presentation of Claim. When a vessel or other property has been
arrested, attached, or garnished, and is in the hands of the Marshal or
substitute custodian, anyone having a claim against the vessel or property is
required to present the claim by filing an intervening complaint and obtain a
warrant of arrest, and not by filing an original complaint, unless otherwise
ordered by a Judicial Officer. No formal motion is required. The intervening
party shall serve a copy of the intervening complaint and warrant of arrest
upon all parties to the action and shall forthwith deliver a conformed copy of
the complaint and warrant of arrest to the Marshal, who shall deliver the
copies to the vessel or custodian of the property. Intervenors shall thereafter
be subject to the rights and obligations of parties, and the vessel or property
shall stand arrested, attached, or garnished by the intervenor. An intervenor
shall not be required to advance a security deposit to the Marshal for seizure
of a vessel as required by Local Admiralty Rule 104(j).
(2) Sharing Marshal’s Fees and Expenses. An intervenor shall owe a
debt to any party who has previously advanced funds to cover the expenses of
the Marshal, enforceable on motion, consisting of the intervenor’s share of the
Marshal’s fees and expenses in the proportion that the intervenor’s claim
bears to the sum of all the claims. If a party Plaintiff permits the vacation of
an arrest, attachment, or garnishment, the remaining Plaintiffs will share the
responsibility to the Marshal for fees and expenses in proportion to the
remaining claims and for the duration of the Marshal’s custody because of
each claim.
(l) Custody of Property.
(1) Safekeeping of Property. When a vessel or other property is brought
into the Marshal’s custody by arrest or attachment, the Marshal shall arrange
for adequate safekeeping, which may include the placing of keepers on or near
the vessel. A substitute custodian, in place of the Marshal, may be appointed
by order of the Court. Any application for appointment of a substitute
custodian must show the name of the proposed custodian, the location of the
vessel during the period of custody, and the proposed insurance coverage.
Notice of the application to appoint a substitute custodian, if made concurrent
with the application for arrest or attachment, need only be given to the
(2) Insurance. The Marshal may procure insurance to protect the Marshal,
keepers, and substitute custodians from liabilities assumed in arresting and
holding the vessel, cargo, or other property, in performing protective services,
and in maintaining the Court’s custody. The party who applies for arrest or
attachment shall reimburse the Marshal for premiums paid for the insurance
and shall be an added insured on the policy. The party who applies for
removal of the vessel, cargo, or other property to another location, for
designation of a substitute custodian, or for other relief that will require an
additional premium, shall reimburse the Marshal therefor. The premiums
charged for the liability insurance are taxable as administrative costs while
the vessel, cargo, or other property is in the custody of the Court.
(3) Cargo Handling, Repairs, and Movement of the Vessel.
(A) Following arrest or attachment of a vessel, cargo handling shall be
permitted to commence or continue unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
No repairs to or movement of the vessel shall take place without order of
the Court. The applicant for an order shall give notice to the Marshal and
to all parties of record.
(B) If an applicant shows adequate insurance to indemnify the Marshal for
liability, the Court may order the Marshal to permit repairs or movement
of the vessel, cargo, or other property. The costs and expenses of such
activities shall be borne as ordered by the Court. Any party of record may
move for an order to dispense with keepers or to remove or place the vessel,
cargo, or other property at a specified facility, to designate a substitute
custodian, or for similar relief. Notice of the motion shall be given to the
Marshal, keeper, or substitute custodian, and to all parties of record. The
Judicial Officer will require that adequate insurance on the property will
be maintained by the successor to the Marshal, before issuing the order to
change arrangements.
(4) Claims by Suppliers for Payment of Charges. A person who has
furnished supplies or services to a vessel, cargo, or other property while in
custody of the Court, who has not been paid, and who claims the right to
payment as an expense of administration, shall submit an invoice to the Clerk
in the form of a verified claim at any time before the vessel, cargo, or other
property is released or sold. The supplier must serve copies of the claim on
the Marshal, substitute custodian if one has been appointed, and all parties of
record. The Court may consider the claims individually or schedule a single
hearing for all claims.
(m) Sale of Property.
(1) Notice. Unless otherwise ordered, upon good cause shown, or as
provided by law, notice of sale of property in an action in rem shall be
published in a newspaper of general circulation in the District one (1) time a
week for two (2) consecutive weeks with the last date of publication not less
than seven (7) days immediately preceding the sale. The Marshal shall file
with the Clerk a copy of the notice as it was published. The notice of sale
shall state the last date on which claims can be filed against the vessel or
property or proceeds of sale of same, as provided in Local Admiralty Rule
(2) Payment of Bid. These provisions apply unless otherwise ordered in the
order of sale:
(A) The person whose bid is accepted shall immediately pay the Clerk the
full purchase price if the bid is $1,000.00 or less;
(B) If the bid exceeds $1,000.00, the bidder shall immediately pay the
Clerk a deposit of at least $1,000.00 or ten percent (10%) of the bid,
whichever is greater, and shall pay the balance within three (3) business
(C) If an objection to the sale is filed within the period set forth in Local
Admiralty Rule 104(m)(6), the bidder is excused from paying the balance of
the purchase price until five (5) days after the sale is confirmed; and
(D) Payment shall be made in cash, by certified check, cashier’s check, or
wire transfer.
(3) Late Payment. If the successful bidder does not pay the balance of the
purchase price within the time allowed, the bidder shall pay the Marshal the
cost of keeping the property from the due date of the bid amount until the
balance is paid, and the Marshal may refuse to release the property until this
charge is paid.
(4) Default. If the successful bidder does not pay the balance of the
purchase price within the time allowed, the bidder shall be in default, upon
order of the Court entered in response to an appropriate motion, and the
Judicial Officer may accept the second highest bid or may arrange a new sale.
The defaulting bidder’s deposit shall be forfeited and applied to any additional
costs incurred by the Marshal because of the default, and the balance shall be
retained in the registry of the Court awaiting an order.
(5) Report of Sale by Marshal. At the conclusion of the sale, the Marshal
shall forthwith file a written report with the Court setting forth the notice
given; the fact of the sale; the date of the sale; the names, addresses, and bid
amounts of the bidders; the price obtained; and any other pertinent
(6) Time and Procedure for Objection to Sale. An interested person may
object to the sale by filing a written objection with the Clerk within three (3)
business days following the sale, serving the objection on all parties of record,
the successful bidder, and the Marshal, and depositing a sum with the
Marshal that is sufficient to pay the expense of keeping the property for at
least seven (7) days. Payment to the Marshal of such sum shall be by certified
check or cashier’s check. The Court shall hold a hearing on the confirmation
of the sale.
(7) Confirmation of Sale. If no objection to the sale has been timely filed,
the sale shall be confirmed by order of the Court no sooner than five (5) days
after the sale and no later than seven (7) days after the sale. The Marshal
shall transfer title to the purchaser upon the order of the Court.
(8) Disposition of Deposits.
(A) If the objection is sustained, sums deposited by the successful bidder
will be returned to the bidder forthwith. The sum deposited by the objector
will be applied to pay the fees and expenses incurred by the Marshal in
keeping the property until it is resold, and any balance remaining shall be
returned to the objector. The objector will be reimbursed for the expense of
keeping the property from the proceeds of a subsequent sale.
(B) If the objection is overruled, the sum deposited by the objector will be
applied to pay the expense of keeping the property from the day the
objection was filed until the day the sale is confirmed, and any balance
remaining will be returned to the objector forthwith.
Civil L.R. 105. Rule FLimitation of Liability
(a) Security for Costs. Unless otherwise ordered, the amount of security for
costs under Rule F(1) shall be $1,000.00, and security for costs may be combined
with security for value and interest, unless otherwise ordered.
(b) Order of Proof at Trial. In an action where vessel interests seek to limit
their liability, the damage claimants shall offer their proof first, whether the
right to limit arises as a claim or as a defense.
Criminal L.R. 1. Scope of Rules
In this District, the Criminal Rules set forth in Part C govern criminal and
petty offense proceedings as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 19.
Criminal L.R. 6. Grand Jury Materials
(a) Restrictions on Disclosure of Grand Jury Materials. Grand jury
materials disclosed to the defense under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)(3)(E) must not be
disseminated in any way, other than in open Court, by the Defendant or by
defense counsel except to the Defendant, to defense counsel, and to those
lawyers, support staff, or investigators assisting counsel directly, or to a witness
to the extent that the materials consist of the witness’ own prior testimony. Use
of grand jury materials disclosed under this Rule must be limited to the
proceeding for which they were disclosed. This Rule does not prevent the
government from seeking further restrictions by Court order on the use or
dissemination of such materials.
(b) Dissemination or Use of Grand Jury Materials. Any person who
obtains grand jury materials pursuant to Criminal Local Rule 6(a) is prohibited
from otherwise disseminating or using the materials except by further order of
the Court.
Criminal L.R. 7. Superseding Indictment or Information
When a superseding indictment or information is filed, the government must
simultaneously file a brief statement describing the differences between the original
and superseding charges.
Criminal L.R. 9. Delivery to Marshal of Warrant or Summons
The original of any warrant (except a search warrant) or summons issued in
this District must be delivered to the Marshal. A copy of the indictment,
information, complaint, “Petition for Warrant,” “Summons for Offender Under
Supervision,” or “Petition for Action on Conditions of Pretrial Release” to which the
warrant or summons relates must accompany the warrant or summons. Upon
request, the Marshal may provide another agency with a copy of a warrant clearly
marked “copy.”
(a) Issuance of Electronic Warrant and Summons Authorized. The
Clerk is authorized to sign, seal, and issue warrants and summonses
electronically. Warrants and summonses may not, however, be served
Criminal L.R. 12. Motions; Evidentiary Hearings
(a) Motions.
(1) Absent a Court order, all motions raising any issue described in Fed. R.
Crim. P. 12(b)(3) must be filed within fourteen (14) days after arraignment on
an indictment. Every motion must state the statute, rule, or legal or
equitable principle pursuant to which it is made and may be accompanied by
a supporting memorandum, affidavits, or other documents.
(2) Unless excused by the Court in an individual case, a motion to continue
the trial setting of a criminal case must state facts demonstrating that the
ends of justice served by a continuance outweigh the best interests of the
public and the Defendant in a speedy trial, see 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(A), or
that for some other reason the continuance will not violate the Speedy Trial
Act. Unless excused by the Court in an individual case, if the Defendant is
the moving party, the motion must be accompanied by the Defendant’s
affidavit or declaration, see 28 U.S.C. § 1746, stating that the Defendant:
(A) Was advised by the defense attorney of the reasons for seeking a
(B) Understands that the time requested in the extension may be excluded
from any calculation of time under the Speedy Trial Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 3161-
3174; and
(C) With this understanding and knowledge, agrees to the filing of the
(3) Absent a Court order, the non-movant has seven (7) days from the date
the motion is served to file a memorandum or other materials in response to
any such motion.
(4) Absent a Court order, the movant has seven (7) days from the date the
response is served to file any reply.
(5) Any time between the arraignment and the date set by pretrial
scheduling order for filing pretrial motions must be deemed excluded from the
speedy trial deadline under 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(B)(ii), upon a specific
finding and order by the Judge under 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(A).
(b) Evidentiary Hearing. If a motion seeks an evidentiary hearing, the
movant must provide in the motion a short, plain statement of the principal
legal issue or issues at stake and specific grounds for relief in the motion and,
after a conference with the non-movant, provide a description of the material
disputed facts that the movant claims require an evidentiary hearing. The
movant also must provide an estimate of the time necessary for the hearing.
The non-movant may file a response opposing an evidentiary hearing within
seven (7) days after service of a movant’s motion seeking an evidentiary
hearing. The non-movant’s response must include a short, plain statement of
why that party believes that an evidentiary hearing is unnecessary.
Criminal L.R. 12.4. Disclosure Statements
(a) Required Information.
(1) Non-governmental Parties and Amici. To enable the Court to
determine whether recusal is necessary or appropriate, an attorney for a non-
governmental party or an amicus curiae must file a Disclosure Statement
(A) States the full name of every party or amicus the attorney represents
in the action; and
(B) If such party or amicus is a corporation:
(i) Identifies any parent corporation and any publicly held corporation
owning ten percent (10%) or more of its stock; or
(ii) States there is no such corporation; and
(C) States the names of all law firms whose attorneys will appear, or are
expected to appear, for the party in this Court.
(2) Organizational Victims. The government is required to file a
Disclosure Statement in those actions where it is alleged that an organization
is a victim of the criminal conduct that is charged. The Disclosure Statement
shall provide the following information:
(A) The full name of every organizational victim that has been identified;
(B) If such victim is a corporation:
(i) Identify any parent corporation and any publicly held corporation
owning ten percent (10%) or more of its stock; or
(ii) State there is no such corporation.
(b) Filing. A non-governmental party or amici must file the Disclosure
Statement at the time of the first appearance of the party or amicus. The
government must file its Disclosure Statement, when required, within fourteen
(14) days after the indictment or information is filed. All parties and amicus
must promptly file a supplemental statement if any required information
(c) Form. The form of the Disclosure Statement is set forth in the Appendix of
Forms attached to these Rules.
Criminal L.R. 12.5. Notice of Entrapment Defense
If a Defendant intends to rely upon the defense of entrapment at the time of the
alleged crime, he/she shall, within the time provided for the filing of pretrial
motions or at such later time as ordered by the Court, notify the attorney for the
government in writing of such intention and file a copy of such notice with the
Clerk. If there is a failure to comply with the requirements of this Rule,
entrapment may not be raised as a defense. The Court may, for cause shown, allow
late filing of the notice or grant additional time to the parties to prepare for trial or
make such other order as may be appropriate.
Criminal L.R. 13. Reassignment of Related Criminal Cases
(a) Conditions for Reassignment. A criminal case may be reassigned to
another Judge if it is found to be related to a lower-numbered (or earlier-filed)
criminal case assigned to that Judge and each of the following criteria is met:
(1) All Defendants in each of the cases are the same, or, if the Defendants are
not all the same, the cases are based upon the same set of facts, events, or
(2) Both cases are pending in this District;
(3) The handling of both cases by the same Judge is likely to result in the
overall saving of judicial resources; and
(4) Neither case has progressed to the point where reassigning a case would
likely delay substantially the proceedings in either case, or the Court finds
that the assignment of the cases to the same Judge would promote
consistency in resolution of the cases or otherwise be in the interest of justice.
(b) Motion to Reassign. A motion for reassignment based on relatedness
may be filed by any party to a case. The motion must be filed with, and will be
decided by, the Judge to whom the lowest-numbered case of the claimed related
set is assigned for trial or other final disposition. If the set includes both felony
cases and one or more misdemeanors assigned to a Magistrate Judge, then the
motion must be filed with, and will be decided by, the District Judge assigned to
the lowest-numbered felony case in the set. Copies of the motion must be
served on all parties for all of the affected cases. The motion must:
(1) Set forth the points of commonality of the cases in sufficient detail to
indicate that the cases are related within the meaning of subsection (a); and
(2) Indicate the extent to which the conditions required by subsection (a) will
be met if the cases are found to be related.
Absent a Court order, any objection to the motion must be filed within seven
(7) days of the filing of the motion.
(c) Order. The Judge must enter an order finding whether or not the cases
are related, and, if they are, whether the higher-numbered case or cases should
be reassigned. Where the Judge finds that reassignment should occur, the
Clerk must reassign the higher-numbered case or cases to the Judge deciding
the motion and to whom the lowest-numbered case is assigned.
(d) Scope of Reassignment Order. An order under this Rule reassigning
cases as related does not constitute a joinder order under Fed. R. Crim. P. 13.
Criminal L.R. 16. Discovery and Inspection
(a) Policy. It is the Court's policy to rely on the standard discovery procedure
set forth in this Rule as the sole means of the exchange of discovery in criminal
actions except in extraordinary circumstances. This Rule is intended to
promote the efficient exchange of discovery without altering the rights and
obligations of the parties, while at the same time eliminating the routine filing
of perfunctory and duplicative discovery motions.
(b) Initial Disclosures.
(1) Disclosure by the Government. At arraignment, or on a date
otherwise set by the Court for good cause shown, the government shall tender
to Defendant the following:
(A) Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(a) Information. All discoverable information
within the scope of Rule 16(a) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure,
together with a notice pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 12(b)(4)(A) of the
government’s intent to use this evidence;
(B) Brady Material. All information and material known to the
government which may be favorable to the Defendant on the issues of guilt
or punishment, without regard to materiality, within the scope of Brady v.
Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963);
(C) Giglio Material. The existence and substance of any payments,
promises of immunity, leniency, preferential treatment, or other
inducements made to prospective witnesses, within the scope of United
States v. Giglio, 405 U.S. 150 (1972);
(D) Testifying Informant’s Convictions. A record of prior convictions
of any alleged informant who will testify for the government at trial;
(E) Defendant’s Identification. If a line-up, show-up, photo spread, or
similar procedure was used in attempting to identify the Defendant, the
exact procedure and participants shall be described and the results,
together with any pictures and photographs, shall be disclosed;
(F) Inspection of Vehicles, Vessels, or Aircraft. If any vehicle, vessel,
or aircraft was allegedly utilized in the commission of any offenses charged,
the government shall permit the Defendant's counsel and an expert
selected by the defense to inspect it, if it is in the custody of any
governmental authority;
(G) Defendant’s Latent Prints. If latent fingerprints, or prints of any
type, have been identified by a government expert as those of the
Defendant, copies thereof shall be provided;
(H) Fed. R. Evid. 404(b). The government shall advise the Defendant of
its intention to introduce evidence in its case in chief at trial, pursuant to
Rule 404(b) of the Federal Rules of Evidence; and
(I) Electronic Surveillance Information. If the Defendant was an
"aggrieved person" as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2510(11), the government shall
so advise the Defendant and set forth the detailed circumstances thereof.
(2) Obligations of the Government.
(A) The government shall anticipate the need for, and arrange for the
transcription of, the grand jury testimony of all witnesses who will testify
in the government's case in chief, if subject to Fed. R. Crim. P. 26.2 and 18
U.S.C. § 3500. Jencks Act materials and witnesses' statements shall be
provided as required by Fed. R. Crim. P. 26.2 and 18 U.S.C. § 3500.
However, the government and, where applicable, the Defendant are
requested to make such materials and statements available to the other
party sufficiently in advance of trial as to avoid any delays or interruptions.
(B) The government shall advise all government agents and officers
involved in the action to preserve all rough notes.
(C) The identification and production of all discoverable evidence or
information is the personal responsibility of each Assistant United States
Attorney assigned to the action and may not be delegated without the
express permission of the Court.
(3) Disclosures to U. S. Probation. At arraignment, or on a date otherwise
set by the Court upon good cause shown, the government shall tender to the
U. S. Probation Office all essential information needed by U. S. Probation to
accurately calculate the sentencing guideline range for the Defendant,
including, but not limited to: information regarding the nature of the offense;
the nature of the victim and the injury sustained by the victim; Defendant's
role in the offense; whether Defendant obstructed justice in the commission of
the crime; Defendant’s criminal history; and any information regarding
Defendant's status as a career offender/armed career criminal. In addition, in
order to comply with the requirements of the Anti-Terrorism Act, the
government shall produce to the U. S. Probation Office information regarding
the victims of Defendant's alleged criminal activity, including, but not limited
to, identifying each victim by name, address, and phone number, and the
nature and extent of said victim's loss or injury.
(4) Disclosures by the Defendant. If Defendant accepts or requests
disclosure of discoverable information, pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P.
16(a)(1)(C), (D), or (E), Defendant, on or before a date set by the Court, shall
provide to the government all discoverable information within the scope of
Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(b).
(c) Supplementation. The provisions of Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(c) are applicable.
It shall be the duty of counsel for all parties to immediately reveal to opposing
counsel all newly discovered information, evidence, or other material within the
scope of this Rule, and there is a continuing duty upon each attorney to disclose
(d) Motions for Discovery. No attorney shall file a discovery motion without
first conferring with opposing counsel, and no motion will be considered by the
Court unless it is accompanied by a certification of such conference and a
statement of the moving party’s good faith efforts to resolve the subject matter
of the motion by agreement with opposing counsel. The statement must recite
the date and time of the conference or conferences and the names of all parties
participating. No discovery motions shall be filed for information or material
within the scope of this Rule unless it is a motion to compel, a motion for
protective order, or a motion for an order modifying discovery. See Fed. R.
Crim. P. 16(d). Discovery requests made pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 16 and
this Local Rule require no action on the part of this Court and should not be
filed unless the party making the request desires to preserve the discovery
matter for appeal.
(e) Post-Conviction Disclosures. Within three (3) days of conviction, the
government shall provide to the Defendant any additional information that has
been provided to the Probation Office in compliance with paragraph (b)(3) of
this Rule. Any supplementation of the information provided to the Probation
Office shall also be given to the Defendant.
Criminal L.R. 17.1. Pretrial Conferences
(a) In any case that is unusually complex, by reason of the number of parties,
the novelty of legal or factual issues presented, the volume of discovery
materials, or other factors peculiar to that case, the government must notify the
Clerk when the indictment or information is filed that the case is appropriate
for a pretrial scheduling conference pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 17.1. If the
government has not suggested a pretrial scheduling conference, the defense
may do so at the initial appearance or arraignment.
(b) A pretrial scheduling conference pursuant to this Rule and Fed. R. Crim. P.
17.1 may be set by the Judge conducting the arraignment, by the Judge
assigned to pretrial proceedings, or by the Judge assigned to preside over the
trial of the case. At a pretrial scheduling conference, the Court may set
deadlines for filing pretrial motions, briefing, discovery and disclosure by all
parties, hearings, trial, or any other dates that will further the ends of justice.
V. VENUE [Reserved]
VI. TRIAL [Reserved]
Criminal L.R. 32. Sentencing and Judgment
(a) Time of Sentencing. The sentencing hearing shall be scheduled no
earlier than seventy-five (75) days following entry of a guilty plea or nolo
contendere plea or a verdict of guilty, except as otherwise agreed to by the
parties or ordered by the Court.
(b) Presentence Report. Prior to sentencing, the United States Probation
Office (Probation Office) shall prepare a Presentence Investigation Report (PSR)
in compliance with Fed. R. Crim. P. 32. In order to provide adequate time for
the Probation Office to prepare the PSR, to disclose the PSR to the parties, to
review and respond to the presentence submissions filed by the parties, and to
comply with such other and further procedures contemplated by the Sentencing
Guidelines and this Criminal Local Rule, the Probation Office and counsel for
the parties shall cooperate to complete the following mandatory steps in the
sentencing process:
(1) They shall ensure that a copy of any plea agreement, including the
government’s position with regard to whether the Defendant should receive
the benefit of timely acceptance of responsibility, is provided to the Probation
Office and the Court no later than the date of the guilty plea;
(2) The PSR, including guideline calculations, shall be completed and posted
to CM/ECF for retrieval by the parties at least thirty-five (35) days prior to
the scheduled sentencing hearing, unless the period is waived by the
Defendant or the Court orders otherwise. It shall be the responsibility of
counsel for the parties to contact the Clerk for assistance in obtaining access
to CM/ECF should a problem arise in retrieving the PSR. It shall be defense
counsel’s responsibility to discuss the contents of the PSR with the Defendant
prior to filing his or her position with respect to sentencing factors. The PSR
shall be disclosed only to defense counsel, for disclosure to the Defendant, and
the attorney for the government;
(3) If a party reasonably disputes sentencing factors or facts material to
sentencing, or seeks the inclusion of factors or facts material to sentencing in
the PSR, it is the obligation of the complaining party to seek administrative
resolution of such factors or facts through contact with opposing counsel and
the Probation Office prior to filing their positions with respect to sentencing
factors. Disputed factors or facts material to sentencing should be resolved, if
possible and practicable, through informal procedures, including telephone
conferences. A more formal presentence conference, to be attended by both
parties and to be coordinated by the Probation Office, is mandatory if
disputed factors or facts cannot be resolved informally and, in the opinion of
the Probation Office, such a conference is necessary and might be productive
in resolving disputed factors or facts;
(4) Fourteen (14) days before the sentencing hearing, counsel for the
Defendant and the government shall each file a written pleading entitled,
“Position of the (United States) (Defendant) with Respect to Sentencing
Factors.” This pleading either should state that the party adopts the PSR or
should detail the party’s position as to any disputed factors or facts, including
application of the guidelines or any alleged inaccuracies, and should cite the
numbered paragraph(s) in the PSR in which the facts or factors are located.
In the event a Defendant challenges one of the factual bases for his or her
sentence as set forth in the PSR, the burden to establish the disputed fact
remains on the United States, but when any party disputes factors or facts in
the PSR, their pleading should state what evidence, including written
submission(s) or witness(es), if any, the aggrieved party wishes to present at
the sentencing hearing. This pleading must also include a written statement
certifying that the party has conferred with opposing counsel and the
Probation Office in a good faith effort to resolve any disputed matters;
(5) Counsel for the parties shall confer no later than ten (10) days prior to the
scheduled sentencing hearing with respect to the anticipated length of the
hearing and the number of witnesses to be called. If either party reasonably
anticipates that the sentencing hearing will exceed thirty (30) minutes, that
party shall file a notice no later than seven (7) days prior to the sentencing
hearing. The notice shall advise the Court of the number of witnesses to be
called and the estimated time required for the sentencing hearing;
(6) The Probation Office shall file under seal the PSR, including guideline
computations, an addendum indicating any unresolved factual disputes or
objections by the parties with respect to the application of the guidelines or
alleged inaccuracies in the PSR, and the sentencing recommendation. The
Probation Office shall also file under seal any revisions to the PSR and the
addendum for retrieval by the parties. This information is to be produced for
review by the sentencing Judge no later than seven (7) days before the
sentencing hearing; and
(7) The presentation during the sentencing hearing will pertain only to those
factors or facts important to the sentencing determination, or pertaining to
any alleged inaccuracies in the PSR as set out in the pleading entitled
“Position of the (United States) (Defendant) with Respect to Sentencing
Factors.” Except with regard to any objections made under Local Criminal
Rule 32(b)(4) that have not been resolved, the report of the PSR shall be
accepted as accurate. The Court, however, for good cause shown, may allow a
new objection to be raised at any time before the imposition of sentence.
(c) Motions for Downward Departure. Any motion for downward
departure pursuant to U.S.S.G. § 5K1.1 shall be filed no later than twenty-four
(24) hours before the sentencing hearing. The motion should state the amount
of recommended departure from the guideline range.
(d) Confidentiality of Presentence Reports. Confidential records of this
Court maintained by the Probation Office, including presentence investigation
reports and probation supervision records, may not be disclosed except upon
written petition to the Court establishing with particularity the need for
specified information contained in such records. No disclosure shall be made
except upon Court order. This Rule must not be construed to deny the subject of
any presentence report, and/or the subject’s counsel, the right to review such
presentence report without consent of the Court.
(e) The contents of a presentence report that must be disclosed pursuant to
Fed. R. Crim. P 32(e) shall not include the probation officer’s recommendation
on the sentence.
Criminal L.R. 44. Obligations of Retained and Appointed Counsel
(a) Retained Counsel.
(1) Financial Arrangements; Notice When Arrangements Are
Unsatisfactory. Retained criminal defense attorneys are expected to make
financial arrangements satisfactory to themselves and sufficient to provide for
representation of their client until the conclusion of the client’s action. Unless
the Court, within fourteen (14) days after arraignment, is notified in writing
of counsel’s withdrawal because of Defendant’s failure to make satisfactory
arrangements, the Court will expect counsel to represent the Defendant
through the conclusion of the client’s action, as defined in subsection (a)(2)
herein. Failure of a Defendant to pay sums owed for attorney’s fees or failure
of counsel to collect the sum sufficient to compensate for all the services
usually required of defense counsel will normally not constitute good cause for
withdrawal after said fourteen-day period has expired.
(2) Conclusion of Client’s Action. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court,
the conclusion of the client’s action occurs when the client is acquitted,
sentenced, or the action is dismissed. In the event that a Defendant is
convicted, retained counsel shall advise the Defendant of his/her right to
appeal and of his/her right to counsel on appeal. If requested to do so by the
Defendant, counsel shall file a timely notice of appeal. If the Defendant does
not seek an appeal, counsel shall file a statement, signed by both attorney and
client, that he/she has informed the Defendant of his/her right to appeal and
his/her right to obtain counsel on appeal but that the Defendant has advised
him/her that he/she does not seek an appeal. Upon the filing of this
statement of non-appeal, the attorney’s responsibility to represent the client
will terminate. Representation by retained counsel in other proceedings shall
terminate when the purpose of the representation is accomplished or when
terminated by Court order.
(b) Appointed Counsel.
(1) Duties. Counsel appointed under the Criminal Justice Act Plan
participate in the Plan in fulfillment of their professional responsibilities as
officers of the Court, and the limited amount of compensation accruing in no
respect diminishes that responsibility. Appointed counsel shall continue to
serve until his/her representation is terminated as provided by the Plan or by
Court order. Appointed counsel shall report to the Court any change in
his/her client’s financial status, that comes to his/her attention, where it
appears that the client is able to finance all or a part of the reasonable
attorney’s fees.
(2) Termination of Appointment. In the event that a Defendant is
convicted, counsel appointed under the Criminal Justice Act Plan shall advise
the defendant of his/her right to appeal and of his/her right to counsel on
appeal. If requested to do so by the Defendant, counsel shall file a timely
notice of appeal, and he/she shall continue to represent the Defendant unless
he/she is relieved of that responsibility by Court order. If the Defendant does
not request that an appeal be filed, counsel shall file a statement, signed by
both attorney and client, that the client has been informed of his/her right to
appeal and his/her right to obtain counsel on appeal but has chosen not to
appeal. Once the notice of non-appeal is filed, the appointment shall
terminate. Representation by appointed counsel in other proceedings shall
terminate when the purpose of the appointment is accomplished or when
terminated by Court order.
(c) Guidelines as to Maximum Compensation. The Clerk shall maintain a
schedule of guidelines for maximum compensation to be allowed by the Court,
not to exceed that provided in 18 U.S.C. § 3006A.
(d) Authorization for Expert or Other Services. Prior Court authorization
is required before obtaining services or incurring any expense such as reporter
transcripts, interpreter, investigator, psychiatrist, or other expert services.
Counsel should be aware of the maximum fees authorized for expert services in
18 U.S.C. § 3006A(e)(3). The appropriate forms for obtaining authorization for
expert services are available from the Clerk.
Criminal L.R. 46. Bonds and Other Sureties
(a) General Requirements. Unless a Judge supervising a criminal action
under 18 U.S.C. § 3142 expressly directs otherwise, the principal obligor and
one or more sureties qualified as provided in this Rule must execute every bond,
recognizance, or other undertaking required by law or Court order in any
(b) Unacceptable Sureties. An attorney in a case, the attorney’s spouse or
employee, a party to a case, and the party’s spouse may not act as a surety on a
bond or other undertaking in a criminal case.
(c) Corporate Surety. A corporate surety upon any undertaking in which the
United States is the obligee must be qualified under 31 U.S.C. §§ 9301–9309
and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. The
parties may consult with the Clerk to confirm that a surety is qualified. In all
other instances, a corporate surety qualified to write bonds in the State of
Alabama is an acceptable surety. In all cases, a Power of Attorney showing the
authority of the agent signing the bond must be attached to the bond.
(d) Personal Surety. Persons competent to convey real estate who own land
in the State of Alabama of an unencumbered value of at least the stated penalty
of the bond may obtain consideration for qualification as a surety by attaching
an acknowledged justification showing:
(1) A legal description of the real estate;
(2) A complete list of all encumbrances and liens on the real estate;
(3) The real estate’s market value based on recent sales of like property;
(4) A waiver of inchoate right of any character and certification that the real
estate is not exempt from execution; and
(5) Certification of the aggregate amount of the penalties of any other
subsisting undertakings assured by the bondsman as of that date.
The Judge before whom the proceeding is pending will approve or disapprove
the surety after reviewing the justification and certifications.
Criminal L.R. 46.1. Appeal of Release or Detention Orders
(a) Review of Another Court’s Order. When a Judge of another District
has entered a detention order in a criminal case pending in this Court, the
Magistrate Judge in this District to whom the case has been referred or
assigned reviews the detention order under 18 U.S.C. § 3145(b).
(b) Motion to Reopen Proceeding. When a Magistrate Judge enters a
detention or release order after a hearing held under 18 U.S.C. § 3142(f), a
motion to “reopen” the proceeding under § 3142(f) is considered as a motion for
the same Magistrate Judge to review the matter of detention or release.
(c) Appeal of Detention Order. When reviewing a Magistrate Judge’s order
of detention or release, a District Judge may hear and consider additional
evidence not considered by the Magistrate Judge if that evidence was not
available to be presented to the Magistrate Judge at the hearing held under 18
U.S.C. § 3142(f) or for other good cause shown. In the alternative, the District
Judge may remand the matter to the Magistrate Judge to reopen the hearing.
Unless additional evidence is received on review, the District Judge reviews an
order of release or detention de novo on the record made before the Magistrate
Criminal L.R. 49.2. Sealed Hearings
(a) Sealed Hearings. A party seeking a sealed hearing must move the Court
in writing prior to the hearing, or orally at the hearing, when a written motion
is not practicable. The Court may seal the hearing in accordance with
applicable law. Any written motion and supporting documentation filed
pursuant to this Rule must comply with General Local Rule 5.2.
(b) Docket Entry for Sealing Hearing. Whenever the Court orders that a
hearing be conducted under seal as provided in subsection (a), the Court, upon a
finding of good cause, may order that the docket entry for that hearing state
only “SEALED,” and that it be accessible only to the Court and the parties
directly involved in the hearing.
Criminal L.R. 58. Misdemeanors and Other Offenses
(a) Generally.
(1) In proceedings upon which no indictment is necessary, see Fed. R. Crim.
P. 7(a)(2), deadlines in these Local Rules that commence with arraignment on
an indictment instead commence with the entry of a not guilty plea on the
trial docket. See Fed. R. Crim. P. 58(b)(1).
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3), the Defendant in an action on an
infraction, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 19, and listed specifically in a schedule
published by order of the Court pursuant to this Rule, may pay the collateral
fixed on the citation or complaint, if any, in lieu of appearance, and by doing
so authorizes the termination of proceedings and a default judgment in the
amount of the sum fixed, pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 58(d). The voluntary
forfeiture of collateral under this Rule must be treated as a finding of guilt on
the infraction charged in the citation or complaint. Government counsel and
the Clerk then may execute such judgment without further notice to the
Defendant. If a person charged with an infraction under this Rule fails to
post and forfeit collateral, any punishment authorized by law may be imposed
upon a finding of guilt.
(3) This rule does not preclude the arrest or detention of any person accused
of an infraction, as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 19, or requiring the person accused
to appear in person before a Judge, to the extent allowed by law.
(b) Trial of Misdemeanors.
(1) Generally, all misdemeanor cases are randomly assigned to the
Magistrate Judges in this District, who are authorized to conduct any or all
proceedings in such matters. All petty offense cases on the District’s docket
for a particular month are assigned to the Magistrate Judge who is serving on
criminal duty for that month. If proceedings in a petty offense case continue
past that duty month, further proceedings on the case are presided over by
the duty Magistrate Judge for the month in which the proceedings continue,
unless otherwise ordered by the Magistrate Judge who originally presided
over the matter.
(2) In all such cases in which the consent of the Defendant is required, the
Magistrate Judge must explain to Defendant that the person has a right to
trial, judgment, and sentencing by a District Judge, and that the person may
have a right to trial by jury before a District Judge or Magistrate Judge. The
Magistrate Judge must not try the case unless the Defendant consents to be
tried before the Magistrate Judge, specifically waiving a trial, judgment, and
sentencing by a District Judge. If the Defendant elects to be tried before a
District Judge, the Magistrate Judge must return the case to the Clerk, who
must randomly reassign the case to a District Judge.
United States District Court
Southern District of Alabama
Plaintiff, :
vs. : Civil Action No.
Defendant(s) :
1. Plaintiff resides at
2. Name(s) of defendant(s)
3. Location of principal office(s) of the named defendant(s)
4. Nature of business of defendant(s)
5. Approximate number of individuals employed by defendant(s)
6. The acts complained of in this suit concern:
(A) Failure to employ me.
Termination of my employment.
(C) Failure to promote me.
(D) Other acts as specified below: ________________________________________
7. Plaintiff is:
(A) Presently employed by the defendant.
Not presently employed by the defendant.
The dates of employment were _______________________________________
Plaintiff was discharged.
(2) Plaintiff was laid off.
(3) Plaintiff left the job voluntarily.
8. Defendant(s) discriminated against me on account of my:
(A) Race Sex
Color National Origin
Therefore, I am bringing this action for employment discrimination pursuant to Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, specifically, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5.
(B) Physical disability
Mental disability
Therefore, I am bringing this action pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act,
specifically, 42 U.S.C. § 12117.
Therefore, I am bringing this action pursuant to the Age Discrimination in Employment
Act of 1967, specifically, 29 U.S.C. § 626.
9. The name(s), race, sex, and the position or title of the individual(s) who allegedly
discriminated against me during the period of my employment with the defendant company is
(are) _________________________________________________________________________
10. The alleged discrimination occurred on or about
11. The nature of my complaint, i.e., the manner in which the individual(s) named above
discriminated against me in terms of the conditions of my employment, is as follows: ________
12. The alleged illegal activity took place at
13. I filed charges with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding alleged
discriminatory conduct by defendant(s) on or about
I have attached a copy of the Notice-of-Right-to-Sue letter issued by the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission. This letter was received by me on
14. I seek the following relief:
(A) Recovery of back pay.
Reinstatement to my former job, and any other relief as may be appropriate,
including injunctive orders, damages, costs and attorney’s fees.
Signature of Plaintiff
Address of Plaintiff
( )
Telephone Number of Plaintiff
AO 85 (Local Rev. 8/06) Notice, Consent, and Order of Reference — Exercise of Jurisdiction by a United States Magistrate Judge
District of
Case Number:
In accordance with the provisions of 28 U.S.C. §636(c), and Fed.R.Civ.P. 73, you are notified that a United States
magistrate judge of this district court is available to conduct any or all proceedings in this case including a jury or nonjury trial,
and to order the entry of a final judgment. Exercise of this jurisdiction by a magistrate judge is, however, permitted only if all
parties voluntarily consent.
You may, without adverse substantive consequences, withhold your consent, but this will prevent the court’s jurisdiction
from being exercised by a magistrate judge. If any party withholds consent, the identity of the parties consenting or withholding
consent will not be communicated to any magistrate judge or to the district judge to whom the case has been assigned.
An appeal from a judgment entered by a magistrate judge shall be taken directly to the United States court of appeals for
this judicial circuit in the same manner as an appeal from any other judgment of this district court.
In accordance with provisions of 28 U.S.C. §636(c) and Fed.R.Civ.P. 73, the parties in this case consent to have a United
States magistrate judge conduct any and all proceedings in this case, including the trial, order the entry of a final judgment, and
conduct all post-judgment proceedings.
Party Represented Signatures* Date
IT IS ORDERED that this case be referred to
United States Magistrate Judge, to conduct all proceedings and order the entry of judgment in accordance with 28 U.S.C.
§636(c) and Fed.R.Civ.P. 73.
Date United States District Judge
Export as FDF
*Signatures may be electronically affixed (i.e. s/Judith Attorney) and, with consent so stated after the signature, counsel may
electronically sign for other counsel (i.e. s/John Attorney, by consent).
___________________ DIVISION
Case No.
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 7.1 and Civil L.R. 7.1,
__________________________________________, makes the following disclosure(s).
1. If the filer is a nongovernmental corporate party or a nongovernmental
corporation that seeks to intervene, either (i) identify any parent corporation
and any publicly held corporation owning 10% or more of its stock or (ii) state
there is no such corporation:
2. If this is an action in which jurisdiction is based on diversity under 28 U.S.C. §
1332(a), name and identify the citizenship of every individual or entity whose
citizenship is attributed to the filing party or intervenor: [To identify the
citizenship of a partnership, LLC, or other unincorporated entity, a party must
[ Enter name(s) ]
[ Enter name(s) ]
[ Enter Case Number ]
[ Name of Filer ]
list the names and citizenships of all members or partners of that entity. See,
e.g., Rolling Greens MHP, L.P. v. Comcast SCH Holdings L.L.C., 374 F.3d 1020,
1022 (11
Cir. 2004).]
3. To the extent not otherwise disclosed above, if the filer is a nongovernmental
artificial entity appearing as a party or an amicus curiae, identify all parent
companies, subsidiaries, partners, limited liability entity members and
managers, trustees (but not trust beneficiaries), affiliates, or similar entities
I certify that, except as disclosed, I am unaware of an actual or potential
conflict of interest affecting the district judge or the magistrate judge in this action, and
that I will amend this Disclosure Statement promptly upon learning of any relevant
changes or corrections.
_______________________ _______________________________
Date Counsel Signature
Counsel for (print party names)
Address, City, State, Zip Code
reportable under the provisions of the S.D. Ala. Civil L.R. 7.1:
Local Form For Report of Parties' Planning Meeting
___________________________, :
Plaintiff, :
vs. : CIVIL ACTION _________________
___________________________, :
Defendant. :
Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(f), a meeting was held on (date) at (place) and was attended by:
(name) for plaintiff(s)
(name) for defendant(s) (party name)
(name) for defendant(s) (party name)
The parties [request] [do not request] a conference with the court before entry of thescheduling order.
1. Plaintiff's brief narrative statement of the facts and the cause of action stated in
each count, and defendant's brief narrative statement of the facts and defenses, including affirmative
defenses, stating the theory of each defense. In other words, the parties are to fully state their present
respective positions in plain English, given what they know about the case at this time. This is not to
be simply a restatement of the complaint and answer.
2. This [jury] [non-jury] action should be ready for trial by (date) and at this time is
expected to take approximately (length of time in days excluding jury selection).
3. The parties request a pretrial conference in (month and year).
4. Discovery Plan. The parties jointly propose to the court the following discovery
plan: [Use separate paragraphs or subparagraphs as necessary if parties disagree.]
Discovery will be needed on the following subjects: (brief description of subjects
on which discovery will be needed).
All discovery commenced in time to be completed by (date). [Discovery on (issue for early
discovery) to be completed by (date).]
5. Initial Disclosures. The parties [have exchanged] [will exchange by (date)] the
information required by Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(a)(1).
6. The parties request until (date) to join additional parties and amend the pleadings.
7. Reports from retained experts under Rule 26(a)(2) due:
from plaintiff(s) by (date).
from defendant(s) by (date).
8. Pretrial Disclosures. Final lists of witnesses and exhibits under Rule 26(a)(3)
due by (date).
9. Discovery Limits.
Maximum of ___ interrogatories by each party to any other party. Responses due
___ days after service.
Maximum of ___ depositions by plaintiff(s) and ___ by defendant(s). Each
deposition limited to maximum of ___ hours unless extended by agreement of
Maximum of ___ requests for admission by each party to any other party.
Responses due ___ days after service.
Maximum of ___ requests for production of documents by each party to any other
party. Responses due ___ days after service.
10. All potentially dispositive motions filed by (date).
11. Settlement [is likely] [is unlikely] [cannot be evaluated prior to (date)] [may be
enhanced by use of the following alternative dispute resolution procedure: [___].
12. The discovery in this action [will] [will not] include Electronically Stored
Information (ESI). In those cases where discovery of ESI is a probability, the
parties shall discuss the substantive issues of the existence and location of the
ESI, the preservation (including time period) of information, the ease/difficulty
and costs of production, a schedule and format for production, and a plan for how
to manage privilege and work product protection issues. An ESI production
agreement as to how to manage these issues shall be included in the Report. If the
parties cannot agree on an ESI production agreement, the disagreements are to be
listed in the Report.
13. [Other matters that may be appropriate for inclusion in the Rule 16(b) Order.]
Date: __________
Name Name
Counsel for Plaintiff Counsel for Defendant
Address Address
Telephone Number Telephone Number
Signatures may be electronically affixed (i.e. s/Judith Attorney) and, with consent so stated after
the signature, counsel may electronically sign for other counsel (i.e. s/John Attorney, by consent).
Summons in a Social Security Action
for the
__________ District of __________
v. Civil Action No.
(Defendant’s name and address)
A lawsuit has been filed against you.
Within 90 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it), you must serve on the
plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer
or m
otion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are:
If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.
Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
AO 440 (Rev. 12/09) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2)
Civil Action No.
(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l))
This summons for
(name of individual and title, if any)
was received by me on (date) .
I personally served the summons on the individual at
on (date) ; or
I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
(date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or
I served the summons on
(name of individual) , who is
designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of
(name of organization)
on (date) ; or
I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or
My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ .
I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.
Server’s signature
Printed name and title
Server’s address
Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:
Save As...
CASE NO._____________________________
The parties to this action hereby waive their right to proceed before a United States
district judge and consent to have a United States magistrate judge conduct voir dire and
supervise the selection of the jury in this action. The opportunity to seek de novo review of any
decision of the Magistrate Judge made during jury selection to a district judge is also expressly
waived. An appeal of jury selection decisions will lie to the court of appeals as it would if made
by a district judge.
It is hereby ORDERED that this action be referred to U.S. Magistrate Judge _________
for the selection of the jury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. ' 636(b)(3) and Local Rule 72.1. See
v. United States, 501 U.S. 923, 111 S.Ct. 2661, 115 L.Ed.2d 808 (1991). Any appeal of a
decision of the magistrate judge made during jury selection will lie to the court of appeals as it
would if made by a district judge.
DONE this the day of , .
vs. *
Comes now the defendant in the above-styled cause and hereby gives notice of his/her intent to
plead guilty to count(s) of the indictment in this cause.
This change of plea is based on plea negotiations with the U.S. Attorney. As a result of these plea
negotiations and in exchange for my plea of guilty, the Government has agreed to recommend to the Court
the following:
However, I understand that pursuant to the provisions of Rule 11(e)(1)(B) F.R.Cr.P., a recommendation
of the U.S. Attorney pursuant to this plea agreement is not binding upon the Court. I further understand
that if my plea of guilty is offered based upon a recommendation of the U.S. Attorney, I will have no right
to withdraw my plea of guilty if the Court elects not to accept the recommendation of the U.S. Attorney.
I further understand that I am scheduled to enter my plea on
20 at a.m./ p.m. before United States District Judge .
Attorney for the Defendant
Attorney for the Government
VS. * CR. ACTION NO. _____________________
______________________________ *
Defendant’s Name *
The Court, during the arraignment hearing, directed the United States Probation Officer
to prepare preliminary calculations, consistent with United States Sentencing Guidelines, as an
aide to the parties’ efforts to determine the range of possible sentences that could be imposed
should the defendant be found guilty on any pending charge. It was intended that the Court, the
defendant, defendant’s attorney and the Assistant United States Attorney, would have had an
opportunity to examine the report on preliminary calculations prior to the pretrial conference. It
was also recognized that the calculations would be based on the Probation Officer’s review of
the relevant information available to the Probation Officer at the time his report is completed and
The Probation Officer in this action has completed the preliminary guideline calculations
and they have been shared with the parties. After receipt and review of these preliminary
calculations, counsel certifies to the following:
1. A copy of the Probation Officer’s report containing the preliminary guideline
calculations has been shown to the defendant and we discussed the guideline calculations
contained in the report;
2. I have provided the defendant with an independent assessment of the preliminary
guideline calculations contained in the report;
3. The defendant has been given an opportunity to ask questions regarding the
preliminary guideline calculations and I have responded to those questions; and
4. The defendant was advised that the preliminary guideline calculations contained
in the report are based on the Probation Officer’s review of the relevant information available to
him/her at the time the report was completed and filed, and that the United States Sentencing
Guidelines are advisory and do not bind the Court. Furthermore, the defendant was also advised
that the preliminary guideline calculations might be different from the final calculations in the
event he/she is found guilty on any pending charge and a presentencing report is ordered.
I certify under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on this the
________ day of ______________, 2014.
Attorney’s Signature
Attorney’s Name Printed
Attorney for Defendant _______________
______________ DIVISION
VS. * CR. ACTION NO. ___________________
_______________________________ *
Defendant. *
I understand that I have the right to have my trial commence within the time required by
the Speedy Trial Act, 18 U.S.C. § § 3161-3174, but have elected to have that time period
I, being fully advised of my rights regarding a speedy trial, knowingly, intelligently and
voluntarily waive (GIVE UP) my right to a speedy trial. This decision has been made after I:
(A) was advised by my attorney of the reasons for seeking a continuance;
(B) became aware that the time requested in the extension may be excluded
from any calculation of time under the Speedy Trial Act; and
(C) with full understanding and knowledge, have agreed to the extension of
time that has been requested.
I certify under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on this the
________ day of ______________, 2014.
ALSD Rev. 5/2014
Criminal Action No._______________
Pursuant to Criminal Local Rule 12.4 of the Southern District of
Alabama and to enable Judges and Magistrate Judges to evaluate possible
disqualification or recusal, the undersigned counsel for
certifies as follows:
(1) Non-governmental Parties and Amici Curiae.
A. state the full name of every party or amicus the attorney represents in
the action; and
B. if such party or amicus is a corporation:
i. identify any parent corporation and any publicly held corporation
owning 10% or more of its stock; or
ii. state there is no such corporation; and
C. state the names of all law firms whose attorneys will appear, or are
expected to appear, for the party in this Court.
ALSD Rev. 5/2014
(2) Organizational Victims.
A. state the full name of every victim that has been identified; and
B. if such victim is a corporation:
i. identify any parent corporation and any publicly held
corporation owning 10% or more of its stock; or
ii. state there is no such corporation.
_________________________________ ______________________________
Date Signature of Attorney
Rev. 8/1/15
Name under which you were convicted
Your prison number
CIVIL ACTION NO. __________________
vs. (To be supplied by Clerk of Court)
Name of Defendant(s)
Place of Confinement and Address
A. Complaint Form. You must file your original complaint and a copy for each named Defendant.
Your complaint must be clearly handwritten or typewritten. Do not use the back of a page. Your
complaint must be signed by you; no notary is required. Any false statement of material fact may
serve as the basis for prosecution for perjury.
B. Proper Court
. Your complaint can only be brought in this Court if a defendant is located in the
Southern District of Alabama and the rest of the defendants are located in Alabama or if your claim
arose in this district. The Southern District of Alabama is comprised of the following counties:
Baldwin, Clarke, Choctaw, Conecuh, Dallas, Escambia, Hale, Marengo, Mobile, Monroe, Perry,
Washington, and Wilcox.
C. Separate Case
. It is necessary to file a separate complaint form for each claim unless the claims
are related to the same incident or issue.
D. Defendants. The persons who are listed as defendants in section III of the complaint are deemed
by the Court to be the only defendants to this action. A defendant's present address must be
provided. The Court is unable to serve process without the present address being furnished. The first
defendant listed in section III should be the defendant that you list in the style of your case on your
complaint form and motion to proceed without prepayment of fees and costs, if applicable, and any
other pleading filed with the Court.
E. Pleading the Complaint. Your complaint should not contain legal arguments, case law or statutory
citations. You are required to provide facts. Your complaint shall be a short and plain statement of
your claim and shall provide fair notice to each defendant of the claim against that defendant and of
the factual grounds upon which the claim rests.
F. Fees. This complaint cannot be properly filed unless it is accompanied by the $400.00 filing fee, or
a motion to proceed without prepayment of fees if you are unable to afford the filing fee and other
costs associated with prosecuting this action. If IFP is granted the filing fee is $350.00.
If you are unable to pay the filing fee and service costs for this action, you may ask the Court
to let you proceed without prepayment of fees and costs. A blank motion for this purpose is included.
If you wish to proceed without prepayment of fees and costs, you must complete and mail to
the Clerk of Court a copy of the "Motion to Proceed Without Prepayment of Fees" mailed to you with
this complaint. This motion will be returned to you without action unless you have an authorized
officer at the jail or prison complete the financial statement mailed to you with this form.
Even if the Court authorizes you to proceed without prepayment of filing fees, you are
obligated to pay the full $350.00. If you have the ability to pay a partial filing fee when your
complaint is filed, you will be required to pay an amount, based on your assets, of up to the greater of
20 percent of your average monthly balance in your prison account or your average monthly balance
for six months immediately preceding the filing of your complaint. Thereafter, your prison account
will be garnished at the rate of 20 percent of your monthly income until the filing fee is paid.
G. Form of Pleadings. All pleadings and other papers filed must be on 8 1/2" x 11" paper, legibly
handwritten or typewritten. Every document filed after the complaint must have the style of the case
and the docket number. Every pleading must be signed by you and must contain your address and
telephone number, if any; otherwise, the pleading will be stricken. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(a). No
notary is required.
H. Certificate of Service
. Each pleading filed after the complaint must contain a certificate of service
indicating that the pleading has been served on the opposing parties and the date that it was sent. A
pleading will be stricken if it does not contain this certificate of service. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 5.
I. Copies. This Court will not make copies of your complaint or pleadings unless you prepay the
required per page copying fee.
J. Form of Pleadings. Do not write letters to the Court. All pleadings and documents should be sent
to the Clerk of the Court, and not to a magistrate judge or a district judge.
K. No Evidence
. No evidence shall be sent to the Court for filing or storing.
A. Have you filed any other lawsuits in state or federal court dealing with the same or similar facts
involved in this action:
Yes ( ) No ( )
B. Have you filed other lawsuits in state or federal court relating to your imprisonment:
Yes ( ) No ( )
C. If your answer to questions A or B above is yes, describe each lawsuit in the space below. (If
there is more than one lawsuit, describe the additional lawsuits on another piece of paper, using this
same outline.)
1. Parties to this previous lawsuit:
2. Court (if federal court, name the district; if state court, name the county):
3. Docket Number:
4. Were you granted the opportunity to proceed without payment of filing fees?
Yes ( ) No ( )
5. Name of judge to whom the case was assigned:
6. If your case is no longer pending and has been dismissed, state the reason given by the
Court as to why your case was dismissed, i.e., frivolous, malicious, failed to state a claim,
defendants were immune, etc.
7. Approximate date of filing lawsuit:
8. Approximate date of ruling by court:
A. Place or institution where action complained of occurred:
B. Date it occurred:
C. Is there a prisoner grievance procedure in this institution?
D. Did you present the facts relating to your complaint in the state prisoner grievance procedure?
Yes ( ) No ( )
E. If your answer is YES:
1. What steps did you take?
2. What was the result?
F. If your answer is NO, explain why not:
G. Your claim (briefly explain your claim: what, when, where, who; do not cite cases; you may,
without leave of Court, add up to five (5) additional pages if necessary):
A. Plaintiff
(Your name/AIS):
Your present address:
B. Defendant(s):
1. Defendant (full name) is employed as at .
His/her present address is .
(a) Claim against this defendant:
(b) Supporting facts (Include date/location of incident):
2. Defendant (full name) is employed as
at .
His/her present address is .
(a) Claim against this defendant:
(b) Supporting facts (Include date/location of incident):
3. Defendant (full name) is employed as
His/her present address is
(a) Claim against this defendant:
(b) Supporting facts (Include date/location of incident):
C. Additional Defendants: (If there are additional defendants, you may list them on separate pages
using the same outline above).
IV. A. You must answer the following questions:
1. State the conviction(s) for which you are presently incarcerated:
2. When were you convicted?
3. What is the term of your sentence?
4. When did you start serving this sentence?
5. Do you have any other convictions which form the basis of a future sentence?
Yes ( ) No ( )
If so, complete the following:
(a) Date of conviction:
(b) Term of sentence:
6. What is your expected end of sentence (E.O.S.) date?
B. If this present lawsuit concerns your criminal conviction or sentence,
state whether your conviction has been:
Conviction Sentence
Reversed yes( ) no( ) yes( ) no( )
Expunged yes( ) no( ) yes( ) no( )
Invalidated yes( ) no( ) yes( ) no( )
Writ of habeas yes( ) no( ) yes( ) no( )
corpus granted
C. If you answered yes to any of the questions, state the Court or entity that relieved you from your
conviction or sentence and the date:
V. State briefly exactly what you want the Court to do for you if you win (make no legal argument,
cite no cases or statutes):
VI. AFFIRMATION. By my signature below, I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that the
facts set out in this complaint are true and correct.
Date (Signature of Plaintiff Under Penalty of Perjury)
Current Mailing Address
Telephone Number
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Prison Number
Place of Confinement
Action No.
(To be supplied by Clerk of U. S. District Court)
(Full name under which you were convicted)
(Name of Warden, Superintendent, Jailor, or authorized person having custody of petitioner)
Instructions - Read Carefully
(1) This petition must be legibly handwritten or typewritten, and signed by the petitioner under
penalty of perjury. Any false statement of a material fact may serve as the basis for prosecution and
conviction for perjury. All questions must be answered concisely in the proper space on the form.
(2) Additional pages are not permitted except with respect to the facts
which you rely upon to
support your grounds for relief. No citation of authorities need be furnished. If briefs or arguments
are submitted, they should be submitted in the form of a separate memorandum.
(3) Upon receipt of a fee of $5, your petition will be filed if it is in proper order.
(4) If you do not have the necessary filing fee, you may request permission to proceed in forma
pauperis, in which event you must complete the "Motion to Proceed Without Prepayment of Fees
and Costs" form mailed to you with this form, and have an authorized officer at the jail or prison
complete the attached financial statement. The completed forms must be returned to the federal
court clerk in Mobile.
(5) Only convictions entered by one court at the same time may be challenged in a single petition.
If you seek to challenge convictions entered by different courts in the same state or in different
states, you must file separate petitions as to each court.
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(6) Your attention is directed to the fact that you must include all grounds for relief and all facts
supporting such grounds for relief in the petition you file seeking relief from any judgment of
(7) When the petition is fully completed, the original and two copies must be mailed to the Clerk
of the United States District Court whose address is 113 Saint Joseph Street, Mobile, Alabama
(8) Petitions which do not conform to these instructions will be returned with a notation as to the
(9) You must immediately advise the Court of any change in your address, e.g., if you are released,
transferred, moved, etc. Failure to notify the Court of your new address will result in the dismissal
of this petition for failure to prosecute and to obey the Court's order.
1. Name and location of court which entered the judgment of conviction under attack: Circuit Court
of County, Alabama; Case Number ;
Judge . Other court, and case number, if not Circuit Court:
2. Date of judgment of conviction
3. Length of sentence
4. Nature of offense involved (all counts)
5. What was your plea? (Check one)
(a) Not guilty
(b) Guilty
(c) Nolo contendere
6. Kind of trial: (Check one)
(a) Jury
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(b) Judge only
7. Did you testify at the trial? Yes No
8. Did you appeal from the judgment of conviction? Yes No
9. If you did not appeal, explain briefly why you did not: _______________________________
10. If you did appeal, answer the following:
(a) Name of court
(b) Result
(c) Date of result
(d) Did you file a petition for rehearing?
Yes No ; if yes, what was the result?
When did the court rule on your petition?
(e) Did you file a petition for certiorari?
No ; if yes, what was the result?
When did the court rule on your petition?
11. Other than a direct appeal from the judgment of conviction and sentence, have you
previously filed any petitions (Rule 20, Rule 32, Error Coram Nobis, Habeas Corpus), applications,
or motions with respect to this judgment in any state court?
12. If your answer to 11. was "yes," give the following information:
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(a)(1) Name of court Date filed
(2) Nature of proceeding (Rule 32, Rule 20, etc.)
(3) Grounds raised
(4) Did you receive an evidentiary hearing on your petition, application, or motion?
Yes No
(5) Result
(6) Date of result
(b) As to any second petition, application or motion, give the same information:
(1) Name of court Date filed
(2) Nature of proceeding
(3) Grounds raised
(4) Did you receive an evidentiary hearing on your petition, application, or motion?
(5) Result
(6) Date of result
(c) As to any third petition, application or motion, give the same information:
(1) Name of court
Date filed
(2) Nature of proceeding
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(3) Grounds raised
(4) Did you receive an evidentiary hearing on your petition, application, or motion?
Yes No
(5) Result
(6) Date of result
(d) Did you appeal the result of action taken on any petition, application or motion to the
highest state court having jurisdiction?
(1) First petition, etc. Yes No
Date filed Result
Date of result
(2) Second petition, etc. Yes No
Date filed: Result:
Date of result
(3) Third petition, etc. Yes No
Date filed Result
Date of result
(e) If you did not appeal from the adverse action on any petition, application or motion,
explain briefly why you did not:
13. State concisely every ground on which you claim that you are being held unlawfully.
Summarize briefly the facts supporting each ground. If necessary, you may attach pages stating
additional grounds and facts
supporting same.
Caution: In order to proceed in the federal court, you must first exhaust your state court
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remedies as to each ground on which you request action by the federal court. Also, if you fail to set
forth all grounds in this petition, you may be barred from presenting additional grounds at a later
For your information, the following is a list of the most frequently raised grounds for relief
in habeas corpus proceedings. Each statement preceded by a letter constitutes a separate ground for
possible relief. You may raise any grounds which you may have other than those listed if you have
exhausted your state court remedies with respect to them. However, you should raise in this petition
all available grounds (relating to this conviction) on which you base your allegations that you are
being held in custody unlawfully.
Do not check any of these listed grounds. If you select one or more of these grounds for
relief, you must allege facts. The petition will be returned to you if you merely check (a) through
(j) or any one of these grounds.
(a) Conviction obtained by plea of guilty which was unlawfully induced or not made
voluntarily with understanding of the nature of the charge and the consequences of the plea.
(b) Conviction obtained by use of coerced confession.
(c) Conviction obtained by use of evidence gained pursuant to an unconstitutional search
and seizure.
(d) Conviction obtained by use of evidence obtained pursuant to an unlawful arrest.
(e) Conviction obtained by a violation of the privilege against self-incrimination.
(f) Conviction obtained by the unconstitutional failure of the prosecution to disclose to the
defendant evidence favorable to the defendant.
(g) Conviction obtained by a violation of the protection against double jeopardy.
(h) Conviction obtained by action of a grand or petit jury which was unconstitutionally
selected and impaneled.
(I) Denial of effective assistance of counsel.
(j) Denial of right of appeal.
A. Ground one:
1. Supporting FACTS (tell your story briefly without citing cases or law):
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2. Did you raise this claim before the state courts on:
Direct appeal: Yes No
Rule 20/32 Petition: Yes No
Error Coram Nobis: Yes No
State Habeas Corpus: Yes No
3. If you did not raise this claim before the state courts, tell why you did not:
B. Ground two:
1. Supporting FACTS (tell your story briefly without citing cases or law):
2. Did you raise this claim before the state courts on:
Direct appeal: Yes
Rule 20/32 Petition: Yes No
Error Coram Nobis: Yes No
State Habeas Corpus: Yes No
3. If you did not raise this claim before the state courts, tell why you did not:
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C. Ground three
1. Supporting FACTS (tell your story briefly without citing cases or law):
2. Did you raise this claim before the state courts on:
Direct appeal: Yes No
Rule 20/32 Petition: Yes No
Error Coram Nobis: Yes No
State Habeas Corpus: Yes No
3. If you did not raise this claim before the state courts, tell why you did not:
D. Ground four:
1. Supporting FACTS (tell your story briefly without citing cases or law):
2. Did you raise this claim before the state courts on:
Direct appeal: Yes No
Rule 20/32 Petition: Yes No
Error Coram Nobis: Yes No
State Habeas Corpus: Yes No
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3. If you did not raise this claim before the state courts, tell why you did not:
14. A. Have any of the grounds listed in this present habeas corpus petition ever been raised by
you in any other federal habeas corpus petition? Yes No . If yes, which
State the name and case number of your previous federal habeas corpus petition:
B. Have you previously filed a habeas corpus petition attacking this present conviction in
this or any other federal court? Yes No . If yes, state the name and case
number of your previous federal habeas corpus petition:
15. Do you have any petition or appeal now pending in any court, either state or federal, as to the
judgment under attack? Yes No . If yes, name the court:
and state the name and case number of the petition or appeal:
16. Give the name and address, if known, of each attorney who represented you in the following
stages of the judgment attacked herein:
(a) At preliminary hearing
(b) At arraignment and plea
(c) At trial
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(d) At sentencing
(e) On appeal
(f) In any post-conviction proceeding
(g) On appeal from any adverse ruling in a post-conviction proceeding
17. Were you sentenced on more than one count of an indictment, or on more than one indictment,
in the same court and at the same time? Yes No
18. Do you have any future sentence to serve after you complete the sentence imposed by the
judgment under attack? Yes No
(a) If so, give name and location of court which imposed sentence to be served in the future:
(b) And give date and length of sentence to be served in the future:
(c) Have you filed, or do you contemplate filing, any petition attacking the judgment which
imposed the sentence to be served in the future? Yes
19. TIMELINESS OF PETITION: This petition is subject to a one-year statute of limitations
contained in The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (“AEDPA”), 28 U.S.C. §
(1) A one-year period of limitation shall apply to an application for a writ of habeas
corpus by a person in custody pursuant to the judgment of a State court. The
limitation period shall run from the latest of –
(A) the date on which the judgment became final by the conclusion of direct
review or the expiration of the time for seeking such review;
(B) the date on which the impediment to filing an application created by State
action in violation of the Constitution or laws of the United States is removed,
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if the applicant was prevented from filing by such state action;
(C) the date on which the constitutional right asserted was initially recognized
by the Supreme Court, if the right has been newly recognized by the Supreme
Court and made retroactively applicable to cases on collateral review; or
(D) the date on which the factual predicate of the claim or claims presented
could have been discovered through the exercise of due diligence.
(2) The time during which a properly filed application for State post-conviction or
other collateral review with respect to the pertinent judgment or claim is pending shall
not be counted toward any period of limitation under this subsection.
If your judgment of conviction became final over one year ago, you must explain, in the space
provided below, why the one-year statute of limitations contained in 28 U.S.C. § 2244(d) does not
bar your petition.
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Wherefore, petitioner prays that the Court grant petitioner relief to which he may be entitled
in this proceeding.
Signature of Attorney (if any)
Typed or printed name of attorney (if any)
I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and
correct. Executed and delivered to custodial authorities for mailing on
Signature of Petitioner
Current mailing address
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AO 242 (12/11) Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2241
1. Who Should Use This Form. You should use this form if
you are a federal prisoner and you wish to challenge the way your sentence is being carried out (for
example, you claim that the Bureau of Prisons miscalculated your sentence or failed to properly award
good time credits);
you are in federal or state custody because of something other than a judgment of conviction (for
example, you are in pretrial detention or are awaiting extradition); or
you are alleging that you are illegally detained in immigration custody.
2. Who Should Not Use This Form. You should not use this form if
you are challenging the validity of a federal judgment of conviction and sentence (these challenges are
generally raised in a motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255);
you are challenging the validity of a state judgment of conviction and sentence (these challenges are
generally raised in a petition under 28 U.S.C. § 2254); or
you are challenging a final order of removal in an immigration case (these challenges are generally
raised in a petition for review directly with a United States Court of Appeals).
3. Preparing the Petition. The petition must be typed or neatly written, and you must sign and date it under
penalty of perjury. A false statement may lead to prosecution.
All questions must be answered clearly and concisely in the space on the form. If needed, you may attach
additional pages or file a memorandum in support of the petition. If you attach additional pages, number the
pages and identify which section of the petition is being continued. Note that some courts have page limitations.
All filings must be submitted on paper sized 8½ by 11 inches. Do not use the back of any page.
4. Supporting Documents. In addition to your petition, you must send to the court a copy of the decisions you are
challenging and a copy of any briefs or administrative remedy forms filed in your case.
5. Required Filing Fee. You must include the $5 filing fee required by 28 U.S.C. § 1914(a). If you are unable to
pay the filing fee, you must ask the court for permission to proceed in forma pauperis – that is, as a person who
cannot pay the filing fee – by submitting the documents that the court requires.
6. Submitting Documents to the Court. Mail your petition and
copies to the clerk of the United States
District Court for the district and division in which you are confined. For a list of districts and divisions, see 28
U.S.C. §§ 81-131. All copies must be identical to the original. Copies may be legibly handwritten.
If you want a file-stamped copy of the petition, you must enclose an additional copy of the petition and ask the
court to file-stamp it and return it to you.
7. Change of Address. You must immediately notify the court in writing of any change of address. If you do not,
the court may dismiss your case.
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for the
__________ District of __________
Case No.
(Supplied by Clerk of Court)
(name of warden or authorized person having custody of petitioner)
Personal Information
1. (a) Your full name:
(b) Other names you have used:
2. Place of confinement:
(a) Name of institution:
(b) Address:
(c) Your identification number:
3. Are you currently being held on orders by:
Federal authorities State authorities Other - explain:
4. Are you currently:
A pretrial detainee (waiting for trial on criminal charges)
Serving a sentence (incarceration, parole, probation, etc.) after having been convicted of a crime
If you are currently serving a sentence, provide:
(a) Name and location of court that sentenced you:
(b) Docket number of criminal case:
(c) Date of sentencing:
Being held on an immigration charge
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Decision or Action You Are Challenging
5. What are you challenging in this petition:
How your sentence is being carried out, calculated, or credited by prison or parole authorities (for example,
revocation or calculation of good time credits)
Pretrial detention
Immigration detention
The validity of your conviction or sentence as imposed (for example, sentence beyond the statutory
maximum or improperly calculated under the sentencing guidelines)
Disciplinary proceedings
6. Provide more information about the decision or action you are challenging:
(a) Name and location of the agency or court:
(b) Docket number, case number, or opinion number:
(c) Decision or action you are challenging
(for disciplinary proceedings, specify the penalties imposed):
(d) Date of the decision or action:
Your Earlier Challenges of the Decision or Action
7. First appeal
Did you appeal the decision, file a grievance, or seek an administrative remedy?
Yes No
(a) If “Yes,” provide:
(1) Name of the authority, agency, or court:
(2) Date of filing:
(3) Docket number, case number, or opinion number:
(4) Result:
(5) Date of result:
(6) Issues raised:
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(b) If you answered “No,” explain why you did not appeal:
8. Second appeal
After the first appeal, did you file a second appeal to a higher authority, agency, or court?
Yes No
(a) If “Yes,” provide:
(1) Name of the authority, agency, or court:
(2) Date of filing:
(3) Docket number, case number, or opinion number:
(4) Result:
(5) Date of result:
(6) Issues raised:
(b) If you answered “No,” explain why you did not file a second appeal:
9. Third appeal
After the second appeal, did you file a third appeal to a higher authority, agency, or court?
Yes No
(a) If “Yes,” provide:
(1) Name of the authority, agency, or court:
(2) Date of filing:
(3) Docket number, case number, or opinion number:
(4) Result:
(5) Date of result:
(6) Issues raised:
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(b) If you answered “No,” explain why you did not file a third appeal:
10. Motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255
In this petition, are you challenging the validity of your conviction or sentence as imposed?
Yes No
If “Yes,” answer the following:
(a) Have you already filed a motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 that challenged this conviction or sentence?
Yes No
If “Yes,” provide:
(1) Name of court:
(2) Case number:
(3) Date of filing:
(4) Result:
(5) Date of result:
(6) Issues raised:
(b) Have you ever filed a motion in a United States Court of Appeals under 28 U.S.C. § 2244(b)(3)(A),
seeking permission to file a second or successive Section 2255 motion to challenge this conviction or
Yes No
If “Yes,” provide:
(1) Name of court:
(2) Case number:
(3) Date of filing:
(4) Result:
(5) Date of result:
(6) Issues raised:
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(c) Explain why the remedy under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 is inadequate or ineffective to challenge your
conviction or sentence:
11. Appeals of immigration proceedings
Does this case concern immigration proceedings?
Yes No
If “Yes,” provide:
(a) Date you were taken into immigration custody:
(b) Date of the removal or reinstatement order:
(c) Did you file an appeal with the Board of Immigration Appeals?
Yes No
If “Yes,” provide:
(1) Date of filing:
(2) Case number:
(3) Result:
(4) Date of result:
(5) Issues raised:
(d) Did you appeal the decision to the United States Court of Appeals?
Yes No
If “Yes,” provide:
(1) Name of court:
(2) Date of filing:
(3) Case number:
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(4) Result:
(5) Date of result:
(6) Issues raised:
12. Other appeals
Other than the appeals you listed above, have you filed any other petition, application, or motion about the issues
raised in this petition?
Yes No
If “Yes,” provide:
(a) Kind of petition, motion, or application:
(b) Name of the authority, agency, or court:
(c) Date of filing:
(d) Docket number, case number, or opinion number:
(e) Result:
(f) Date of result:
(g) Issues raised:
Grounds for Your Challenge in This Petition
13. State every ground (reason) that supports your claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution,
laws, or treaties of the United States. Attach additional pages if you have more than four grounds. State the
facts supporting each ground.
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(a) Supporting facts (Be brief. Do not cite cases or law.):
(b) Did you present Ground One in all appeals that were available to you?
Yes No
(a) Supporting facts
(Be brief. Do not cite cases or law.):
(b) Did you present Ground Two in all appeals that were available to you?
Yes No
(a) Supporting facts
(Be brief. Do not cite cases or law.):
(b) Did you present Ground Three in all appeals that were available to you?
Yes No
AO 242 (12/11) Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2241
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(a) Supporting facts
(Be brief. Do not cite cases or law.):
(b) Did you present Ground Four in all appeals that were available to you?
Yes No
14. If there are any grounds that you did not present in all appeals that were available to you, explain why you did
Request for Relief
15. State exactly what you want the court to do:
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Declaration Under Penalty Of Perjury
If you are incarcerated, on what date did you place this petition in the prison mail system:
I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the petitioner, I have read this petition or had it read to me, and the
information in this petition is true and correct. I understand that a false statement of a material fact may serve as the basis
for prosecution for perjury.
Signature of Petitioner
Signature of Attorney or other authorized person, if any
Save As...
Page 1
Motion to Vacate, Set Aside, or Correct a Sentence
By a Person in Federal Custody
(Motion Under 28 U.S.C. § 2255)
1. To use this form, you must be a person who is serving a sentence under a judgment against you in a
federal court. You are asking for relief from the conviction or the sentence. This form is your motion
for relief.
2. You must file the form in the United States district court that entered the judgment that you are
challenging. If you want to challenge a federal judgment that imposed a sentence to be served in the
future, you should file the motion in the federal court that entered that judgment.
3. Make sure the form is typed or neatly written.
4. You must tell the truth and sign the form. If you make a false statement of a material fact, you may be
prosecuted for perjury.
5. Answer all the questions. You do not need to cite law. You may submit additional pages if necessary.
If you do not fill out the form properly, you will be asked to submit additional or correct information.
If you want to submit a brief or arguments, you must submit them in a separate memorandum.
6. If you cannot pay for the costs of this motion (such as costs for an attorney or transcripts), you may ask
to proceed in forma pauperis (as a poor person). To do that, you must complete this court’s Motion to
Proceed Without Prepayment of Fees, which can be requested from the Clerks Office. Also, you must
submit a certificate signed by an officer at the institution where you are confined showing the amount of
money that the institution is holding for you.
7. In this motion, you may challenge the judgment entered by only one court. If you want to challenge a
judgment entered by a different judge or division (either in the same district or in a different district),
you must file a separate motion.
8. When you have completed the form, send the original and two copies to the Clerk of the United States
District Court at this address:
United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama
Charles R. Diard, Jr., Clerk
113 St. Joseph Street, Mobile, Alabama, 36602
You must include in this motion all the grounds for relief from the conviction or
sentence that you challenge. And you must state the facts that support each ground. If you fail to
set forth all the grounds in this motion, you may be barred from presenting additional grounds at
a later date.
If you are under a sentence of death, you are entitled to the assistance of
counsel and should request the appointment of counsel.
AO 243
(Rev. 10/07)
AO 243 (Rev. 10/07)
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United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama
Name (under which you were convicted):
Docket or Case No.:
Place of Confinement:
Prisoner No.:
Movant (include name under which convicted)
(a) Name and location of court which entered the judgment of conviction you are challenging:
(b) Criminal docket or case number (if you know):
(a) Date of the judgment of conviction (if you know):
(b) Date of sentencing:
Length of sentence:
Nature of crime (all counts):
(a) What was your plea? (Check one)
(1) Not guilty
(2) Guilty
(3) Nolo contendere (no contest)
(b) If you entered a guilty plea to one count or indictment, and a not guilty plea to another count or
what did you plead guilty to and what did you plead not guilty to?
If you went to trial, what kind of trial did you have? (Check one)
Judge only
AO 243 (Rev. 10/07)
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Did you testify at a pretrial hearing, trial, or post-trial hearing?
Did you appeal from the judgment of conviction?
If you did appeal, answer the following:
(a) Name of court:
(b) Docket or case number (if you know):
(c) Result:
(d) Date of result (if you know):
(e) Citation to the case (if you know):
(f) Grounds raised:
(g) Did you file a petition for certiorari in the United States Supreme Court?
If “Yes,” answer the following:
(1) Docket or case number (if you know):
(2) Result:
(3) Date of result (if you know):
(4) Citation to the case (if you know):
(5) Grounds raised:
Other than the direct appeals listed above, have you previously filed any other motions, petitions, or
applications, concerning this judgment of conviction in any court?
If your answer to Question 10 was “Yes,” give the following information:
(1) Name of court:
(2) Docket or case number (if you know):
(3) Date of filing (if you know):
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Nature of the proceeding:
Grounds raised:
Did you receive a hearing where evidence was given on your motion, petition, or application?
Date of result (if you know):
If you filed any second motion, petition, or application, give the same information:
Name of court:
Docket of case number (if you know):
Date of filing (if you know):
Nature of the proceeding:
Grounds raised:
Did you receive a hearing where evidence was given on your motion, petition, or application?
Date of result (if you know):
Did you appeal to a federal appellate court having jurisdiction over the action taken on your motion, petition,
or application?
First petition:
Second petition:
AO 243 (Rev. 10/07)
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If you did not appeal from the action on any motion, petition, or application, explain briefly why you did not:
For this motion, state every ground on which you claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution,
laws, or treaties of the United States. Attach additional pages if you have more than four grounds. State the facts
supporting each ground.
Supporting facts (Do not argue or cite law. Just state the specific facts that support your claim.):
Direct Appeal of Ground One:
If you appealed from the judgment of conviction, did you raise this issue?
If you did not raise this issue in your direct appeal, explain why:
Post-Conviction Proceedings:
Did you raise this issue in any post-conviction motion, petition, or application?
If you answer to Question (c)(1) is “Yes,” state:
Type of motion or petition:
Name and location of the court where the motion or petition was filed:
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Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
Did you receive a hearing on your motion, petition, or application?
Did you appeal from the denial of your motion, petition, or application?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” did you raise the issue in the appeal?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” state:
Name and location of the court where the appeal was filed:
Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
If your answer to Question (c)(4) or Question (c)(5) is “No,” explain why you did not appeal or raise this
Supporting facts (Do not argue or cite law. Just state the specific facts that support your claim.):
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Direct Appeal of Ground Two:
If you appealed from the judgment of conviction, did you raise this issue?
If you did not raise this issue in your direct appeal, explain why:
Post-Conviction Proceedings:
Did you raise this issue in any post-conviction motion, petition, or application?
If you answer to Question (c)(1) is “Yes,” state:
Type of motion or petition:
Name and location of the court where the motion or petition was filed:
Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
Did you receive a hearing on your motion, petition, or application?
Did you appeal from the denial of your motion, petition, or application?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” did you raise the issue in the appeal?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” state:
Name and location of the court where the appeal was filed:
Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
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If your answer to Question (c)(4) or Question (c)(5) is “No,” explain why you did not appeal or raise this
Supporting facts (Do not argue or cite law. Just state the specific facts that support your claim.):
Direct Appeal of Ground Three:
If you appealed from the judgment of conviction, did you raise this issue?
If you did not raise this issue in your direct appeal, explain why:
Post-Conviction Proceedings:
Did you raise this issue in any post-conviction motion, petition, or application?
If you answer to Question (c)(1) is “Yes,” state:
Type of motion or petition:
Name and location of the court where the motion or petition was filed:
Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
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Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
Did you receive a hearing on your motion, petition, or application?
Did you appeal from the denial of your motion, petition, or application?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” did you raise the issue in the appeal?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” state:
Name and location of the court where the appeal was filed:
Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
If your answer to Question (c)(4) or Question (c)(5) is “No,” explain why you did not appeal or raise this
Supporting facts (Do not argue or cite law. Just state the specific facts that support your claim.):
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Direct Appeal of Ground Four:
If you appealed from the judgment of conviction, did you raise this issue?
If you did not raise this issue in your direct appeal, explain why:
Post-Conviction Proceedings:
Did you raise this issue in any post-conviction motion, petition, or application?
If you answer to Question (c)(1) is “Yes,” state:
Type of motion or petition:
Name and location of the court where the motion or petition was filed:
Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
Did you receive a hearing on your motion, petition, or application?
Did you appeal from the denial of your motion, petition, or application?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” did you raise the issue in the appeal?
If your answer to Question (c)(4) is “Yes,” state:
Name and location of the court where the appeal was filed:
Docket or case number (if you know):
Date of the court’s decision:
Result (attach a copy of the court’s opinion or order, if available):
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If your answer to Question (c)(4) or Question (c)(5) is “No,” explain why you did not appeal or raise this
Is there any ground in this motion that you have not previously presented in some federal court? If so, which
ground or grounds have not been presented, and state your reasons for not presenting them:
Do you have any motion, petition, or appeal now pending (filed and not decided yet) in any court for the judgment
you are challenging?
If “Yes,” state the name and location of the court, the docket or case number, the type of proceeding, and the
issues raised.
Give the name and address, if known, of each attorney who represented you in the following stages of the
judgment you are challenging:
At the preliminary hearing:
At the arraignment and plea:
At the trial:
At sentencing:
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On appeal:
In any post-conviction proceeding:
On appeal from any ruling against you in a post-conviction proceeding:
Were you sentenced on more than one court of an indictment, or on more than one indictment, in the same court
and at the same time?
Do you have any future sentence to serve after you complete the sentence for the judgment that you are
If so, give name and location of court that imposed the other sentence you will serve in the future:
Give the date the other sentence was imposed:
Give the length of the other sentence:
Have you filed, or do you plan to file, any motion, petition, or application that challenges the judgment or
sentence to be served in the future?
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TIMELINESS OF MOTION: If your judgment of conviction became final over one year ago, you must explain
why the one-year statute of limitations as contained in 28 U.S.C. § 2255 does not bar your motion.*
* The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (“AEDPA”) as contained in 28 U.S.C. § 2255,
paragraph 6, provides in part that:
A one-year period of limitation shall apply to a motion under this section. The limitation period shall run
from the latest of
the date on which the judgment of conviction became final;
the date on which the impediment to making a motion created by governmental action in violation of
the Constitution or laws of the United States is removed, if the movant was prevented from making such a
motion by such governmental action;
the date on which the right asserted was initially recognized by the Supreme Court, if that right has
been newly recognized by the Supreme Court and made retroactively applicable to cases on collateral
review; or
the date on which the facts supporting the claim or claims presented could have been discovered
through the exercise of due diligence.
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Therefore, movant asks that the Court grant the following relief:
or any other relief to which movant may be entitled.
Signature of Attorney (if any)
I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this Motion
under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 was placed in the prison mailing system on
(month, date, year)
Executed (signed) on
Signature of Movant
If the person signing is not movant, state relationship to movant and explain why movant is not signing this motion.
Save As...
Export as FDF
Retrieve FDF File
(To be supplied by Clerk of Court)
I, , a United States citizen, make this Motion to
Proceed Without Prepayment of Fees pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C. § 1915 in order to
proceed in forma pauperis in this action. I am unable to make prepayment of fees or to
give security therefor, and it is my belief that I am entitled to redress. I have not divested
myself of any property, monies or any items of value for the purpose of avoiding payment
of said fees.
Your address:
(City) (State) (Zip Code)
1. Single _______ Married _______ Separated _______ Divorced _______
2. If married, spouse's full name:
1. Number: _______
2. Relationship to dependent(s):
3. How much money do you contribute toward your dependents' support on
a monthly basis? $ _______________
Revised /1/
1. Name of employer:
a. Address of employer:
(City) (State) (Zip Code)
b. How long have you been employed by present employer?
Years: _______ Months _______
c. Income: Monthly $_______________ or Weekly $_______________
d. What is your job title?
2. If unemployed, date of last employment:
Amount of salary and wages received per month in last employment: $ ________
3. Is spouse employed? __________ If so, name of employer:
a. Income: Monthly $_______________ or Weekly $_______________
b. What is spouse's job title?
4. Are you and/or your spouse receiving welfare aid?
If so, amount: Monthly $_______________ or Weekly $_______________
1. Owner of real property (excluding ordinary household furnishings and clothing):
a. Description:
b. Full Address:
c. In whose name:
d. Estimated value - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $
e. Total amount owed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $
Owed to: $
f. Annual income from property - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $
2. Other assets/property, such as automobiles, boats, motor homes, court
judgments, etc. (If more than two, list information on back):
a. Asset (1) Asset (2)
Make & Model:
In whose name registered?
Present Value of Asset:
Amount owed:
Owed to:
b. Total cash in banks, savings and loan associations, prisoner accounts,
financial institutions, other repositories, or anywhere else - $
c. List monies received by you during the last twelve (12) months, or held for you
by banks, savings and loan associations, prisoner accounts, other financial
institutions, or other sources as indicated below:
Business, profession or other forms of self-employment - $
Rent payments, interest or dividends - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $
Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments - - - - - - - $
Gifts or inheritances - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $
Stocks, bonds or notes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $
Tax refunds, Veteran benefits or social security benefits $
Any other sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $
3. Obligations:
a. Monthly rental on house or apartment - - - - - - - - - - - - $
b. Monthly mortgage payments on house - - - - - - - - - - - - $
4. Other information pertinent to your financial debts and obligations:
(Creditor) (Total debt) (Monthly payment)
(Creditor) (Total debt) (Monthly payment)
(Creditor) (Total debt) (Monthly payment)
5. If you have indicated that you have minimal or no assets or income, please
explain how you provide for your basic living needs such as food, clothing and
shelter. (e.g. food stamps, family assistance or charitable contributions.)
Other (Explain): _________________________________________________________
I UNDERSTAND that any false statement(s) of a material fact contained herein
may serve as the basis of prosecution and conviction for perjury or making false
statements. FURTHER, I CERTIFY that all questions contained herein have been
answered and are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A financial statement containing all transactions in your prisoner account for the
six (6) months immediately preceding the filing of the Complaint must
accompany this Motion. The financial statement must be in the form of a
computer printout or bank ledger card prepared by the institution; a notarized
financial statement that you prepare; or a financial statement prepared by an
authorized officer of the institution. Failure to provide this financial statement
information may result in the dismissal of this action.
The requirement to submit the financial statement addressed above does not
negate your responsibility to ensure that the Certificate found below is also
properly executed and filed.
I hereby authorize the agency having custody of me to collect from my prison account
and forward to the Clerk of the United States District Court payments in accordance with 28
U.S.C. § 1915(b)(2). I understand that even if I am allowed to proceed in forma pauperis or pay
a partial filing fee and even if my case is later dismissed for any reason, I am obligated to pay to
the Clerk of the Court the full amount of the filing fee $350.00 if your IFP application is granted,
or $400.00 if your IFP application is denied for a civil action, $5.00 for a habeas corpus petition,
or $505.00 for an appeal.
____________________ _______________________________________________
(To be completed by the institution of incarceration)
I certify that the applicant named herein has the sum of $__________ on account to
his/her credit at _________________________ (name of institution). I further certify that during
the past six months the applicant's average monthly balance was $__________. I further certify
that during the past six months the average of monthly deposits to the applicant's account was
$__________. (Please attach a certified copy of the applicant's
account statement showing transactions for the past six months.)
____________________ _______________________________________________
, *
v. Civil Action No.
You are hereby commanded forthwith to summon
as Garnishee in the above-styled cause to appear within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this
process, before the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama, at Mobile,
Alabama, and file a written answer, upon oath:
(1) as to whether you are or were indebted to the defendant at the time you received this
process, or when you make your answer, or during the intervening time, and in what
sum or sums;
(2) whether you will be indebted to him in the future by existing contract or
(3) whether by existing contract you are liable to him for the delivery of personal property
or for the payment of money which may be discharged by the delivery of personal
property or which may be payable in personal property; and
(4) whether you have or not in your possession or under your control real or personal
property or things in action belonging to the said defendant.
Mailing the notarized answer to the Clerk of the Court constitutes making a proper appearance in the
The United States Marshal, or other authorized officer, is hereby commanded to serve a copy
of the above Writ of Garnishment on the above-named Garnishee, and make return of this Writ and the
execution thereof, according to law.
Issued this the day of , 20 .
Deputy Clerk
, *
v. Civil Action No.
You will please take notice that garnishment was issued in the above-entitled cause against
on the day of , ,
returnable to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama, at Mobile, Alabama,
within thirty (30) days from date of service of process on said Garnishee.
Dated this day of , 20 .
Deputy Clerk
, *
v. Civil Action No.
Now, on this day comes , Garnishee in the above-
styled action, and for answer to the writ of Garnishment served upon
on the day of , 20 , upon oath, says that IS / IS NOT
indebted to the above-named Defendant at the time of service of the writ of Garnishment in the above-
stated cause, or at the time of making answer hereto; and that WILL / WILL NOT be
indebted in the future to the said Defendant by a contract then existing, or at the time of this process;
and that HAS / HAS NOT in
possession, or under control, personal or real property, or things in action belonging
to the said Defendant.
Other (Explain)
And Garnishee having fully answered, prays to be discharged WITH / WITH OUT reasonable
costs in this behalf expended.
Garnishee or Agent (Signature)
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20 .
Notary Public
1. AMOUNT GARNISHED: The principal amount, rate of interest, starting date of interest, and costs
are set out in the Writ of Garnishment or Affidavit served upon you. The amount garnished
consists of all of these.
2. AMOUNT WITHHELD: Under Federal law, 15 U.S.C. §1673(a), you should withhold each pay
(a) 25% of disposable earnings each week, or
(b) the amount by which disposable earnings for the week exceed thirty times the
Federal minimum hourly wage,
whichever is less.
3. DISPOSABLE EARNINGS means that part of earnings remaining after deduction of any amount
required by law to be withheld (such as, amount of deductions for social security taxes and
withholding taxes, but not court-ordered alimony and child support payments which must be
included in “disposable earnings”). 15 U.S.C. §1672(b); First National Bank v. Hasty, 415
S.Supp 170 (E.D. Mich, 1976), affirmed 573 F.2d 1310 (6th Cir. 1977).
4. DISBURSEMENT OF WITHHELD AMOUNTS: Section 6-10-7, Code of Alabama 1975, provides:
“The garnishee shall retain...the wages,...as is necessary to accumulate a sum equal to the
amount shown as due by the Court on the writ or levy, at which time the garnishee shall pay
same into the Court.”
Mail remittances to: Charles R. Diard, Jr., Clerk
United States District Court
113 St. Joseph Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Your check or money order should be made payable to the “Clerk of the U.S. District Court.”
Indicate on each remittance the name of the case and the Civil Action Number, so that proper
credit will be given for the remittance.
5. NOTE: If you fail to respond to the summons within thirty (30) days, a judgment may be entered
against you for the amount of the claim. 1975 Code of Ala., §§6-6-393 and 457, Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure, Rule 69.
Questions: Call this office: (334) 690-2371
A process of garnishment has been delivered to you. This means that a court may order your
wages, money in a bank, sums owed to you, or other property belonging to you, to be paid into court to
satisfy a judgment against you.
Laws of the State of Alabama and of the United States provide that in some circumstances certain
money and property may not be taken to pay certain types of court judgments, because certain money or
property may be “exempt” from garnishment. For example, under state law, in some circumstances, up
to $3,000.00 in wages, personal property, including money, bank accounts, automobiles, appliances, etc.,
may be exempt from process of garnishment. Similarly, under federal law, certain benefits and certain
welfare payments may be exempt from garnishment.
Whether you will be entitled to claim any exemption from the process of garnishment, and if so,
what property may be exempt, will be determined by the facts in your particular case. If you are
uncertain as to your possible exemption rights, you should consult a lawyer for advice.
To claim any exemption that may be available to you, you must prepare a “Claim of
Exemption” form listing on it all your wages and personal property, have the claim of exemption
notarized and file it in the Clerk’s Office. Also, it is your responsibility to mail or deliver a copy
of the claim to the plaintiff who has a judgment against you. You must indicate on the claim that
you file in the Clerk’s Office whether you mailed or delivered the copy to the plaintiff and the
date on which you mailed or delivered it. The clerk cannot give you legal advice. If you need
assistance you should see a lawyer.
If you file a Claim of Exemption, the Plaintiff will have approximately ten (10) days to file a
“contest” of your claim. If a contest is filed, a court hearing will be scheduled and you will be notified of
the time and place of the hearing. If the Plaintiff does not file a contest, the property claimed by you as
exempt will be released from the garnishment.
If you do not file a Claim of Exemption, your property may be turned over to the court and paid
to the Plaintiff on the judgment against you.
Charles R. Diard, Jr., Clerk of Court